Ch 25 Day 69-70 R-18

- Day 69 -



Need I say much about what happened today... I live a hedonistic lifestyle and have a harem that includes Goddesses, who like to make strange requests. Like a 24 hour orgy, simply because of what day it was. And that was after the many rounds we went when I returned with Aila.

Though, to be fair, it is pretty fun fucking Lucrecia's throat. She is sex appeal incarnate after all.

Plus, it's raining outside... There's little else to do but fuck and train, I hardly need to do the latter, so of course I chose the orgy option.

Yup, just whole lot of fucking. I didn't stop and neither did the girls. The only breaks were for those that needed to eat, or to swap places to take care of of Sara.

We started at midnight and finished at midnight, a full day of fucking. Besides that, nothing else happened.

- Day 70 -

Today, I woke up with a smile that didn't go unnoticed by the others. No, not because of the previous day of sex, as pleasurable as it was. It's because I knew today was the day Kanata would have received a request for his services from the Elves.

Using the [Observation Haki] skill I got from fucking Aila the other day, I could already feel that the humans were slowly making their way through the forest.

Now, I can imagine what many would be thinking. '"I bet he's excited to fuck the new human women."' And while I would like to fuck them, that's not the reason for my excitement, my sights are set further into the future.

Specifically, I want the [Synthesis] skill from that Chimera. Like, REALLY want it! The ability to fuse my skills could lead to some interesting abilities, the kind that will make me god-like, the kind pitiful humans can only enviously dream of.

... And hopefully something that helps keep my mind from being read. Lucrecia and her sisters are currently looking at me with smug expressions, clearly eavesdropping on my internal monologuing and finding them amusing for whatever reason.


"Hahahaha!!!" The four of them just laughed at me... Some day, I swear I'm gonna break them.

Anyways, ignoring them as they started biting their lips with thirsty expressions, I decided to take a walk around the forest to clear my head. As well as leave blood clones around for surveillance.

As I wandered around, I ate a Hind Bear I came across while contemplate something that had been bothering me.

My Demon Rings can produce equipment with abilities that I don't possess myself, like how Yamato can cut through space with ease. I mean, sure, I can tear open space to achieve similar effects, but that's amateurish in comparison.

So the question is, can I get those same abilities by eating my rings? Well, there's only one real solution...


I pulled off the ring for Gilgamesh and chomped it. It had a strange taste, but was similar to blood, which I kind of like now. It wasn't until I swallowed, that I finally got the awaited notification telling me I got the skills [Organic Conversion] and [Power Storage].

Woohoo! I was right!... I just hope it still regenerates, and that eating it doesn't stop that. I'll have to wait and see before eating my more important rings.

Until then, I can still play around with my new skills. Lifting the remaining half of the bear I was eating and using the [Organic Conversion], the biomass was almost instantaneously absorbed into my own body and converted into raw energy.

Feeling the drop of Vital Energy rolling around inside my body, I was underwhelmed by the amount and conversion efficiency, but at the very least it will be an extra energy pool once I've absorbed enough organic materials. Or, as with my first use of Gilgamesh, I can use my own body and constantly regen.

On that note, I began converting my own blood into power, which offered way more energy and started to rapidly collect inside me.

As it built up, I experimented a bit and found that this energy had properties similar to [Kaio-ken], in that I can use it to amplify my physical abilities. Similarly, the colour of the energy is red in colour.

The energy's effect wasn't as good as the multiplier, but unlike [Kaio-ken], I can use the energy outside of my body and shoot energy blasts. Like with my Demonic Energy, but with no corruption.

Focusing more on the [Power Storage] skill, it felt like I gained a new, metaphysical organ, that was holding the new energy.

Now, there is potential in this skill. If I can just infinitely store energy, then I will have a huge back up if by some miracle I used all my energy. So far, there is no limit and thanks to my blood being a literal elixir, the vital energy had already approached the levels of my Demonic Energy.

Curious about the extent of the ability to store power, I decided to guide some Demonic Energy into the storage. It quickly began absorbing the new energy as easily as the last and I just kept pouring it in, even including Mana considering I had no reason not to.

I'm only really moving my power from one place to another, there isn't even a conversion rate, it's 1 to 1 and I can store vast amounts at a time.

Hell, by repeatedly emptying my natural reserves, I'm causing them to passively grow. This skill only has upsides, so even if my ring doesn't regen, it will have been worth it. I much prefer my swords over armour anyways.

Continuing my walk, it was about an hour later that I saw the first sign of my ring's regeneration. Curious whether I could expedite the process, I tried pushing some Demonic Energy into it, like when trying to activate it.

In a speed visible even to a human, the metal grew and formed back into the ring I was used to.

With a please grin, I tore off Force Edge and ate it. Weirdly, the only skill I got was was something I consider both a benefit and not. [Seal]...

It's basic function was to simply seal my power... Fortunately, all my skills are under my control, so I can turn off my weaknesses with a thought.

I consider it a benefit, in that I can now troll the fuck out of people by letting them think they have a chance... And then move into my second phase! Hah! I can already imagine the looks of despair on their miserable faces.

But other than that, it was a fairly useless skill... Unless I use it for an enchantment I guess, though I can't imagine actually needing to.

Like before, I tried to push my Demonic Energy into the ring, however it seems that without the beginning signs of reformation it's impossible. I know it's going to reform though, so I didn't wait before moving on to the one I expected to give the best attacking power.


I ate Yamato and to my pleasure I received, [Extreme Sharpness] and [Separate].

The first seems obvious, if I pick up a weapon, it's as sharp as Yamato in my hands. Speaking of which, my hands themselves are lethal blades that can cut through space, my whole body can in fact.

[Separate] on the other hand... I can only assume this refers to the Yamato's intended purpose of separating man and demon. Like how Vergil split into his human half, V and the demon Urizen.

Not sure when I'll put it to use, but it might have more than just that, as it could possibly split far more. I just don't feel like trying to figure it out right now.

Moving on, I ate Rebellion and bam, I've got [Immense Durability] and [Unify]. It's not even fair anymore, no one will even be able to scratch me. I'm the ultimate weapon.

As for [Unify], it let's me merge two existences, their essence, into one. Thinking about it, isn't [Synthesis] technically the unification of two or more skills... I might have had the skill I've wanted for a month now and didn't even know... Oh well, there's only one way to know for sure.

Doing a quick run through my skills, I looked at those that I never use and don't care if something bad happens to them, then decided on a possible combination. 'Unify [Steel Skin] + [Scale Armour Formation]' Was all I had to think and then came the Notification.

[[Steel Skin] + [Scale Armour Formation] = [Steel Scale Armour Formation]]

[Copies of the combined skills have been extracted from [Power Storage]]


I had the skill all this time!!

And how the hell does [Power Storage] hold skills!?!?

Taking a breath, I slashed my hand through the air, clawing open space in a similar fashion to Yamato. "I'm going to my quiet place before I blow up the forest..." I said to myself as the portal formed and then stepped through.

- One Hour Later -

One of the best parts about having my own space inaccessible to most, I can throw attacks without killing everything. Even maxing out [Kaio-ken] is perfectly safe, so I've decided where I'm going if I want to "train".

After venting my frustration, I sat on a chair made of energy and looked at my rings. I have no idea why, but Force Edge was no longer Force edge...

Instead of the normal iron ring with a skull, a large majority was covered in black flesh and a bone spine. The skull now has two pointy horns, its mouth had opened and was holding a big red jewel inside, while the eyes held smaller green ones.

[Sparda - Edge - Type: Broadsword, Spear, Scythe. Description: The sword of the Devil, a representation of his power and the key to his homeland. It is the perfect weapon for those with Demon blood in their veins. Devil Trigger - Available.]

After reading the description, I didn't hesitate to eat it and get the following skills. [Empower], [Organic Weapon] and [Hell Gate].

The first let's me bestow power and skills upon someone, or something, the second let's me shift parts of my body into different weapons as if I have the Blacklight Virus, while the third opens a gate to hell. It's all pretty much in the names, I didn't even need to use [Analysis].

I still don't understand what caused the seal to break, but I ain't gonna complain.

Anyways, it's about time I returned and prepped my units for tonight's attack. I opened a portal and hopped through, appearing at the base entrance. "*Whistle* Aila! Lycaon! Come here, now!" Where I summoned my two generals. In three seconds, Aila appeared with a gust of wind, after seven, Lycaon arrived. "You'll both be leading your groups out tonight to have some fun, get ready."

I didn't feel any need to address them further and started making my way inside. Aila grumbled in annoyance at being bossed around and began stomping off, but she was actually quite excited for the coming hunt. Lycaon didn't say a word and bowed his head, waiting until I had entered the base before immediately dashing off to prepare the pack.

(R-18 ahead)

As I entered into the lounge area, I was surprised with the sight of Kanami sitting there, smiling sadistically with flushed cheeks, her chest rising and falling from excited breaths. The surprise was that Mai is half naked and lying over her legs, red marks on her porcelain rear.

Seated around, the other girls watched with either arousal or amusement. Except for the other Elves, who were still appalled by the unexpected lewdness of the beloved Shrine Maiden and couldn't look at her in such a state... Without becoming aroused themselves.

*Slap!* Firmly landing her palm on the elven girls butt, making her cry out in pain and pleasure. "You little bitch!" Kanami spat distainfully as she delivered another strike. "Tell me, what are you!?" She demanded.

"Aahhh~ No~ I can't say it~!!!" Mai cried embarrassedly, her drooling pussy for everyone to see, while her expression was warped with pleasure.

*Slap!* "Enough!" Kanami shouted in an angry tone, then moved her mouth to the girls ear and demanded. "Tell me what you are, right now, or you will be in big trouble!"

"AHHNN!!!" With euphoric and slutty cry, Mai held her face with both hands as she squirted a powerful stream of love juice all over the floor. While she basked in the pain and pleasure, she joyfully exclaimed what she was. "I'm a slutty little elf who loves getting spanked by Mistress!"

She's a real masochist.

I saw Kanami momentarily smile with sadistic glee, before shifting to utter rage as she delivered yet another brutal smack. *Slap!* "Wrong!" She snarled while baring sparkling white fangs.

*Slap!* She made good on her threat of there being "trouble" and started spanking the delighted elf, who cried out "protests" against the treatment.

While she dished out the "punishment", her eyes flickered towards me and I could see the arousal swirling inside them. She bit her bottom lip with a hungry stare, to which I smiled with devilish amusement, before nodding my head at her for her to continue.

Excited by my encouragement, she smiled brightly and focused on her victim, powering up her strikes and carelessly letting her blade-like nails scratch the girls cheeks.

After a few strikes, Mai's soft behind was raw and covered in whip-like lashes, treacles of blood leaking out of the scratches. Drowning in a mix of pleasure and pain, she had tears flowing from her cloudy eyes, while her tongue was lolling out of her mouth as she dropped.

As the scent of High-Elvin blood was introduced into the air, my lovely vampire started to pant breathlessly, no doubt hungering for a taste.

*SLAP!!* With a harsher, more resounding slap, she suddenly stopped the spanking, but didn't hurry to remove her hand from her victims ass. "You better have learned your lesson." Kanami said dominatingly, meanwhile her hand was effectively molesting the defenceless buttocks. "Tell me what you are." She once more demanded.

"Wuu~u!" Like a bitch in heat, Mai let out cry/howl and then answered. "Haa-ahn! I'm a stupid, slutty elf that like pain! I'm a disgraceful Shrine Maiden who likes having her ass spanked! My life and body are nothing but toys for Mistress and Master to play with!!"

"That's a good girl~!" My sexy Vampire Queen purred with a pleased smile, still groping her toy's soft behind, spreading her cheeks and stretching the twitching holes between. "Mmm~" Licking her lips, Mi couldn't resist her thirst and brought her blood covered hand up to her mouth.

Extending her tongue out and licking up the blood, she amusedly watched as Mai's bubble butt wobbled side to side as she wiggled. Her tongue lewdly ran across her hand, wrapping around her fingers, replacing blood with saliva.

While staring at me with lustful desire, she started to suck on her middle and ring fingers, simultaneously thrusting them between her luscious lips while twirling her tongue around them. To be precise, she was staring at the throbbing bulge in my pants.

Damn I want to fuck her face...

Continuing to watch Mi clean her hand, it was only when she was sure that it was thoroughly lubed that she stopped.

Slowly pulling her fingers out of her mouth while sucking, making a popping sound as she removed them and looked down at Mai's twitching asshole while licking her lips. "Tasty~" She commented, her thirst temporarily quenched. "As a treat for being such a tasty little Elf-slut, I'll give your favou~rite hole some attention..."

Without giving any other kind of warning, Mi suddenly stuck the same two fingers directly into Mai's puckered anus. She didn't waste a second as she thrust her fingers in and out of the Elf's ass.

"AAAHHHHNN!!! YES, MISTRESS! YES!" Mai squealed out in joy, her face the epitome of pleasure. "MY NAUGHTY ASS-PUSSY NEEDS TO BE PUNISHED!!"

Disregarding all thoughts about her audience, Mai freely expressed her anal loving, masochistic desires.

"That's right," Mi said with a sneer, then grabbed Mai by the throat with her free hand. "You need to be put in your place, don't you? You're so loose, I'd believe you had been used by hundred of filthy men if Darlings dick weren't so big. What kind of toy gets worn out after only a few uses? You ungrateful bitch!"

With a stupid smile on her face, Mai's body shook with ecstacy. She didn't care that her behaviour was unbecoming of her position as a Shrine Maiden, knowing that her own people were watching as she made a fool out of herself. If anything, having them sitting around her and watching made her more aroused.

Whether the expressions they were looking at her with were of shock or disgust didn't matter, just knowing that she was being disgraced in front of them made her body tingle.

As for her fellow Elves, the seven that had arrived before her were all shocked at how much of a slut their revered "Maiden" was. But at the same time, they were turned on.

They had experienced untold pleasures whilst living here. They understood the joys of surrendering themselves to their desires, and rough play was something they all enjoyed, so they mostly wished they were in her place.

As for her cousin, Elui, although she too had come to understand the pleasures of sex, she was still in denial. She could hardly believe her own eyes, seeing a fellow High Elf acting so unbecomingly.

That she had acted in a similar manner when she attends her night sevices hadn't crossed her mind. Another example of her denial, including the fact that she loves having her pussy pounded by a big, veiny cock. Preferring to justify her actions as a "protection payment".

That would have to change soon or she will find out what the life of a real whore is like. The only reason I'm giving her any "care" at all is because she is Shaua's mother, otherwise I'd be bored of her.

She has a pretty weak Will in my opinion. I could break her whenever I want, like a Kit-Kat bar... I don't know why that was the comparison in my mind, but whatever.

Anyways, at this point, Kanami had moved on to full-on fisting Mai in her ass, a smile of delight on both their faces. One sadistic, while the other, well... you get it...

The whole time, Mi was berating Mai with demeaning insults, making her squeal out apologies for her "faults". That is, when she isn't gasping for air with her tongue hanging out.

I was beginning to reach the limit of my patience, unconsciously preparing to pounce. It didn't go unnoticed by Kanami however, and with her supernatural speed, she removed her arm from Mai's ass, moved her to the side and ran over to me.

Pressing her body against mine, it was less than a second before she was both sticking her tongue in my mouth and stroking my cock with her hand that was inside Mai.

I grabbed hold of Mi's ass and actively participated in kissing her. Quite frankly, I was ready to rip her dress off and pound her drooling pussy.

But... Before things got good, she pulled away and moved close to my ear, whispering to me what she wanted to do next.

Before I could even express my approval of her plan, she sped over to Mai and then came back while holding her. Pointing Mai's ass towards my dick, she smirked at the poor, disorientated Elf.

With Mai's head resting on her chest, Mi looked into her hazy eyes with a clear sense of superiority. "You're such a pathetic whore that you didn't even realise your Master was here this entire time... Now you need to be punished again." She said wistfully, as if disappointed by her behaviour, then dropped the girl down and penetrated her ass on to my dick.

Being pierced by my cock was, of course, not a punishment... As Mai demonstrated by squirting all over Kanami while squealing in joy.

Looking down at her soaked dress, the corner of Mi's eye twitched in annoyance and a cold aura radiated from her. "..." She didn't appreciate being covered in pussy juice and she showed it in the next moment, when she hissed and lunged for the vulnerable Elf's neck with her elongated fangs.

There was a cacophony of gasps and cries from the others, but they were quickly drowned out by the Elven snack.

"AAAAHHHHHHH!!!!" Mai screamed as the Vampiress sank her fangs into her delicate neck, while also digging her claws into her thighs. She had tears falling from her wide open eyes, but even through her screams, her euphoric smile never disappeared. Slowly, her screams died out, replaced by raspy moaning.

"Well, you've done it now, Mai..." I whispered into her ear and then reshaped my dick, making it bigger, adding bumps and ridges. Pulling out to the tip, I paused and nibbled on her ear, then continued. "Not only were you ignoring your punishment, getting yourself off like a masochistic whore. But you even dirtied your Mistress... You've been a very bad girl~"

A delirious smile was all I got for a reply, so I decided to just started piston fucking her sloppy ass with my monster dick, creating a symphony of flesh slapping and squelching.

Mi assisted in the ass breaking, using her grip on Mai to bounce her on my cock like a toy.

A warm up before the slaughter won't hurt.


By the time Mi and I were done with Mai, she was a passed out, drooling mess. Her gaping holes filled to the brim cum, while it spilled out on to her already covered body.

After I had a round with everyone else, I cleaned everything and got dressed. "Well, that was fun. Not what I came to do, but fun nonetheless." I said, while looking at the bodies strewn across the room, satisfied smiles covering their faces. "I was going to invite you for a hunt, but if you're not in the mood-"

"Battle!?" Excitedly shouted Eris, interrupting and pouncing on me with a battle hungry grin. The silver haired berserker hasn't had a good battle yet, so I'm not surprised.

Grabbing her by her hips, I gave her a grin of my own. "Yup. The humans have finally made their way into the forest, so I'm gonna go mess them up." Excited by this, she smashed her lips against mine and then shot into the armoury.

"I'm coming too!" Was the announcement I got from a few of the girls, like Rumi, Basdia, Satou and Shion, as they jumped up and rushed to go get geared up as well.

Their enthusiasm brought a round of laughter out of the other girls, with a few exceptions. Mainly among some of the Human girls, who still had reservations about their own kind being mercilessly slaughtered.

"That daughter of mine..." Sighed Zadiris, standing and putting her dress on, then picking up the clothes of Basdia and the others. Looking at me with a mock glare, she grumbled. "Thanks to you and that dick of yours, she can't even remember to put her clothes on."

"Should I be fucking you harder so you can join her then?" I asked while looking down and smirking at her, prompting her to harden her 'glare'. It was making me feel up to another round, but I'll get her later. Seeing her lick her lips and her eyes flicker down to my crotch, she knew what she was doing.

This was further emphasized by the fact she turned while swishing her hair with an attitude and sauntering away with swaying hips.

While she walked away, she didn't see the feral grin on my face, my jaw tightly clenched and eyes glowing. My right eye in particular, flashing a myriad of colours.

Needless to say, but she going to get it when we get back...

My reaction may not have been seen by Zadiris, but the others could sure see it and couldn't resist giggling to themselves.

I couldn't say for certain, without outright reading their minds, but I have the feeling they're laughing at me...

Turning my gaze on them, they suddenly stopped, but maintained looks of smug amusement.

When did they all get so brave?...

It seems like I need to be rougher in my disciplinary measure.

Slowly releasing an ominous aura, I used some telekinesis to pull their hair and force them on to their back. "Y'know, you should be more careful... You're being awfully brazen for a bunch of fuck toy's ready for breeding." I said slowly, while I leered at their bodies and saw their pupils tighten with excitement.

Many of their faces bloomed into smiles, both overjoyed at the thought of getting impregnated by the one they love, and excited to finally be on the same footing. A few of them had their heads almost steaming from embarrassment, which is bizarre considering some of the shit I've done with them...

Even Spinel had notes of embarrassment in her expression as she held her stomach, and she's already given birth... Plus, there's Emery, who is a couple days pregnant at this point.

Spreading her legs wide and grabbing her ankles, it was unsurprisingly Aurelia, who put herself in position for a mating press. "Come then, Darling! Don't make threats! Use my pussy and let's make some pups!" She said with a healthy blush across her face and a thirsty expressions.

I was back to full-mast, but the show got even better when Lucrecia broke out of my telekinesis and jumped on top of her sister, their pussy's smushed together. "Not on my domain, Sister~" She smirked down at her and wiggled her bottom. "I can tolerate the mortals providing for my Beloved, but I will be carrying his child before any of you. My dear sisters~"

She gave each of her present sisters a sharp look, daring them to say otherwise. Bellemere giggled at her sister's possessiveness and Rory just gave a pretend shiver of fright, then rolled onto her side for a nap.

As for Aurelia, she just released sultry moans as Lucrecia rubbed against her clit.

The bitch sure is easy to put in her place, huh...

Following their battle, the mortals previously mentioned also devolved into a small competition about who should go next. I just shook my head and suppressed my libido.

I still want to go hunting and unlike Kanata, I don't need to use the night to ensure the destruction of the enemy.

Besides, there was still one person who didn't seem wholly excited to be a mother again. My very own, Serana. Knowing her, she is probably disgruntled by the idea of having her son's child, but she'll get over it when she starts feeling jealous of the others if I had to guess.

Removing themselves from the discussion, Kanami, Seiko, the three Demon Spirits; Trish, Levia and Lucia, along with my daughter's, all began dressing themselves and then came over to my side.

We walked outside together, to where the others were waiting, then I turned to my people and called!

"Let's go for a hunt!"


There was a sudden uproar of excitement, roaring and howling in anticipation of putting their strength to the test against new opponents.

Ones they have no need to hold back against...