Were on the bus and leaving its nine: thirty. I'm sitting on the far end of the seat beside Unknown. Unknown and Unknown are sitting across from me. All three teachers came on the trip. Mr. U, Mr. U, and Mr. U. They all sit in front of me. Unknown + Unknown + Unknown. didn't come on the trip. More updates soon.
So I'm home now. I didn't really get to write. So I'll write know.
When we got there we went into the rock center building. We were like a few minutes late but it was okay. Then after we watched an owl and beaver go in an adventure we went into another room. All through the second room we were getting wet. Either with mist, blast of small amounts of water, or water just shutting up from the pool around us. We were also standing on a board that moved and it was dark. Very dark. Unknown and Unknown were scared, (though Unknown wouldn't admit it.) There were sounds and lights to go with it all.
Next we went down to where we could see the falls.
I'm just going to skip all of that and go to the juicy and most favorite part of the trip. Me and Unknown Last Name! I know right! I have to laugh at that to. We were on a huge boat called no idea. Something to do with Mist and/or Fury. It's really a big huge waterfall that has a boat go through it. Yeah. Anyways. On the boat I wore a poncho over my pants + t-shirt. Plus, my bag. My pants and hair got wet but it was worth it. I actually took something into my own hands instead of being a chicken shit. Yeah, tell me about it! I held his hand! Yeah, I know! Kill me already!
Now I'm seriously dead. I just asked him to hangout Saturday. He said no. Then asked for Sunday. Damn! Wonder if he still likes me.
Blue yes and darkish hair. A body that's athletic and yet there's not a lot of muscle.
When we were holding hands, his were like my heater. It almost reminded me of a book and two characters in it. Kelsey and Ren (tiger's curse.)
Not to mention he didn't move when I put my head on his shoulder. It was almost like a pillow. So comfy. I just wanted to keep it there all day long. My last thought on the boat was "I wish it didn't have to end." For like half the ride back I held his hand. And whenever I squeezed his hand he squeezed mine back, (almost instantly.)
Not to mention it but he might be going to a different high school then me. Cathedral or something like that. He might be going to one of the others.
Now I'm getting way off topic.