Chapter 6: Nice to meet you, 3110

I got the news about my mother. I know that I have many faces but, I know something hurts in my heart when I heard about it. So, I told my father that I will be there immediately.

When I got home, I run towards the house and saw my mother in her bed. I approach her and ask what happened. Then my father also comes in. "Good, your here. She has been calling your name for a few days and I don't know what to do so I called you." "Thank you father, I appreciate it." "Anyway after you finish there, let's talk in my room." I nodded and he left.

After I help my mother, I go to my father's study. "I am here father" "come in," he said. I go inside and he looks at me, "how is the son of the governor, did you already get near them?" he asked. "Yes father, I already got too near to governor's son and he asks me to date him. So, a little persuading will make him go crazy over me and invite me to his home." After my father hearing that, he laughs evilly, "HAHAHA that is what I want to hear. Continue doing that and we will see where this will go."

After that, I walk to my secret hiding spot, a waterfall behind the forest. I went there to breathe and think, but suddenly 3111 speak in my mind. Hi, 3113, I hope it is okay if I speak to you today, you seem more lost today, than before. But can I ask why is that? "Well I actually don't know anymore, I have been thinking about it more lately but I cannot remember anything in past. It's like I forgot my memories..." then I suddenly think about when did I notice my multiple personalities if I cannot remember anything from my past.

Then someone calls my name, "Alexandra!" I turn around but I was surprised to see myself, I saw myself asking for help, her clothes are ripped and she has bruises on her body.

"Help me, please, Alexandra, I need you." She keeps calling my name and then later on she keeps on running. So, I follow her. She runs with her weak body like someone is getting her. Then when she stopped, she gets inside an abandoned house. The house seems familiar so I go inside it, then when I step inside, I suddenly fall due to the weak foundation of the wooden floor. I don't know where to hold so I fell down and suddenly the place is dark.

When I wake, I saw myself in a room. I try to stand up, but my foot suddenly feels very heavy. It's like there is a stone in my feet, and I cannot feel it. Then I shout to get help when I realize that my voice is different. I tried to shout again, "Help! I cannot feel my legs. Please help me." Then I realize that this was a man's voice. I crawled to the mirror to look at myself, then I saw a man's face.

A, later on, someone came. "Ethan, are you alright. Why are you shouting?" then she looks at me with very worried eyes. "Oh my God, Ethan. What are you doing there? Michael! your brother is lying on the ground help me. Hurry!" then another man, came, it seems to be Michael. "Ethan, bro, what are you doing there?" I actually don't know where I was, but it seems I am not in my body. And if I am correct, I am in 3110's body or Ethan Barlowe's body. This is his wife Margaret, and his brother Michael.

Michael carry me back in the wheelchair. "Brother, are you alright?" I never answer his question then I asked him something, "Brother, what year is it?" "Year? what do you mean? It is only 1974, why did you suddenly ask? Is there something wrong?" Oh shoot it seems I really am not in my body, but how am I supposed to get back? Maybe, I need to help Ethan finish his business here. Yeah, that is right, maybe I should.

Ok, this is the plan. Now that I know that I am Ethan Barlowe or 3110. His story told me, that his wife and brother are cheating on him, and they use the money to live for themselves. So, I should change his story and let him live for a long time.

After I rest, I started to make my plan, I asked my wife and brother in the living room. "Hey, Brother what is it that you want to talk about?" he asked. And because I am not a fan of beating around the bush I tell them straight to the point. "I will not say anything else, but I invited you both here to talk about something, and that is... I want a divorce." After saying it, both of them look stunned. Then my wife, suddenly panic and said, "wai- wait for what? Dear, why of a sudden? Did I do something wrong?" I then asked her to stop. "Honey, please can you stop for a moment." "But honey..." "Margaret can you be quiet for a second." "I don't want to honey, Ethan. Please..." I can't take it anymore and I shouted, "Margaret, could you please be quiet! I cannot think straight anymore!" Then she stops and Michael suddenly moves and shouts back. "Brother, why are you doing this. She is your wife, you should respect her."

I breathe and tell them this, "I already know, what you've done. And I am tired of this, I know both of you are having affair and you are using some drugs to kill me slowly," they look surprised and then I continue, "but I want it to stop, and I WANT BOTH OF YOU GONE. So, now that you already know why, leave immediately and never COME BACK. But of course, Margaret, sign this before you go, because I don't want any connection between us and, I don't want you to use my assets for your own gain." After signing they left me there alone.

Now that I am alone I actually don't know what to do. I look outside wishing I could go back to where I really belong. Yes, where I belong. I know, I don't have anything to value but, I know this is not where I belong.

Then suddenly, I heard Ethan in my head. Well thank you for the help, 3113 or maybe I can call you Ezar. You've done something, that I did not expect from you, but you know. I do know something about who you are, that, you are a great person, so I hope to see you again. Goodbye, 3113. He smiled.