Chapter 18: The Beginning of War

Tonight, many things had happened.

I already remember, what happened before about who I am and who Luis is. George, his friend shot him before he got the time to shot me. And this George, he was also the one who saves me from before and save me tonight.

He asked me if I was alright and then I asked him back, "it's you, George... But how?" He then smiled at me and said, "actually I was always beside you Ms. Madden. After you forgot who I was when we are children, your father adopts me and train me to protect you. I was always by your side, Alexandra. In the car, before and after you go to Breind International. The one who found you in that abandoned house where we nearly burn. I am always behind you watching you in your every move just to protect you at all times."

Hearing him said that I was really surprised, I know some of you will think it's creepy but when I found out about it, it just... matter. All this time he was here but I never have the chance to meet him until now. "But why did you show up today? And not before?" I asked.

"Well, I promised your father. That I will just protect you from afar and when something bad happened I will come and protect you at all cost, that means every time. And happened to be this night." He smiled again.

Seeing him smile today, makes my heart beat faster. His face already has already matured. His eyes, his hair, who he is. He is perfect. I wanted to touch his face but...

I had to stop fantasizing about him today. He... killed someone just to protect me and, when Emilio knew about it he will surely kill us, one by one. So, I asked George that we are leaving Luis behind.

I know I shouldn't do that but... I have no choice. He tried to kill me and George was only there to save me. We went home and I told them everything.

I said that Luis knew my identity before I studied at Breind International. He also knows that you are my parents and he knew where we live so, the governor really plan this to the end, but when we argue he suddenly tried to killed me but George was on time and he saved me.

My parent's expression was just calm and cold. I know we already did it before. Killing someone, but today is different. To end this war between the government and our village we should surrender to them and stop killing. But what happened today is really different.

My uncle then replied, "well, there is nothing we could do. But I think we should continue the plan."

He told us that he will visit Emilio today. Tell him that we are contacting him to get information about him. Then suddenly, people are shouting and seem to be running away.

"What is happening?" I look outside and it was Emilio. "Father, uncle, it's Emilio! But how did he found out easily?" I asked. Then George told us something, said "maybe, it was someone. When I am looking from afar. I think I saw a girl following Luis in the woods. When both of you come out with the gun in your hands. She runs away, I intended to get her but when Luis was ready to pull the trigger I have to save you first ."

I kept thinking who it might be. She might be a spy from Emilio and acting like my friend. I trust Emma and Uncle Ethan but who it might be?

Then, I realize that, aside from Emma who's following me before. I saw another one following us. In the library, in the canteen, on a date with Luis, in the garden, and in the party, and now... in the woods. I kept thinking who is it when someone's name crosses in my mind.

"I think I already know who is it? It was Crystal Heard. That explains the roommate, the fake attitude, and her gestures." I said, "she must have told Emilio after we left and now he is here."

Then, Emma asked, "Ezar, what are we going to do? I don't know how to fight... it's was you that controls me from before." "Don't worry stay here with mother, we will take care of it."

My father, my uncle, George, and I got outside. My father's men are also waiting for us.

"Well, finally you are already here," Emilio said and beside him is Crystal. Great talk about being innocent. "Why are you here Emilio?" My father asks. "Well, someone informed me that my son was killed by one of your people. And looking at it, maybe that guy." He points his gun at George.

Then, I interrupted him, "you are accusing us of the crime we never did, and if was really us. Where is your son's body? Bring it here so, we can really know where he is." Then, he looks at me like a crazy man and laughs, "HAHAHA, as expected. Using their knowledge just to get out in a problem"

Then he asked Crystal. "Dear, have you seen Luis before you left the scene." But, Crystal's face suddenly feels scared, and said, "yes sir... When I left I... Heard multiple gunshots and I know it was Luis... Who died." Then, Emilio looks at us again, "well she already told the truth, so in exchange for my son's death is that man's head."

Then I interrupted him again and said, "that wasn't enough to say as a piece of evidence, Governor. That was only a side comment. Then, let me ask you where does this scene happen Crystal." I looked into her eyes but she never looks at me. Emilio's face also can't take it anymore and just told us this, "well dear," he looked at Crystal. "How about we go there and find out."

We follow them to the waterfall and saw nothing. Then, Crystal face suddenly got terrified. "It was here... They are pointing their gun at each other and then when I left... I... I..."

After we left here, I actually ask George to get the body. Lying it around here might cause more blood to happened so, I asked him to clean it.

Then, back to the waterfalls. Crystal seems to cannot stand it anymore, she runs towards me to escape. Then, a gunshot was heard and my face has splashed with her blood.

Emilio killed Crystal in front of me and said, "oops... My hands slipped." He then smiled evilly.