Chapter 21: See You Later

The interview is starting already.

The reporter first asks the different governors about their every village. Then, when they ask me this is the question, "Good morning Ms. Madden. We heard that you are a hero in your village, but is it okay if you tell us your story about what happened?"

Then the people around us look at each other and whisper. So, Emma and Uncle Ethan will interfere to stop it when I answered, "sure why not." I smiled.

"Death Village was once an outcast of different villages. Crimes were at most seen by the children while they grow up. Death is also the most painful way of seeing your love once died. And when the time between anger and denial crosses your mind. Many people died. Between my father and the governor or I should say the fake governor, Emilio Sanchez III. The hatred between jealousy and power killed them. Because Emilio was an illegitimate son of the dead governor. He seeks attention and power to save himself. But he never finished there. He wants revenge on our family and killed many innocent people..." I stop for a moment and continued.

"I was never a hero actually, it was my father. While we are having a war between our family and Emilio. My father saved me, Emilio tried to kill me for ruining his life and family but the truth is he ruin himself... The death between Emilio the third and his son Luis Sanchez is only part of their crime. We ended their life maybe, but they are willing to end our life as well." I then stand up and said, "I hope that answers all the questions you prepared." I bow down and walk away.

The reporter was quiet for a moment then, suddenly got noisy again when I left.

But it was never finished there, the different governor's asked me to join them in their meeting. I sat in the middle chair again.

"Uhm, could I asked what is this all about?" I said. "We have invited you today to ask you a very important question, Ms. Madden." The Jules governor said. "We have looked into your records and you are a very intelligent child that is why we want to talk to you." The Dome governor said. Then I interrupted them, "wait, uhm, could you just say it to me directly, please. Beating around the bush is useless if you just divide what you are going to say."

Then, they look at each other and laugh. "Oh, is that so. HAHAHA. Very well, Ms. Madden, we like you to sit in the position of the governor of the Death Village or the EverEase village." The Rich governor said.

"You have done something great that anyone cannot think of today. We have been thinking all about it and you are the one who can cover that position." The Mane governor said.

I, as a governor of the village. I was surprised and did not expect that to hear from them. But this is what I said instead, "your offer is a great deal but... I have to decline." They looked surprised and I continue, "being a governor is a huge task and responsibility. And, I... I am just 20 years old. Yes, I have done something that other people can't do but... If I ever got in that position, I must be ready and know what should I do first. So, for now, I will decline. Maybe after a few years." I smiled, then they looked at each other again and also smile.

"Very well, Ms. Madden. An excellent point and mature judgment. Well, we will wait for you until then and if you are ready, we will give you the position, just for you." The Mane governor said. I shake all of their hands and left.

After that, I got home.

I first change my clothes into shorts and a black shirt then I head to the waterfall.

The waterfall is still beautiful and radiant. I sit beside the end of the waterfall and look down.

To think of it. After George talk to me yesterday. I suddenly felt that the pain in my heart was gone. There are some of it, of course, but... I just felt free for a while.

Then, besides my reflection is another reflection. I look who is it and it was George. "George, what are you doing here?" I asked. Then he replied, "Actually... I was here to tell you that uhm... I am going home."

"Home? Where? I thought this was your home?" I asked. Then he answered, "Actually, no. It was yours and Luis. Luis found me in the street when we are four, he then convinces his father to let me stay with them in Death Village. But recently, I found out that... I am from the Mane Village..."

"When the people are asking you for an interview, there are many people from different villages waiting outside your house. Then, a woman came to me and asked if I remember her. I told her, I don't, then she suddenly told me about the scar on my ears. Which actually happened when I was three. And when I was four, I got lost because we got separated from them when we went to the amusement park. And now... They want me to get to know them. To get to know each other. That is why I am here to say my goodbye..." I look at him and said, "Oh, so that's what happened. Well, you will still visit here, right?" "Of course, I will. I will never forget the people who are more important to me."

We look at each other for a moment but I never made the first move to tell him that he should stay or just give him a kiss and I know he also wants to do it but he didn't.

After that, he walks away. I just look at him, when he suddenly said this, "I will be back I promise. And the next time we see each other again. We will be together."