Chapter one: A new partner

''Detective Phillips ''said Suzy ''The director wants you in his office right now''. I walked up to Suzy and asked ''What for?''. ''Don't know and also I hope you get fired or transferred'' Suzy said with a grin on her face. Suzy was such a bitch to me ever since I joined the FBI five years ago. I had hoped that her fucking attitude toward me would change over time but I was wrong . I mean seriously she is such a bitch because she prides herself in being the the Director's assistant ,I mean come on she's an assistant and I am a field agent I should be me to her but I don't wanna lose my job for no motherfucking reason.

''Morning boss'' I said to Director Bishop. ''Morning, was Suzy being a bitch again I wish I could just fire her'' said Bishop

''Then why don't ya '' I said as I sat down on one of the chairs.

''Whoa whoa whoa '' he said ''I might be a brave man but my wife scares the hell out me and also she recommended her so I can't fire hair '' .I burst into laughter because the scariest man in the building was scared of his wife. ''What are laughing about have you met my wife .I mean I love her and all but she scares the shit out of me''

''Ok let get back on track before I start laughing again '' I said ''Ok so you are going to investigate the murder of Taylor Mcain '' said Bishop ''Wait wasn't she the rich socialite who trashed Nicki Minaj on Social media last month ''

''Yes and also I got more news ,you are getting a new partner'' Bishop said with an angry tone which usually meant he didn't like that person.

''Who is it now?'' I said ''Is it that guy who ate your burger yesterday of that guy from the coffee shop who forgot your coffee order'' I joked

''Nope it's someone worse .It's Christian Stone '' Bishop said .Christian Stone was a jewel thief who would pretend to fall in love with rich women and steal all their money and expensive jewels and fled. It took two years to catch this son of a bitch but the question in my mind was how did that motherfucker get out of prison so soon.

''How did he get out prison so soon'' I asked Bishop

''The CIA made a deal with Stone '' said Bishop '' He would give them the names of his associates in exchange for his freedom.

''He's now a free so why is he now working with the FBI'' I said

''Anna you didn't let me finish ''said Bishop ''The CIA didn't want to let him off the hook so easily so they gave us his responsibility because they didn't want him to be their problem so you are....'' .Just before he could finish Suzy walked in and said ''Sir Mr Stone is here''

''Alors ou` mon nouveau partenair dans le crime a` (So where my new partner in crime at)'' said Stone in French