Chapter Twenty-Four

'And what if I refuse?' I said to Hewitt as he swabbed a cotton wool pad across the fresh needle mark on my forearm, '–refuse to participate further, I mean.'

'That's not possible.' He placed the blood sample he'd just taken on the small aluminum table to his right. 'So, please, banish such foolish thoughts from your mind. A handful of weeks ago, you were facing a far from certain future. Now you are safe and secure. Why not simply enjoy the amenities, what life at the Facility affords, eh?'

He got slowly to his feet.

'Now, if you would like to follow me, young man. We will complete the final part of your basic medical examination.'

Hewitt escorted me across the complex to Professor Howard's laboratory unit. Inside, the young scientist was busy inserting wires into a bulky piece of technical equipment, not unlike the monitors you see beside a patient's bed in any modern hospital