Chapter 28


"What do you think you guys are ? Gangsters?" Mr. Herald yelled .

I flinched hard . Mia was the same . But what I don't understand is why does it have to go to his office ?

"But Mr. Herald, she started it first ." I stated the obvious.

"Now you like to talk back too . Miss. Harper ? Don't you have any manners towards your seniors . How could you hit her ?" He asked, cocking his eyebrows .

I huffed . Mia smirked . This lame bitch .

"When the fuck did I hit her ? " I shouted back .

It was obvious she hit me first . I just did self defense .

"Language Miss. Harper ." He pointed his finger at me .

I scoffed . Folding my arms .

"Yes . Mr. Herald not to mention , she did threaten me too. " Mia said in a too melodramatic way .

Wow ! She could be a total actress . Fucking others .

"Miss. Harper , did you ?" MR.HERALD asked .

"Yeah , I did . So what ?" I rolled my eyes .

He sighed heavily . "Miss. Harper , you are still in your first year . Don't you think you have a long way to go . You have got some great talent in piano . Why are you letting it go to waste by fighting like this ?" He asked .

Now he is getting on my nerves .

"What the hell does my piano have to do with this shit ?" I shouted .

"Please calm down , Miss. Harper." he annoyed me even more .

"Calm down , my foot . I can't take this shit anymore . Goodbye ." I shouted before storming out of there .

I was just so frustrated by him . I didn't even notice how fast I was walking .

Until I passed Quinn waiting for me outside . She came running after me shouting .

"What?" I yelled , annoyed .

"Why are you so furious? What happened ?" She asked with concern all over her face .

"Nothing , just senior and junior bullshit . " I replied .

"Let's not talk about it . We should just go out ." I swirled my head , rubbing my temples .

"Uh.. actually Mr. Smith .. I mean Jason asked me to tell you to meet him in his office after this ." She said awkwardly.

If he wanted to talk, couldn't he just text or call me himself .

"Okay , I'll go meet him . You wait . We will go out tonight . I'll text Ciara and Asher too." I said before waving her bye .

Slowly peeping inside Jason's office . I looked at him .

He was so focused on his work . He didn't even notice me standing there .

I cleared my throat to get his attention . He looked up at me . Then quickly to his computer .

I was just as shocked as you guys .

"What the fuck?" I muttered .

"You should tell me that ." He said not even looking at me .

"What should I ? What did I do ?" I was confused .

I didn't do anything wrong and what is the all fucking fuss is about.

"Why did you hit your senior ?" He asked .

"Are you fucking kidding me Jason? She started it . She made my friend cry . Do you really think I would let her go with that? And what the hell is all about being senior. What If she is senior . That doesn't give her the right to bully her junior . And for what ? A fucking guy ? Srsly ? " I yelled . Letting out all the annoyance and frustration at him .

He just looked shockingly at me . With his lips slightly parted . It's like I'm yelling at a stone .

"Hey , are you there ? " I waved my hand to bring him out of his dreamland.

"Uh.. okay , but then also Amy. You can't hit people around ." He said,

"What the actual hell? When did I hit someone ? I just literally stepped aside making them fall on their own. That's not call a fucking hitting . And if you are gonna keep that up . I don't think we actually have anything to talk about ." I snapped . Grabbing my bag .

I started to walk out . I thought he would stop me at least .

But to my surprise, He didn't even flinch. He just kept doing his work .

What a jerk ?

"Ahh I'm so fucking angry . I need to get the hell out of here ."


Same evening ....

So according to plan we went out clubbing today . Well today's Friday.

So no need to worry about tomorrow . I'm gonna stay late here .

I really don't want to see Jason and that fucking college . Which was once my dream . And I loved it .

I called Ciara and Asher. They said they would meet us there at the club .

Travis is texting me non stop . I don't even know where he got my number.

But anyways , I left that phone in the dorm . I'm gonna stay at Ciara's . I don't need a phone . That's just gonna interrupt the peace of my mind .

"Do you want some water or lemonade ?" Quinn asked as we made it to the bar .

"Who wants to drink that? Get me some cocktail , dude ." I shouted to the bartender .

After a minute he served some bloody Mary cocktails.

"It's on the house ." He said, I looked up at him . He winked in a flirty way .

I just give him a small awkward smile.

"Amy!!" Ciara's voice squealed . I turned to see her .

She quickly laid on me . Embracing me tighter and tighter .

Until I lost my breath . She finally let me go . Once I cuffed .

"Oh my God! Amy ! How long it has been . I missed you so much . " she squealed excitedly.

"Yeah me too ." I smiled as happily as I could .

Okay , firstly I'm not sad because of that fucking hitting Mia thing . It's just about Jason. He didn't treat me as he would normally do .

Something felt off . Strange , right?

"Asher ?" I said looking at him . His face lit up and we hugged for a while .

I missed these two idiots for sure .

Suddenly I'm frozen by someone's presence . Who invited him ?

What is he even doing here ? Why is he here , God!