Chapter 27 You’re Always My Heart

Rana woke up early the day of the Harvest Festival. The sky was still dark and roosters were only starting to crow when she opened her eyes from sleep. She rose from bed and stretched her arms in front of the window.

The mild cold breeze of the wind passes through the light curtain of her window.

"Today's the day!" she said smiling widely as she thought ahead of the people who are already milling the line anticipating to buy Ethos' peach pies.

They made the first batch of pies last nights at Ethos and Enos' home, finishing to make the peach pies by ten o' clock in the evening. She and Ethiara went home late and slept fast as soon as they hit their beds.

Rana went inside the bathroom and took a leisurely bath, enjoying the soak of warm water and citrus on her tub for an hour before emerging out of the bathroom and changing into her casual working clothes. When she went downstairs, she saw Ethiara making a cup of coffee.

"Morning, Rana," Ethiara greeted her.

"Morning, sis," she greeted back and joined her. She made a cup of coffee, too and was about to get a piece of croissant for breakfast when Ethiara tapped her hand away.

"Why?" she asked feeling hungry at the sight of the bread.

"We're having breakfast at Ethos'. We're making the pies today, remember?" Ethiara told her.

Rana looked longingly at the crispy croissant but the thought of eating peach pies for breakfast appealed more to her so she restrained herself.

To divert her attention, Rana asked instead.

"Are mom and dad already up?"

"Thirty minutes ago. They both went out and said they will do a morning walk."

Ethiara answered.

"That's rare of them," she said and sipped her coffee.

"It's the day of the festival. Mom and dad must be perked up and curious to see how the day starts and get the whiff of the latest going-on," said Ethiara as she finished her coffee.

She drained the cup, then rose from the chair.

"I'm taking a quick shower. Wait for me," Ethiara said and walked back to her room.

"Will do," Rana replied as she sat comfortably on her seat. Giving way to temptation, she picked one of the croissants and took a crispy munch.

Her mom and dad entered the room as she ate her breakfast.

"I see you've been tempted to still eat that thing," her mother said as she took a seat in front of Rana.

Anisa, the maid, entered the room bringing a tray of coffee cups.

Her dad settled down on the head of the table.

"Anisa, give me some water before I take that coffee," her dad ordered.

The maid nodded and went out of the room.

"Ethiara told me that you'll be having breakfast at Enos' house."

Her mom said.

"Couldn't skip the temptation," said Rana as she took another bite. "How was your walk, mom? Dad?"

"It was fine."

Her dad answered.

Anita returned to the room with a jug of water and a glass. She gave it to her dad. Then, left the room.

Her mom picked one of the croissants and made a bite. It sounded crisp as she took a bite.

"My! This is delicious!" exclaimed Amara. "Anisa is really good when it comes to croissants."

"Yes, you're right, Ma."Rana agreed and she stretched her hand to take another.

Her mom slapped her hand away.

"Mom!" exclaimed Rana looking at her mother.

"Save your stomach for the peach pies Ethos and you lot are making. We'll visit your shop before lunch."

Ethiara appeared in the room combing her hair.

Her mom turned to see Ethiara walking towards them. Ethiara put her comb inside her bag.

"Ethiara's here," her mom said. "Now, off you go, you two."

She said shooing them away.

"Ethiara?" her mom called her eldest daughter.

Ethiara turned around to look at her mom.

"Yes, mom?" she asked.

"See to it that Enara doesn't pig around the peach pies and save some for us, okay?" their mom reminded Ethiara.

"Mom, I heard that," grumbled Rana. "Please don't talk as if I'm not around."

"I'm just reminding your sister to look after you."

"I'm no longer a child, mom."

Rana said as she looked at her mom with a frown.

Her mom raised her hand shooing them away.

Ethiara and Rana walked out of the house and passed the short pavement to the gate of the house.

"Mom can be so fussy about such things," complained Rana.

"She's just looking after you," said Ethiara as they treaded their way towards Ethos' house.

"But still…" Rana whined. "She could see herself that I'm already all grown-up and still she treats me at times like I'm still a child."

"She must still see you the young one before you left Lunara, you know," said Ethiara. "We missed you growing up to adulthood."

"I left Lunara when I was eighteen years old, Ethiara."Rana said reminding her big sister. "I was already an adult then."

"Parents have a different way of seeing things, especially when it comes to their own child."

Rana lightly shook her head.

"But she doesn't treat you the same, big sis," said Rana hiding her frown.

"I'm the eldest daughter," replied Ethiara, "so she sees differently."

Rana pursed her mouth about to reply but they already arrived at Ethos' house.

Ethos and Enos were bringing a crate of peaches each in their arms.

"Are we making a lot?" asked Rana eyeing the ripe peaches with gluttony. She was already making a mental note of how many peach pies she's going to pig today.

Ethos glanced briefly at her.

"Don't even think about it," he said gruffly. "Do you want to ruin your figure?"

Rana looked at him suspiciously.

"You're more interested at my figure?" she asked. "I thought you love me because I adore your peach pies."

Ethos smiled at her. Rare times that he did.

"Best to remind you, Enara."

He said and went ahead inside the house. They followed him.

Shane walked Beside Rana.

"We're also making peach jams out of these," Shane said as they walked to the porch.

"Who suggested the idea?" Rana asked at once. "Don't tell me it's your idea, Shane?"

Shane shook his head smiling.

"Ethos popped up the idea. We went to visit Asoka early in the morning to buy more peaches for the pie and when he saw there were too many peaches, he said we can make jams out of it, too."

"And I thought he said he was busy for the festival," said Rana thoughtfully. "He doesn't appear busy."

They went inside the kitchen but Shane told them to sit outside as he and Ethos prepared their things to bake for the pies outside.

It was a perfect day to make the pies.

The sun was golden outside but not too warmth nor hot. It merrily kissed the ground.

Rana and Ethiara sat on the chairs by the table outside while Shane and Ethos took out more things to prepare the pies. Ethos returned with hot-from-the-oven fresh baked pies and Rana reached out for a pie immediately. But when she touched the bread it was still so hot.

"Ouch!" she whimpered like a wounded dog.

"That's what you get for getting too excited to eat the pies," said Ethos in an admonishing tone. He was shaking his head. "Enos! Get a basin with ice water in it."

Shane came out holding a basin of water with cold water and gave them to Rana.

"You can be such a pig, you know," Shane said smiling at her. He took her hand and dipped them in the cold water.

Rana felt her scalded hand turned better at the touch of the cold water. Shane held her hand gently.

"I forgot the towel."

He said turning around ready to return to the kitchen.

Ethos quietly handed him a white towel.

"Thanks, Bro," he muttered looking at him. He took it and dabbed Rana's hand with it.

"Thank you, Shane, Ethos."

Rana said looking at the two as she kept the towel on her hand.

They started working on the peach filling. But Ethos made them stop first and gave them a tray of freshly baked pies.

"Here's the first batch of the pies I baked," he said and sat among them. "Let's have breakfast first before we continue this. It will be a long day."

Rana eyed him with annoyance.

"Why did it take you longer to show that first baked sets of pies?" she asked accusingly. "I even scalded my hand when you showed the first one. You should have showed these earlier."

Ethos looked at her briefly before grabbing one of the pies and stuffing it straight to Rana's mouth.

"Quit complaining," he said and grabbed another one and stuffed it into his mouth.

Rana was shocked by his action but all she could do was let the bread be stuffed on her mouth and she raised her hand and bit a bit of it and took it from her mouth.

"You should be thankful this pies are good or I would have hit you back, Ethos."

Rana said sending daggers look towards him.

Ethos was unfazed by her warning. He continued to make another bite of the pie.

"Enos, do you mind getting the tea from the kitchen?" he asked turning to his brother instead.

Shane rose from his seat and went back to the kitchen and fetched the jug of hot tea and glasses. Their father came out with him.

"Morning, Uncle," Rana greeted the old man.

"Hello to you, too, Enara," he cheerfully greeted back. "Ethiara." He said flicking a quick look at Ethiara. "You're all early today. It's not even seven yet."

"We've got a lot to do today, Uncle," replied Ethiara. "And we still need to be at the Council by nine in the morning."

She looked pointedly at Rana.

Rana feigned seeing the look and grabbed another pie and stuffed it into her mouth.

"Nothing beats Ethos' pies, ain't it, Enara?" Eros asked smiling at her.

"His pies are the best, Uncle."

They finished their breakfast rather quickly catching up with time and was done by quarter past seven.

All the pies that were made last night were already baked. In the next hour, they made more pies while Ethos and Ethiara made the peach jams.

Ethos and Ethiara left the house to go to work at the Council while Rana and Shane finished working with the jams.

Thirty minutes before ten am, they hauled the pies into Rana's shop where a stall corner was set up to sell the pies. They even added the jam jars on it.

People piled and milled in line excited to buy the pie as soon as they saw it and took a free bite.

Before the day was over, all of Ethos' pies were sold to happy customers who plucked into Rana's shop to buy them.

"Told you, they were going to sell like pancakes," said Rana victoriously.

"Even the jams were likened by the customers," said Shane looking at the empty stall left at the corner.

Well, it was a smashing success. And it was the Harvest Festival Day so many people came in to enjoy the holiday at Lunara.

When Ethiara and Ethos came to the shop, they were surprised to find all the pies gone.

"I'm so going to miss the pies," Rana said mumbling. She stretched her arms and looked out of the window from her shop. "Should we close early?"

She asked looking at Shane.

"It's your shop and you are the boss."

He replied looking at her.

"Let's close early, Rana," Ethos said. "It's a holiday. Let's all celebrate the success of your shop selling my pies and your furniture."

"Not so many people bought furniture today but some did although a lot inquired. I made a list of orders today."

She told them, grinning widely.

"Come on, Rana. Let's hurry up and close your shop to celebrate," said Ethos dragging her to her to the door.

Shane saw the closeness between Rana and Ethos. But surprisingly, he didn't feel any jealousy towards his brother.

He loves Rana enough.

Rana saw him looking at her quietly.

Ethos and Ethiara were already outside the door of the shop.

Rana looked at him wistfully.

"Hey, you're always my heart, Enos."

She said nonchalantly.

Shane smirked at her statement.

"I know you're always mine, Rana."

Rana gave him the key to her shop and walked towards Ethos and Ethiara. Shane locked the door of her shop.

And the four of them celebrated the success of the day on the merriment of the Harvest Festival.