Chapter 12

[A/N: So, I thought it was very obvious, but since some people can't pick up on it and this chapter made them made, Yes, I am 100% black. I see now this chapter can be a trigger for some, but I wrote it to showcase what it's like to go through something traumatic like this, letting some of you see the racism that others receive from a clearer perspective.]

"Damn." Ronin and Devon said as Devon pulled out a fresh cigarette.

"You know this is going to fuck her up for a while, right? We both know the first kill is never easy, but she's not like us. This will definitely hit her hard." said Devon as he took a drag from the cigarette.

"I know, Von, but it had to happen sooner or later, you know that. I just wish it was a cleaner kill, and definitely not having to kill two people at once. But, it will be different, as unlike what I'm sure we both experienced, she will have people there who care about her and to comfort her, as opposed to us who just had get over it and keep moving." Ronin said, as flashes from his first time killing in the Navy Seals entered his mind.

"Yeah, I guess you're right, though to be honest, I'm not really the best when it comes to comforting people, so I'll just leave your future wife to you." Devon teased as a smirk appeared on his face.

"Grr dammit, Von, I told you we're not like that! I'm as single as a Pringle and plan on sowing my seeds on many different flowers out there." Ronin said as he carefully picked Meli up and began carrying her to her room.

"Yeah yeah, Casanova, I hear you. But I think if Meli sees you with another girl, she might shoot your damn nuts off! Plus, I see the way she looks at you. You should clear things up with her soon before it becomes a problem. And watch over her, I'll handle the clean up of this filth.

After nodding his thanks, Ronin continued to head to Meli's room as he rolled Devon's words in his mind. It wasn't like Ronin didn't care for Meli, as cared for her deeply, and even saw them possibly being together one day. But, Ronin couldn't ignore that he really long to sleep around, even entertaining the thought of having a bunch of kids. 'Honestly, my bloodline is the only one is this world with Chakra. I could have a bunch of kids, bolster my factions strength with my bloodline, or I can keep my bloodline exclusive and treat it like a royal bloodline. Either way, I'm not settling down with just one woman for a long while, so, Von might be right that I should talk to her." Ronin thought to himself as he laid Meli on her bed and covered her with a blanket.

Around an hour later, as Ronin is sitting by Meli's bedside, he sees her stirring and slowly opening her eyes. "Well hey there, Sleeping Beauty, how are you feeling?" Ronin asked, concern clear on her voice.

Blinking the sleep out if her eyes, Meli looked over, and gasped at what she saw. Sitting next to her was Ronin with his mask completely off, and not just slid over a little like when they eat. Meli was completely memorized by his sparkling hazel eyes that looked like pools of honey, and his facial hair that grew from being light stubble into a small, well-trimmed beard. She already knew he was attractive, but she his face clearly this close up only added fuel to the fire that burned in her heart.

Realizing that she was staring at his face fir too long, a deep blush appeared out of embarrassment. "Rhahaha, no need to be embarrassed or surprised by my face. We're apart of the same crew now, and I think we're far past being embarrassed by each other. But seriously, are you okay? Do you have any fever at all?" Ronin asked as he gently touched his forehead to Meli's to check her temperature, but it seemed the two them being so close had the opposite effect.

As the two of them sat with their faces touching, staring into each other's eyes, their hearts started beating faster as the room suddenly got hotter. But before the two of them could say or do anything further, the door to the room opened, resulting with Ronin, Meli, and Devon staring at each other in awkward silence.

"I knew you two were fucking! There was way too much sexual tension there, mostly from Meli, but still there. Anyways, sorry for interrupting, you can continue, Ro, just try not to crush her." Devon joked as he slowly backed away.

""We weren't doing anything!"" Ronin and Meli yelled simultaneously, earning a laugh from Devon.

"Yeah sure, whatever you two say. And I've got to say, it's nice to see that you're actually human under that scary ass mask you've got. With your size and crazy ass strength, I was starting to wonder." Devon said a he blew out smoke.

"Grrr, did you just come down here to fuck with us, or is there something actually important?" Ronin asked as he massaged his temples. He wasn't planning on actually fucking Meli, but the fact that Devon ruined something from potentially happening frustrated him. He hadn't had sex since he came to this world years again and he was starting to come unhinged.

"Geez, on edge much? But yeah, there is something important. I made some clones and scavenged the ships for valuables, but... I found slaves as well. And some of them are branded for the world nobles. And to make matters worse, I see a Marine ship a little ways out, headed towards us. How should we handle this?" Devon asked, his tone completely serious.

Ronin wanted to curse at the circumstances, but knew he didn't have much time to be complacent. This situation would determine their future and their stance on the world no matter how it went. Does he say fuck the slaves and just take the valuables and leave them to their fate? What if he freed them, but got caught by the Marines? Then he'd be forced to be a pirate and fuck up all of his plans.

"This is how we'll do it, take the treasures but leave the food and other necessities. Free the slaves and put them all on one ship with blank water clones, and tell them to sail away. Oh, take the pirate flag from the mast to give them a chance. When you're done, we'll both use water Jutsu to secretly push them far away and out of danger. Let's go!" Ronin said as he donned his mask and he and Devon rushed from Meli's room, leaving her in a daze.

The plan went just as Ronin planned, and he may have over estimated as by the time they were done and the ship full of slaves were a dot on the horizon, the Marine ship was still an hour or so away. Not feeling like waiting and with all of the dead pirates in Ronin's seal and the captured pirates already on their ship, and the now empty pirate ships tied together and tethered to the Static, Ronin decided to sail and meet the Marines halfway.

When they anchored next to the Marines, they were visibly on edge, as some of them held their weapons at the ready, but since they weren't pointing it at them, Ronin and Devon weren't worried. "Which one of you is the captain?" Yelled a gruff voice, as a man with dusty brown hair, navy cap and insignia denoting the rank of Captain, stepped forward. He had a thick mustache and looked like he meant business.

Stepping forward with his hands crossed over his chest, Ronin showed no fear for the ship of Marines. "I am, Bounty Hunter Ronin here. I'm registered with the government already and have my license to prove my actions in capturing these pirates are legal." Ronin said, flashing his Bounty Hunter license. He had heard tales of unlicensed Bounty Hunters getting their bounties stolen from Marines, or even outright getting labeled as pirates due to the hate Marines had for Bounty Hunters, so Ronin was even more grateful for Commander Tily's help on Baterilla.

When he saw the license, the Captain gave a huff and looked dissatisfied, showing Ronin he was right in flashing his license right away. Until him and his crew Shinigami built up a name for themselves, he had to be very careful. "Hmph, I see. You Bounty Hunters sure have been busy. Taking out 5 pirates ships at once definitely is no easy feat, but I see you let one in the distance go. What happened there?" The Captain asked directly, and Ronin had to watch what he said and tread carefully.

"It's just as you said, Captain. Taking out that many ships is a lot, and there are only a few of us watching our backs. And since we already did plenty, I didn't see fit to put ourselves in danger to go chasing one straggler that will probably die at sea anyway." Ronin said, hoping he downplayed the ship enough that the Marines don't see fit to go chasing them. Luckily for Ronin, these Marines seem to be extremely lazy.

"Hmm, that's understandable. Anyway, thanks for clearing out those filthy pirates for us. Follow us, and we'll escort you to Ivory Island. That way, you shouldn't have to deal with too much trouble from the residents. They can be very, peculiar." the Captain said as he turned and walked away, not bothering to explain anything, but Ronin could already feel that this island is going to be a headache.

It took them nearly two hours to make it to Ivory Island, and Ronin was already ready to leave the second they docked. Everywhere from the buildings, the roads, and even the people and their attire was pearly white. Everyone looked slightly posh and dressed as though they were rich nobles from the colonial age, so a black man like Ronin who was originally from America on his last world, where racism was particularly bad, he definitely felt on edge being here.

After renting a cream carriage that came with white stallions to help carry the prisoners, and the Marines got to work heading towards the Navy Base which was smack dab in the middle of the port town. With Devon by his side and Meli safely on the ship safeguarding it, Ronin let out a heavy sigh and continued to move forward.

"My word, what sort of beast is that?! And it has the nerves to wear all colors, black at that!"

"I know, but from the looks of things, his attire isn't the only thing that's black!"

"Mommy! Mommy! Why is that man's skin dirty? Is he one of those filthy animals you said I should stay away from?"

All over, Ronin received comments like that, and made him feel as though he was actually back in America. He wanted nothing more to cover the whole white island in red, but knew that despite them all deserving horrible deaths, he couldn't let him and his crew get labeled as criminals. So, he did what most people in that situation did, he took a Shakey deep breath, and kept moving forward.

On the opposite side of Devon, the Captain had been eyeing Ronin out of the side of his eye the whole time, and let out a heavy sigh as if he came to a decision. "I suspected it in our first meeting, but you truly are different from the rest of those Bounty Hunters, aren't you? The comments aren't even directed at me, and even I'm having a hard time keeping my composure."

"Look, I know it's hard, but don't think too badly of them. This Celestial Dragon, St. Karen, chose to come here a few years ago, and began infecting them all with her influence. This island was known as Tusk Island back then, but then one day St. Karen said she wanted everything to be white, and she meant everything. And so, all of the tusked animals that once covered the island and lived as one with us were hunted for their tusks and then either killed off or sent to breeding farms so we can get more ivory tusks."

"Just imagine how many poor animals had to die to literally turn most of the island white. Some tried to rebel against her, but then St. Karen shed a few tears, stating that all colored things were evil. People didn't really buy it at first, until she began manipulating the. with money, gifts, and empty promises. It is just a simple island that didn't have much, so it wasn't long before the whole island turned into what you see today, a damn madhouse." the Captain said with sadness clear on his face at the state of the island.

Ronin wanted to go out right then and flag this Karen to the bone, but he knew better than. to be rash. Ronin eyed Devon, the two having a silent conversation before Devon nodded and Shunshin'd away. The Captain was stunned at seeing Devon practically disappear, so before he started asking a bunch of questions, Ronin decided to ask some of his own. "Okay, I get this bitch is super racist and evil, but what happened to all of the animals? There's no way they went extinct, right? Also, where are all of the people who disagree with all of this? Even judging by your tone, there's no way the whole island is of one mind." Ronin asked, an he frowned under his mask once he saw the Captain hang his head in shame.

"St. Karen got upset about people rebelling and... she ordered half of them to be killed. The rest would be herded to an area of the island that wasn't covered in with, forcing them to live with the animals that for good reason, now hated humans. And she made them all slaves, all short of branding them, as even her slaves had to be all white. They now live in an are on the other end of the island the residents have deemed... Filth Forest. It's where we dump all of our waste." the Captain said, and that was the final nail for Ronin. Somebody was going to have to die.