Chapter 19

[A/N: Tell me how you guys like the different perspective in this chapter? We get to see how the world reacts to our MC and his actions. If you like it, maybe we can have more chapters like this!]

At the Navy Headquarters, in the top floor meeting room, sat some of the most influential people in the world. Fleet Admiral Sengoku, Vice-Admiral Garp, Admirals Akainu, Kizaru, and Aokiji, Vice-Admiral Tsuru, and many other high ranking Marine officers sat in the room. Everyone wore a grave expression as they have already heard the news, for formalities, still had to attend the meeting.

Letting out a heavy sigh, Sengoku started the meeting. "As I'm sure you already know, Ivory Island, the final island in the South Blue sea has been destroyed by some unknown force. It is currently unknown whether or not whether it was just a strange phenomenon due to the islands close proximity to the Grandline or due to the Devil Fruit of a powerful Pirate or Revolutionary, but considering the captain of the island called in for reinforcements just before the destruction of the island, we're inclined to lean more towards the latter.* Sengoku stated in a grave tone.

"Why would someone so powerful bother with an unknown island in the South Blue? it doesn't make sense." asked one of the random officers in the room.

"That's because this island is far from random. We tried to keep it under wraps for obvious reasons, but this island was extremely important to both us in that Navy and the World Government. Not only was it the final island before the Grandline, our final chance to monitor and influence who enters the Grandline or not, but Ivory Island was also the second home to the World Noble, St Karen, who is currently up in arms and demanding we somehow rebuild her island." said Tsuru in a tired tone.

"Not only that, due to the Revolutionaries taking over Centuaria, Ivory Island was supposed to get a huge boost in Marines stationed their, in hopes to combat both the Revolutionary and the growing Pirate presence as well. But the biggest thing was what was inside of the vault if the Navy base there that is truly a cause of some concern. A few days before his call of reinforcement, the captain of the base called to report the appearance of a Devil Fruit that has yet to be registered, and in the riot where he and the other officers conveniently 'lost their memories' the whole base was somehow cleaned out right from under them, along with their surveillance system destroyed." Sengoku said in a grave tone.

"So to get this straight, Not only was a whole island destroyed with Headquarters reinforcements already a day or so away, this captain also had his whole base swiped right from under his nose and he somehow has no idea what happened. There are too many moving parts in all of this, and something about this doesn't feel right. We're missing something here." Garp said as he shoved a handful of rice crackers into his mouth.

"Garp, are you EATING MY CRACKERS! SERIOUSLY?!" Sengoku asked as some of the officers snicker at their antics.

Letting out yet another heavy sigh, Sengoku recomposed himself. "That's the long and short of it, which means we have absolutely no concrete answers for this monumental level fuck up, and the higher ups are fuming. So, we need answers people! Also, we need to send someone out there to help re-establish our presence there until a new base is built up on the next closest island to the Reverse Mountain." Sengoku stated, which earned a groan from the room.

"Isn't there someone out there already we can pass this job to? From what I understand, the captain of Ivory Island wasn't really even powerful and only got the position thanks to his relationship with this World Noble." said Kizaru.

"Although that is true, the South Blue is second only to the East Blue in terms of weakest Blues, so we never had to have a huge presence their. I have heard rumors of a new Bounty Hunter crew by the name of Shinigami, whose captain is said to be so strong that he could even put the pirates in Paradise in their place, but not only is he not a Marine, reports show that him and his crew have already left the island days before the events unfolded, after turning in an impressive five ships worth of pirates." Tsuru stated, which earned an impressed murmur across the room.

Taking down a small fleet of pirates is no small feat, even for a fleet of Marines, so for a small crew to accomplish such a feat, truly spoke volumes of their strength.

"Damn, that's impressive. A shame they didn't choose to join the Marines instead. We can always use more strong and competent Marines." Aokiji stated, leaned back in his seat with his purple sleep mask over his eyes.

"Why have I not heard of this crew? Who is this captain and where did he come from?" Sengoku asked, upset by not being informed about a potential strong recruit.

"You were sir, I put on top of your mountain of paperwork myself. Did you still not get through all of those stack of paper?" Tsuru stated with a smirk. She didn't get a lot of pleasure these days, but teasing Sengoku about how much work he had always made her feel better.

"But to answer your question, not much is known about them to be honest, sir. Reports show that one day just over half a year ago, the captain showed up at Baterilla with a ship full of kidnapped civilians meant to be sold as slaves, and the captured people coincidentally were from that Island. After making ties with both the residents and the Marines stationed their who still sing his praises, he registered as a Bounty Hunter, freed even more captured girls who were held prisoner by the port master, and sailed off into the night before they could thank him."

"The issue is, the registration process was unorthodox, as no information besides his age, which was 17, was listed. He claimed to have woken up on a deserted island with amnesia before he found the ship of slaves and freed them. We also have no idea what he truly looks like on account to him wearing a fullface mask with demon horns and a full suit of strange yet quality armor. When asked why he couldn't take his mask off for the mandatory picture, he claimed that he planned to aggressively rid this world of evil pirates, and didn't want to face retaliation when he eventually decided to retire and live a quiet life with his future family. Here's his file for you sir." Tsuru stated as she slid Ronin's file across the table.

Ignoring the hearty laughter from Garp at his expense, Sengoku decided to move on. "Hmm, so he goes by, Ronin. Strange, but if he file is true, he has more than proved he would be a great asset to our forces. Now, what about his crew? What do we know about them?" Sengoku asked.

This time, Akainu surprisingly decided to speak up. "Though they are not nearly as powerful as Ronin him, they are still impressive. After leaving Baterilla, Ronin showed up at Karate Island, where he surprisingly convinced the Grand Leader, Genko to train him and a mink fox girl, that they repeatedly referred to as his wife." Akainu said with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Seriously?! That sadistic old bastard actually decided to train this brat and his girl? He must be truly amazing then for that old warlord to openly train him. I still remember the beatings he used to give me when Headquarters first sent me there when I just joined." Garp said, as he opened up another bag of crackers.

"Our men state that not only did he block and match the waning strength of Genko, but he trained with another unknown master on the island and learned a forgotten combat style and was working on creating his own before he left the island with his wife and new crew member, who we actually have information on. Devon Lynch, a killer whale Fishman from Fishman Island. Devon was sold to some pirate in the South Blue after his village was attacked, which resulted in his father and brother being killed and his mother and sister being sold as slaves."

"This Devon Lynch is apparently a swordsman that uses a scythe with deadly efficiency. He is reported to be level headed, aloof, loyal, and has an extreme hate for pirate due to his past that I explained earlier." Akainu said.

"Now, his wife is a different case. I had a gut feeling, so I looked into her a little deeper, and I found out something surprising. The girls name is Amelia Hart, and is the daughter to the Chief of her tribe. Her tribe was originally from Zou, but left due to not wanting to be segregated from the world anymore and to make their place among us humans, unfortunately that didn't work out. Amelia's village was completely raided from pirates and Amelia herself was taken as a slave who later turned out to be the Port Master of Baterilla. The same Port Master that Ronin brutalized before he left the island in the middle of the night." Akainu said, the room hanging onto his every word.

"On Karate Island, Amelia was first shown to be weak, timid and almost fanatically in love with Ronin, but, by the time they left, she had proven to be somewhat of a genius when it came to sailing and naval combat, as well as she has shown quite the impressive ability with dual-wielding pistols. Though she isn't nearly as strong as Ronin or even Devon for that matter, she would prove to be an invaluable asset to them based on her naval abilities alone." Akainu stated as he finished his report.

"Ho ho? I'm surprised at you, Sakazuki. I've never seen you take an interest in anything besides those young Marines that always leave your office in tears and a weird walk." Kizaru said with a mocking grin.

Akainu let out a beastial growl as he smacked the table, the room quickly getting hot. "What the hell did you just say to me, you Flashy Monkey?!" Akainu bellowed as he glared at Kizaru. Akainu didn't get along with anyone, but he hated Kizaru and his lazy, flippant attitude.

"That's Enough!" Sengoku yelled, quickly regaining order over the meeting. "Akainu, that was an impressive report. I will think more about how to recruit Ronin and his team in the future, for right now, we need to figure out this situation with Ivory Island. Due to the strange circumstances, I suspect the captain stationed there had a hand in this somehow. Kizaru, I want you over this. Have someone powerful take over the reigns of the South Blue, and I want you to investigate the Revolutionary army for this. While yes, it could be pirates, this move far benefits the Revolutionaries more, and I doubt they let this opportunity slid." Sengoku ordered as Kizaru groaned in protest.

"If there is nothing else, you're all dismissed. I want answers people!" Sengoku ordered, and with that, the meeting came to a close.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Somewhere in the world, in a particular office, the most wanted man in the world just put down the report he was just handed. "Sabo, are you sure this report is accurate?" Asked Monkey D. Dragon. He had just got done reading the same report that the Marine higher-ups did, and he wasn't sure how to feel.

"I am, Sir. The eyesore named, Ivory Island, is no more. Not even an Eternal log poses could find the remains of the island. But, our spies suggest that the Marines are looking to blame us for this, so we might have some trouble headed our way soon." Sabo said as he sat casually on the couch in the room, playing with the metal pipe in his hands.

"Hmm, something doesn't feel right. All of our operatives who are strong enough to level a whole island, despite how small it was, are all busy in the Grandline. It's clear we're being framed for this, but that doesn't mean we can't use this to our advantage. Send word to, Tempest. He's been sulking over the lose of his family and Bartholomew for long enough. We need him on this, and finally bring the South Blue under us."

"And have someone put eyes on this Ronin character. Though he is just a small fish at the moment, him chosing not to join the Navy and the Marines keeping tabs on him can work in our favor. My instincts tell me this man is far more than he seems." Dragon said as hoped this event could finally get his old friend out of the depression he has been in ever since losing his son in the shipwreck. Even Dragon was sad over losing his best recruit and god son, Warren D. Tempest.