I feel the cold wind passing through my skin. I hear birds chirping sweetly.
Slowly, I opened my eyes.
Light comes out as the sun comes to vision, signifying it is dawn. It's my time for my usual morning routine. However, this time it's different
Why am I staring the sky when I'm supposed to see bedroom ceiling?
Why am I lying on grass and not my bed? I got up and checked my surroundings and I was not expecting what I am witnessing.
Around me is wide carpet of grass with some trees in the distance.
This is an extremely unusual situation. I assume others would panic by now. But for some reason, despite the strangeness and confusion, I find myself very calm, maybe the reason for it is I just woke up.
I started to walk ahead, trying to remember the previous night. I remember only as far back as the time I was washing the dishes. Earphones on, listening to Queen. Afterwards, I fixed my bed and slept. Nothing happened last night that would suggest how I ended up in the middle of nowhere.
I kept walking at one direction, "well what do I do now that I'm here?"
Of course no one was there to answer.
After a moment of silence.
"I think I'll try to sustain my needs first then I'll figure something out while doing it."
Apparently from what I remember there are three needs which is food, water, and shelter. Or at least that's what I still think. With the trees up ahead, I resolves my need for shelter. I'll figure out the rest as I progress.
I continued to walk until I'm on the edge of a forest. Inside, maybe I can find lucky corners where I can settle for the night. Perhaps a hollowed-out tree. Or perhaps a small hut. I continued my search and observed different things I have never seen before. Behind a thick green bush was a Venus flytrap. I've only seen this plant on the television. I observed that it has a very dark red color and emitting s reddish whiff of smoke. I passed by a bunch of dark red sunflowers with long stalks that bend like an 'f'. Curious. Surprising. Terrifying. I wanted to take a closer look, but priorities first.
Time passed when I realized, I haven't seen a single animal in this forest. And animals mean food. I must keep a sharper look out for animals.
And so, I walked. And walked. And walked a bit more.
I reached the outskirts of the forest. Then I noticed something, it was a rough road. Across it was a small pond.
"Finally, a sign of civilization."
I had a hunch that this must be leading to some countryside.
I went to the pond to wash my face and take a few sips to refresh myself. I used my shirt to wipe my face, then I saw my reflection.
After a few blinks I couldn't believe what I'm seeing right now.
After a moment of silence.
After a short breeze.
"What the….."
Shock overwhelmed me as my reflection is no longer the face of the 17-year-old girl that I'm supposed to be. I stumbled backwards and kicked myself away from the pond's edge. First my face is nowhere close to my original.
My eyes are now purple, not black. They're round like that of Westerners, not small like that of Asians. My braced teeth replaced with bare white sharp fangs.
And the ears. Why are my ears on the top of my head, not on the sides? Why are they pointy? I ran my hands on my head, my ears, my body, my back. What is that? From the small of my back stretches this long purple tail. I tried to contain this rush of emotions. I stood up and tried to relax.
I turned into something horrendous. A purple half-fox, half-human monster. One thing that has not changed at least was my height. My appearance still fits the 17-old girl usually is. I look down at myself, I see my sleeping clothes still fits. I check my pockets if there are stuff inside, maybe I still have my phone. I don't. I left it under my pillow last night.
"What now?" I said again.
There's too much to unpack and my head is starting to hurt. But my priorities are still being in touch which is my needs. I dried myself up and went to hit the road, walking to my right to whatever this road leads me.
I walked half-mindedly and let myself drown in my thoughts. No sign of food. No sign of a strategic shelter. The only source of water goes further behind me with every step I take.
Suddenly I hear sounds coming from behind.
Little did I know that hell was coming at me.
My name is Salvio, a slave trader, and now I'm currently in my carriage with my assistant handling the horses. I'm returning home from traveling to deal to my client.
"Now that I've sent a few demi-humans, we are now short on slaves which is a problem."
"It is master."
"If I have a way to gather that much in a short time then I would not worry for a while."
"How about we increase our men looking for demi-humans master?
"That can be but even so…it's not like they can get many of them in a day."
"Well I agree on you master."
After a few discussions, my assistant notices something.
"Master speak of the devil, I see one up ahead."
"Nice thank you! We got to capture whoever she is."
My assistant sped up until we reached her. She stopped as well maybe because she heard us coming so I came down and meet her.
"Hello there good sir, I would like to know where I am right now, I'm lost. Can you help me find my way back home?" Said the little girl. Apparently she's speaking in a language I don't know so I did not understand what she's saying.
"To make things quick, assistant give me my sword." I said in an icy tone. Apparently the girl also did not understand what I'm saying.
The assistant gave it to me then I turned to face her. From her face I can say that she's confused but that doesn't matter anyway. "Sorry and thank you." I said while smiling before I move.
I punched her two times in the face then I hit the handle of the sword to her head.
From those hits she fell down.
"You're going to make me rich little girl."
I gave the sword back to him and I carried her to the carriage. We carried on until we reached, Prista, the capital of the kingdom of Palestine which my shop resides.
We arrived at my shop.
After unloading everything else, we brought the girl to where are the others are then put her on a cage. I went to my table and sit to rest for a bit with my assistant sitting on an empty cage.
"Master, what shall we do with the girl for now? Maybe she will maybe break the cage and escape since we don't know her strength very much."
"We need her to be powerless to defend so that we can sell her. I don't care what method you use, just make her weak."
"Understood master."
My head hurts, my legs hurt, in short, my whole body hurts so bad.
What did I do wrong to them?
What did I do to deserve such treatment?
I need get out of here.
It's been many nights and days passed since, about three days. I know the dates now at least because I saw a calendar. A few days ago I was making conversation with that person which we didn't understand each other. Then suddenly he received a sword and attacked me out of nowhere. I fainted then the next thing I woke up to was I'm inside this cage.
Yes, inside a cage. The one who captured me seemed to be the boss and the one I saw at the horses was probably his assistant. I saw the other cages also occupied with some people that also looks like me which I was not surprised anymore since this is nothing as to why the heck I am here.
When they brought me here then I experienced hell.
First day some suspicious looking men came and beat me up.
I was dragged into a suspicious room, then they locked me in chains and whipped me many times. At the back, front, or even at my head, wherever they want to. I screamed so hard, but then one guy came closer and punched me left and right.
I was struggling and enduring the pain until I passed out. When I woke up I saw a man showing his hand but then a circle with some art I don't know appeared, in front of it was green particles glowing, then my wounds started to disappear.
I was intrigued. I was interested to whatever he had done. It must be something that I can achieve. After my wounds were gone, they gave my dinner which is just bread and water.
Day two, I had no breakfast but they forced me to drink something so suspicious that right after it my body is in pain so much. It must be some poison.
Then they beat me up again. This time I tolerated the pain but it is still pain so it hurts so much.
I've just endured the pain to the point that they made their beating stronger. They made their whipping much more intense.
Right after they're done, before they're going to return me to the cage, I coughed blood on the floor. Then I looked at them.
I stared at them, showing a blank face with blood flowing out of my mouth, struggling to speak, trying to tell them to stop. I might even look sinister from their perspective.
Suddenly, a sudden feeling came to my body but I didn't notice.
My stare startled them, they were speaking to each other while I couldn't understand what they're saying, until then I passed out again.
I woke up again to see the same man doing the same thing to me yesterday, getting rid of my wounds. And of course my dinner, is the same. After I ate my fill, a man is approaching me holding something. It came close to me and showed me the thing he was holding and it was a mirror. I decided to look at horrible self.
My hair is a mess.
Something has changed. It's my eyes, it became crystal purple.
The man then hurriedly went out.
What could this mean? What to these eyes do? I continued to think about it until I ended up sleeping.
I woke up being today as the 3rd day. I was expecting breakfast to arrive but instead I got some men and the boss I met earlier approaching me. They talked each to other, not that I understand what they were saying. The next I thing I knew was I was knocked out and carried me to a carriage.
"Let's go."
"Yes master."
My assistant and I are departing again, to transport this girl to another client of mine. It always feels bliss to have another client renting or buying my slaves. The client requested to hire a slave which is new and had to transport it to their home with double payment. Of course I agreed immediately which brings us to this girl today.
"It's just been three days, you're already going to be worked hard." I said to the girl in the cage
Well obviously she wouldn't answer because she's out for now.
"It seems you've taken quite a liking to that girl master."
Well of course, capturing her means more money.
"Well it's because she's going to make me money hahahaha⸺"
The carriage bumped into a hump and I bit my tongue.
"Ah! Bloody hell, watch the road!"
"Ah sorry master hahahaha!" he said it like it's nothing and just laughing his ass out.
After that awkward silence, we heard a loud sound.
"Master! A monster up ahead! It's a bear!"
"Well that's a problem!" I drew my sword, "Stop the carriage immediately!"
My assistant stopped, drew his sword as well, and we head to face the bear. I may not be as strong as a mercenary or a soldier but at least I know how to defend myself. That applies as well to my assistant, I even heard he used to be a mercenary as well but he quitted with the reasons unknown.
We are nearing the bear and wow, coming up close its size is the carriage itself and the horses combined.
"Wow a huge one master!"
The bear sensing us, it turned to us and growled so loud at us.
It sent us both flying, the carriage and horses as well were blown away. We fell at the ground which hurts. I checked my back and I see the horses are on the run, away from us, and the carriage is a wreck at the side of the road. I didn't tend to pay attention anymore at my back, I should focus more on the enemy.
I got up the same time my assistant got up, we nod at each other and walked forward. We were knock backed when the bear monster growled but another one came up.
It was less loud but it doesn't mean we're already safe. It may be a sign for it to do something dangerous. And my thinking was a bulls-eye.
It's so fast! Quickly charging at the two of us.
As it tried to tackle, I dodged going into my left side then I immediately try to cut one of its leg.
Clang! A sound of metal hitting each other.
The monster alarmed, turned to me and does a swipe with its bear paw. I dodge the first swipe but I do not know there is second one coming.
"What?!" I shouted.
The paw hit my body and I was knocked to the ground.
It hurts so much.
Waves of pain surged me.
I moved away to have some distance, my assistant came.
He held out a hand.
My wounds were covered and the pain dissipated.
"What happened master?"
"The bear's fur is hard as if it's metal. I strike my sword but it does nothing to it."
"What an extraordinary creature that is master."
"Yeah, we can't beat it even if it's 2 on 1."
We can't win.
"We should've avoided it in the first place"
We should run while we're alive.
I shall not die.
I can't die yet my successful money-in-the-bed life is not yet in my grasp .
"We'll back out, we're better safe than sorry, let's hurry!"
"How about the girl master?!"
Who cares about the girl?! We can just find another one!
But wait, I remember an item just under the floor of the carriage was like a down payment of the client back then as proof that we trust each other. Apparently the client said "I gave you something as a substitute for money, which also means that I can trust you with a good deal." I understand what he's coming from and I totally took it to mind.
But now I'm in this crazy situation, I may be not able to return it.
I'll just leave it there it's probably wrecked anyway given it was blown away.
I'll just have to make an excuse later.
"Leave her, leave everything, we can recover once we get back!"
My assistant paused for a bit then said "Uhh…yes master".
Come on it's too late to make that reaction and be hesitant, you've dirtied your hands yourself you know.
We turned our backs and got the hell out of there.
When I thought we're having quite some distance, my thoughts are well just a thought.
The bear catching up fast!
Now it's behind us!
My assistant looks at me, sweating, and wearing a worried face.
"It's literally behind us master, what shall we d⸺"
The next thing I see is his head in the air. The swipe of the bear was so strong it took his head off.
It fell to the ground, blood litters fast.
I cried as I continued to run away.
All I am thinking is just about escaping death.
"I can't die! I'm not dying! I'm not dying! I won't be dead!"
I can't die, I still have so many things to do in my life!
The next thing I know one of my legs came off and I feel to the ground.
"Urghhh!!" It hurts so much.
I didn't know what happened but I can only guess that the monster bear hit my legs off.
Still, I must go on and continue my life. Everything I've worked hard for will not be vain.
Not having one leg didn't stop me from moving, I have my other leg and my hands so I crawled not minding the bear behind me because my mind was too occupied in the thought of living. Yes, the pain is excruciating but also yes it doesn't stop me.
I've been thinking too much that I did not notice what was happening behind anymore. The bear is already so close to me and is about to get rid of my head. I looked behind to see if anything happened and I just saw a big paw coming towards my face.
I didn't know that was my last breath and sight.
"Stop it Misha!" I shouted.
I am flying when Misha sees me then proceeded to walk away from the corpses and sits down like a normal bear would do. Well the bear isn't a normal one for sure.
The bear is not wild but it is tamed by me. Her name is Misha, a bear I once found wandering in a forest.
My goodness she has caused a ruckus here. I land on the ground gently, brushed off the dirt of my clothes, and approached her.
The road I'm walking is not paved so if something might go south then it would be a problem. It would be troublesome if I trip and get my clothes get dirty. This clothing is refined because of its gothic bluish appearance with the small refined wave-like ends at the end of each opening of the dress which speaks how expensive it is to afford it.
I arrived to where Misha is seated. I gave her a pat and went to inspect on my surroundings.
Firstly, I checked the carriage in the distance.
I saw that the carriage itself was wrecked, pile of wood scattered, but one thing was not yet broken at least and it was a claymore. A claymore is basically a bigger version of a sword which means it's also heavier.
It doesn't matter to me how it was there or why it didn't broke so I paid it no mind and move on to the other figure close to it. It was a purple-haired girl in a cage. The cage itself did not broke but curves and dents in the bars are visible. The girl also have bruises which she maybe got from bumping in the bars.
I brought her out to safety, I checked her status and she's still unconscious, so I tried to communicate to her.
"Hello girl?"
No response.
That is expected.
Identify is a spell in which appraises a target. I used it to obtain information about this girl.
Information went into my mind and I was not expecting what I've got.
Name: nameless
Race: Demi-human (female)
Talent: Crystal Eye
It was unexpected that she got a talent.
Talents are magic abilities that reside since birth. Talents are many but their abilities may differ.
From the ability to make condiments, to the ability to move mountains, and so on.
I don't have a talent myself which is not uncommon but I'm curious on what this Crystal Eye means. Fortunately 'Identify' can also give information about the talent if one has it. I looked for it until I was surprised even more on what the talents is about.
Crystal Eye: Every skill the wielder can see, the wielder can learn and master it without any failure.
That alone is quite strong in my perspective but it still has more.
The skills learned and mastered using the crystal eye can make the wielder use those without the expense of enigma.
The limit is that the Crystal Eye cannot target magic spells. Thus learning magic would be normal.
It says that it has a limit, but the ability itself is already strong on its own.
"Quite interesting."
A came out of nowhere but I didn't flinch nor change into combat mode.
"Yes Lord Altrazzar."
Lord Altrazzar used 'Mail' to communicate to me.
"Our men has spotted human soldiers outside the capital, where are you?"
"Forgive me my lord! I was just going to retrieve Misha. I'm still in the around the capital."
"Good, now it is the time. Massacre them without letting yourself give information to the enemy"
"Yes Lord Altrazzar!" I said happily.
The 'Mail' ended.
Lord Altrazzar is one commander of the demon military and I am part of his army. The task given to me and to the 3 demons is to go around the capital with me as the assassin, then wait for his signal. He said that the other 3 comrades would do intelligence gathering. Misha wanted to come along with me which is fine as well but his bloodlust got carried away until I came to stop her.
Now that he had given me the signal, it is time to go.
"Misha, go back. Teleport." I teleported her back into home.
I peeked at the girl, still unconscious.
I decided not to report this to my lord because this girl itself is not important to us after all.
I turned away then started going to where the soldiers are.
"Oh how it feels so good to massacre those weaklings" I said it while chuckling softly.
I opened my eyes and I see the sun shining bright.
What happened?
As I am recalling my thoughts, I tried to get up and stand but pain is hitting my legs. As I struggle to stand, as a result, I fell to one knee like one could do at a castle where you get to have an audience with the king or queen of a kingdom.
When I was done struggling to stand and stood properly, I looked to check my surroundings and I concluded that this location was when I was also when I was kidnapped by those people.
Those horrible people…can they be even called humans at this point? Well I'm not one to talk since I get the feeling I'm not human anymore. I clearly have animal ears and a tail.
I may lose my humanity but I won't lose my sanity.
Now what do I do? So much happened already since been here in this place I don't know.
For now let's see the carriage which is already wrecked. Thus, I went to it.
I see my cage. Good thing I got out. The bars are already curved.
The carriage is gone, only broken plies of wood are scattered. I tried to find anything useful in the rubble.
Sticks…rocks…ripped clothes…!
A bag of coins! I don't know how valuable these are though. I grabbed some coins to inspect a few of it.
There are silver, and bronze coins, they come in three different sizes too.
This is handy, I'll acquire it. I hung it in my neck like a necklace, then continued looking.
More rubbish…aha!
Then at the side of the carriage wreck, I saw a weapon.
However, I don't know what kind of weapon is this. The handle looks like that of a sword but the blade is massive in size. The blade alone is the almost the same as my height right now.
I approached it and I tried to equip it.
Wow its heavy. I can't even lift up enough not to touch the ground.
Now that I've gone through everything, looked up to see where the pond is, and headed there.
I looked at myself.
What a disgraceful appearance.
I washed my face for the meantime, it could help me refresh my mind. I sit then began to think about my situation.
Okay so 3 days ago I suddenly woke up in a place I never heard of, get kidnapped out of nowhere after exploring me for a bit, beat me up, and thus this moment. I've managed to salvage a few items for future use. Now what to do?
I can either go to the place where they've taken me or go back into the forest I've been before and work my way from there. I'll just go to the place those bastards took me, I'm already screwed anyway, and I'll just go to the forest when things go south again.
I stood up, carried the weapon, and hit the road. I carried, or rather dragged, the big weapon because it is too heavy for me so when I walk it makes metallic screech sound.
On the way, I was wondering again why my eyes are crystal purple. Are these eyes has some kind of curse or something? Something that gives me bad luck every time? Whatever it is, I'll just make sure I don't mess up.
I saw a figure up ahead. I came closer to check it out, then I found out it was a horrid sight to see. I see the two people who captured me, dead it is. The assistant has no head and the other a decapitated head with a leg.
My face, a poker face, didn't change, but inside I want to vomit. This sight makes me puke so badly but why am I still having a calm expression despite such monstrosity? I better digress and maintain myself before I end up the same as them. Anyway what happened here? It feels like some fight happened here. There's so much blood oozing here, still makes me spit everything inside my stomach.
I looked around to see something useful, then I saw two swords lying on the ground, stained with blood. It is probably the ones they used. Maybe it would be better if I take them, can be of use later. Unlike the big weapon, the swords are easier to carry even with one hand. I went to grab the two with one hand, while the other dragging the big one. I looked around again to see other things. I saw bloods marks, I took a closer look at it further and it was footprints with blood in it. It was not belonging to a human because it was bigger, if I had to guess I'll just say it's a big animal, maybe a big bear since it looks like a paw. The footprints go further to the forest I came from back then. But I don't have time for that, I have things to do.
I stood up, then glanced at the dead bodies again.
I smiled.
"Heh, that's what you get." I said it with a smug face.
What's is wrong with me? Well never mind.
Looking satisfied, I turned away and left.
I'm walking under the sun, judging by it, must be lunchtime right now. I've been walking for maybe a couple of minutes only and I can see already a tall wall and after it is structures that seems to be the high parts of a castle. I didn't realize it sooner, maybe because I was too flabbergasted too notice back then when I was suddenly here. I still don't know where I am though. I don't even know if this is earth. Maybe I'm not anymore.
After a few more minutes, I came close to the gate of the wall I can see already people going in and coming out. As I head towards the gate, I passed by some people coming from the inside. Unfortunately, their gazes towards are irritation and puzzlement like am I a mons⸺ then suddenly I hear a voice.
"Why is a slave carrying weapons? Her owner should discipline her!" a guy said to his companion.
I understood him! But…
You've got to be kidding me…
I ignored the gazes and head inside but a guard of the gate stops me halfway. The other guard draw his sword. They are in full golden clad armor. Maybe they are people called "Knights".
Then again I don't understand a single word he said.
I bowed.
"I'm so sorry I can't understand your language." I said in a soft tone.
I get back up and I see that his nodding. It seems he can understand me, what a relief.
I waited for his reply but instead I got hand gestures instead of words. He points his sword and points next to the big weapon and the swords I'm holding. Oh! Maybe his asking about the weapons, or something like what are you going to with it.
"Ah this? I'm going to sell these" I lied of course.
I'm not selling the big weapon, I'm going to use it for my safety even though I don't even know how to use it neither a sword. I'm just going to sell the swords to whoever I can sell to,
The guard nodded and gestured allowing me to pass.
I thanked him and bowed, then went inside.
I just entered and already i stopped. Wow, what a view. I'm speechless
"Am I in a fantasy world right now?" I whispered to myself.
First of all, I see so many buildings that are not like that the buildings that I know and recognize. All of them looks so medieval if I had to compare.
Roads starting here are paved now and they're many people walking around. They look so different too. Like from their hair and clothing. I don't even see jeans at all.
Then I saw the castle itself. It's so medieval too but it's amazing also since it blends. I can also that the land there is higher than here so it may be higher than at first glance.
I'm amazed at these things that are new to me.
Now that I'm here I got to do what I came here for, look for something to stay and rest. While looking, I can sell these swords on the way.
I continued ahead the paved road. Blending with the crowd, I just realized I'm walking here so dragging this big weapon makes yet a worse sound than a while ago, now more irritating. I can see people covering their ears. Well I mean it's understandable but it's too heavy for me to carry it, I'm even struggling to drag it sometimes.
I look at the buildings side to side to see if there's a place which focuses on these kinds of stuff. I barely see words, let alone characters. Then I see many wooden signboards hanging above the door. There are figures in it. I walked to the one closest to me to see the figure, it was a leaf. I don't know what that means though. I see the front of the building. Looks like a three-storey, but the windows on the first floor are closed, the other floors have them opened. It feels suspicious but I turned to see entrance, people are coming in and going out carrying their stuff. I don't know what's inside but I want to check it out since I don't know what-is-where here, Thus I went inside through the wooden door.
It is pretty well lit for a room even with closed windows here. There are torches on the walls providing the light inside.
I looked around. I see many plant parts in containers here placed in those shelves. Leaves especially are popular here since I see people buying those. Ooh I saw a pretty familiar plant in one of the shelves. It's the head of the Venus Flytrap-like plant I saw a while back.
The cashier desk is at the windows. Maybe that is the reason why it is closed. Whoever runs this place doesn't want to get his/her money snatched via the window. But in the first place, it's risky to place literally all your money beside the windows. Why am I even worried about that? It's not my shop.
Someone touched me but I haven't noticed yet.
To my mistake, I spaced out for too long and that someone said something.
Of course I didn't understand what his saying.
"Sorry I can't understand you sir" I said
He twitched, seeming irritated, he slapped me in the face.
It hurts! It feels like it's so painful that it left a print of his hand. I got to keep my cool though. Come on self.
He moved his hand, trying to call somebody. Wait, it's the man at the desk, probably the boss. He responded and approached us. They exchanged words, then they came with decision that I didn't know. The next thing I knew that pushed me into the door and kicked me out of the shop, I fell on the ground with my stuff thrown away as well.
Oh come on this treatment again.
I tried to get up but as I do it, I saw what I haven't notice yet since I've arrived here. I see people like me, on the ground with their hands begging for something. Then I see others, walking around with chains attached their arms and legs. They have treatment as horrible as mine. I get up, I grab my weapons, and take a good look again at what is really happening here. I see another one like me, he even seems younger than me, being pulled around by the chains connected to his neck.
What the hell, I was flabbergasted. I thought only this was only a case or something wherein I was kidnapped together with a few people back then but this is worse, it's like a common thing here.
I'm speechless. Do we even belong here then to have such a disgusting presence to the public?
I really don't know what to say. I'll just continue with what I'm here for.
Walking past them, I continued to look for buildings with signs while pondering to myself.
Am I robot now? I haven't even thought of helping them. Well in honesty, I can't help them since I have the same situation as them.
As I digressed, I continued looking for signs.
I found a sign again. I see an anvil figure in it.
Nice I've covered one reason I'm here.
I went inside that building. I don't even have the mood now observing the building itself.
I got inside, it's a shop displaying kinds of weapon and armor. Then further at the back is an open part of the building, with tools and people hammering in there. It's buzzing around here, people being busy maybe.
I went to the lady at the desk, she looks middle-aged. I want to tell her that I want to sell these swords.
"Hello, I want to sell these, can I do it here?" I said as politely as I can, hoping she wouldn't flinch like crazy again.
"What do you want slave? We don't entertain dirty brats here." she said, looking irritated.
Okay, coincidence? I think not.
I understand her though which is good.
"Sorry my good ma'am but I'm not here for trouble."
"Say that when you're clean enough, what with the swords even?! Don't tell me you're here to threaten us and rob us!" she snapped.
I clearly just said I'm going to sell them.
Her shouting is causing a ruckus, people are looking at us.
"Sorry but I'm not going to rob you."
I'm trying to be nice now ma'am, I don't have the mood to even get mad right now.
"What's the noise all about noise about?" said by a guy coming toward us.
I understand him. However…
Here comes another troublemaker.
He looks middle-aged but still handsome especially with that hair. He also looks well built for this type of labor. The making of swords and stuff, I don't know that profession.
"Hello sir, can I sell these?" I showed the swords.
I spoke first just to avoid trouble from the lady.
"Yes you can." he said and took the swords.
"Come here at the back I'll entertain you."
Ohh it's so refreshing such a gentle voice after all those words thrown at me. I took the luxury and followed him paying no attention to the annoyed lady. I thought I was going to get more problems when he was coming but it wasn't.
We sat together on boxes.
"Sorry back there, my wife's not fond of you guys"
Oh so he's the husband.
"I'm Gio, a blacksmith and the shop owner, nice to meet you."
So he's the owner as well.
"Call me Carlestine sir."
"No need for that 'sir' thing, anyways you've come here to sell these two swords right?"
"Yes but can I ask you questions as well?"
I need to ask questions now that he understands me, and is not lashing at me. I have this opportunity to ask where I am, why I can't understand people, etc.
"Sure go ahead."
"Where am I? Why can't understand most of the people here?" I asked directly.
"Where we are right now is Prista or the capital of the kingdom, Palestine. Also the reason why you can't understand the common folk here is that they do not speak English here, English is the language on the western countries, and in the east we use the language Pristanian."
What? Okay?
"How about you sir Gio? You and your wife know English well."
"Well I deal with customers so learning English is a good thing for me. I am proud of it at least. It goes the same as well with my wife Mina, although she was less enthusiastic back then."
Ah I see.
"Now back to the reason you're here, how much would you sell me the two swords?"
Uh oh, I don't know the value of money here. The look of the coins alone is so different. What do I tell him?
"Umm, you set the price." with a smile combined.
"Hoho, you want me to set the price? I might go lower than what you want."
Again I don't know the value of money. I'll just leave it to him.
"I'm fine."
"Deal! I'll buy it for 2 small silver."
He handed me the money.
"Thank you."
"How about your claymore, are going to sell it too?"
"My what?"
The other weapon you've been dragging a while ago."
Oh this big weapon, so it's called a claymore.
"Ah this, no I won't."
"I see."
Then a shout pierces our ears.
"Gio!!! Where the hell is my fan?! It's getting hotter and hotter!" Lori shouted again.
"Of course Mina it is hot, look at the time, it is afternoon."
"Your wife you sure loves you huh." I interjected.
"Well it's like dangerous love, but yeah she's a pain sometimes hahaha."
Oh yeah I almost forgot.
"Do you know a place where I can sleep?"
"Well sure I know a place or two."
After maybe a minute of him giving me directions, I thanked him again and went outside the place. Such a nice guy.
I got out. Finally, a can drag my claymore easier after all that heaviness. I still can't carry it.
Back then, I should've been smarter, I think haven't asked enough questions to him.
I continued walking again to my other destination, the inn as Gio said.
As I continue to walk. I see again those like me, being beat up by men and women alike on the side of the road. After a moment, as I keep looking around, I see them again at the alleys with their heads down. All I see of these people like me are skinny, dirty, and covered with bruises and wounds. Like how I was too.
After a few minutes of walking, I see at the side, I stopped.
I looked at a building with a glass wall, there I saw the grand piano.
I've been staring at it for a few minutes.
I want to play there! It is a literal grand piano! Black in color, with the lid open.
Wahhhhh, one of my dreams is to at least play one of those! Wow, now I see some fire within me blazing. Back then I have seen so many pianos but are electric and doesn't have enough keys, but now, right now I see a real grand piano in front me. Without further ado, I went inside the building, I didn't have a sign at the door but I don't care about that.
I got inside, the first thing I noticed is the grand piano displayed.
I took a closer look.
It's beautiful. Such beauty.
The pedals I've always yearned to use when playing. The pianos I've played doesn't have that. There so much in this one; the bass and treble strings looking in good condition, those well designed hammers, the wheels for easy moving, the comfortable chair of course, and finally the complete keys. I could play so much more in this. Like in a theatre, in the opening of the curtains then there I am sitting, playing an opera style composition. After that, all of the audience would clap for my performance.
Oh no I'm getting too far again in my fantasies. I stared too long at the piano. I want to get it! I have nowhere to put it though.
I was startled.
Due to my fantasy dreaming, I haven't noticed the person behind at me.
"Sorry I can't understand you."
I forgot to ask Gio to teach me some basic Pristanian phrases.
"Would you like to purchase the piano then young lady?"
I turned to this person. He's a man wearing a tuxedo, he must be in his 20's. So handsome and decent looking in that suit.
"Who are you? Also you can understand me."
"I am Rolly, young lady. I'm a butler of the master of this fine establishment."
Wow such a gentle tone to his voice.
"May I help with you something?"
"Can I play for a bit in this piano?"
"Um, I don't know how to answer that exactly. How about I take you to the master for he shall decide?"
Okay? I now smell something fishy.
I nod at him.
As we walked to the boss table, I haven't realized until now that there are other stuff here too. There are other instruments displayed; trumpets, violins, and other orchestra instruments. It is cleaner her too than the previous two places I've been.
"Master this young lady wants to try the piano."
"Hello, I'm Carlestine."
"Thanks Rolly, I'll take it from here. I'm Macey Grazzle Beminglon, call me Macey."
Wow that is quite a name. He looks young, maybe a man his 20's as well. Judging by the clothing he's wearing, he seems rich. He also speaks English.
"Now I refuse to let you play the piano, I don't want filthy hands, especially a slave, to touch my piano."
Fish smell confirmed.
"You can buy it, then it's all yours to play anytime you want." He continued.
You even have the audacity to say that. All these people are making me sick now. Wait, stop, got to keep my cool.
For starters, how much is it?
"How much is the piano?"
"3 Gold, 3 large silver."'
Yes…I don't know how money works here of course.
"Okay, well I'll be leaving now."
"Rolly, accompany her out."
"Okay master Macey."
What a guy he is. Unbelievable.
Rolly opened the door for me. I thanked him and went out.
Now what? One of my dreams was almost at my fingertips, but that owner ugh. I can deal with that later. I still have my problem of understanding the language here. I shall go back to sir Gio's place, he's the only decent person I've met so far. With him, I can at least get the basics done in just a few hours.
Thus I made my move and went back to his shop.
"You're here again young girl, what can I do for you?"
I met him at the desk.
"Where's Madam Mina?"
"She's upstairs, resting."
"So you are the front of the house now?"
"For the meantime, yes I am. She is lazy sometimes."
"You sure have a lovely lady sir."
"I love her so much, yeah."
That sounded so lifeless.
"Can you help me learn Pristanian?"
"Well yeah but it can be quite a time."
"I don't mind. I shall pay you later."
"Never mind the payment, I'm happy to help."
What a kind man.
We sat on a table and he began teaching basic Pristanian words, phrases, and the numbers. My head is almost giving up and want to run away on all those new things being hurled at my brain.
After sometime…
"1" He said.
"1" I followed.
"Yeah I think that's enough for you Carlestine, It's already evening"
"Thank you so much sir Gio." I bowed.
"I must go now." Thus I left.
Outside the streets are lighted with people still strolling around. Fortunately from sir Gio's blacksmith is just a walking distance. He said that you can see a sign with a bed, that's where I can sleep.
On the way, I see the castle basked under the moonlight.
I reached the said building, looks also like it has 3 floors. I readied my money just in case
Wait. I hear sounds coming from after the door.
I opened the door.
So that's where the sounds are coming from.
As soon as I opened, I see a girl and a man having intercourse right now. Then there's a skinny looking person, probably the cashier, just standing there watching them.
Wow I'm speechless.
I don't know what to even feel anymore.
The man noticed me immediately. He let go of the girl, pulled up his pants, then went upstairs. The girl was lying down on the floor.
I looked at the cashier, wow no expressions from him, he won't even try to help her.
He looked at me.
"Room 8" I said it in Pristanian.
I just said whatever room came to mind, I don't even know if it's available.
"Okay, f⸺⸺3" he said
I still did not understand the whole sentence but I understood the 3. It is maybe the floor or the price. Maybe he's talking about the floor.
I tossed a medium sized silver to him. I don't know how much but whatever.
I placed my claymore at the side, then checked her.
She's like me with animal ears and tail but looks younger than me. She isn't responding so maybe she passed out.
"Room?" I said to the skinny man, while I pointed at her.
She is from room 4 huh.
I carried her. Good thing she's light but she's so drenched in sweat and other body fluids, it makes her slippery. I went upstairs to the second floor to find her room.
I reached the door where it marks 4, good thing it's open because my hands are full right now. I put her into her bed, closed the door, and then went back to the first floor. I hope she will be fine.
I went back to get my claymore then brought it up to my room. My room looks so old; creaky bed, old creepy looking wooden chair, a small candle on the table, and the windows with broken glass.
I feel like I just went into horror-themed crime scene.
I put my claymore at the side near the window, then laid down on the bed. The bed itself isn't comfortable.
Wow so much happened already in such a few days. I want to rest now.
As I closed my eyes. I hear someone banging so hard on the door.
What now?!
I got up and immediately grabbed my weapon. They kept on hitting the door, they destroyed it open. There are four guys, they all look so strong. I see, even the cashier is part of the group.
What the hell, I've been cornered, I can't even swing my claymore.
As they keep closing the distance, I backed until I touched the window.
The window…now I have a way to get out but this will be nasty.
OH NO, they're coming in fast.
I didn't have time to open the windows so I bust the window down with my back and I fell three floors with my claymore I've dragged along.
I hit the ground hard, back first.
"Pfft." I threw blood out of my mouth.
That hurts so much!!
Come on, stand up self! You've got to run.
I struggled to stand and I used my claymore to support myself.
Oh no the building is becoming so noisy, they are now looking for me. I've got to get away from here. Thus I ran.
I ran so hard that I have the adrenaline rush helping me out, I can even drag my claymore while running. I ran and ran until I reached outside the gate. I ran to the side of the wall then finally stopped below the wall.
I sat down, catching my breath. Then I laid down on the grass.
I am in so much pain right now.
I am…in..so..much…pain….
I passed out.