After discussing everything and getting enough mana, I started teaching Joel the things I know and in the process I've learned that he is an awakened A-Class but instead becoming a hunter, he was recruited by the hunter's association to become the leader of the research team and it seems that he's gift comes from the blessing of Kagari, and I'm sure that even without it he will be a great scientist.

I taught him and his assistants what are the things we collected is for besides the things they already know. The colorful stones which were called in our world the Stones of Lila or moon stones, because it can only be found in the town of Lila were one of the ingredients that is needed to make the mana potions.

Mixing the Lila Stones with the melted mana crystals, the tears of the water nymphs, and chanting the spell will make the mana potion and to know if it is successful it will glow like a bright sun.

"Are you sure this thing will work?"-Joel.

"We can test it if you want, to see if we are successful"- Demetri.

Even though I know it is successful because it glowed like a bright sun but to convince them that it work, I reach for one of the vials on the table and model it in a vial that will contain the right amount of Mana potion that human can consume from time to time.


I call out for Jack, to make him drink it but to gain their trust his trust, I drink one first. I glowed green, a sign that my MP increase. After I drank it, Jack drink his, and same as I, he glowed green and I can see on the expression on his face that we are successful.

"Are you okay Jack, how are you feeling?"-Joel

"Joel, this, whatever this is, is legit, I can feel my Mana increases and returning back to normal"-Jack

"This is amazing, I never taught that mana crystals can be consumed like this to increase mana, we all taught that it can only be use for weapons and armors, I will never doubt you again, teach me more"-Joel

"What you taught is right, you really can't consume a mana crystal without the other ingredients, you will die and explode"-Demetri

"Okay, noted, so what's next?"-Joel

"This"-Demetri. I held up an Adella plant from the containers from the

"Is this really valuable? I mean look at this, it looks like a weed you see everywhere, but I should not jump into conclusions fast because you just surprise me with that Mana potion"-Joel.

"This is called an Adella Plant, it is a plant breed from different kinds of healing plants, and the main ingredient for the Miracle Potion"-Demetri

"Plants can be breed? Like dogs? I didn't know that, but anyways proceed"-Joel.

Adella Plant may look like a simple weed, that's why many ignore it, but it is very valuable because it can do what healer's can't do. Healers only have the capacity to heal wounds or extend someone's life in small chances, boost and protect, but they can't completely cure someone. The Adella plant, that was the result of Aiya, research and breeding, is able to cure life-threatening wounds, any poison, curses, and restore limbs, and hoping in further research can cure the eternal sleep.

With the mixture of tears of the water nymphs, Miracle potion will be made. To be sure that the creating of the miracle potion was a success it will glow like a bright full moon in the evening.

"Are we gonna test this out too?"-Joel.

"This better be a surprise also for you, it is better that the whole world is watching when we show them what this potion can do"-Demetri.

"Okay, as you say so"-Joel.

Until the sun rises, I taught Joel the things that I can teach him for the day. Before going, I told Joel and Jack to never mentioned me when they spread the news about these things I taught them because I want to remain anonymous as much as possible I hate the spotlight.

They offered me a service to send me home and of course I didn't refuse, because I am so tired staying all night. I also ask for the percent of mana crystal I ask for because I will be using it later. I left Daya's vessel in Joel's care until I build the magic room in the basement. Before going, I slid one of the miracle potions in my pocket to test it out if it can cure the eternal sleep.

Upon arriving home, I quickly doze off in my bed. I woke up noon, and before starting building my new magic room, I visit my sister in the hospital to test out if the miracle potion can cure the eternal sleep, because I want to see my sister wake up. Upon arriving on her room, I used plant manipulation to bring life to the old flowers I placed before on the vase.

I sit on the bed beside Diana and place my hand on her head to see what causes this Eternal Sleep. All I can see is her life force in forms of little ball of bright red lights being taken away, I look into it more further, but I can't see what causes it or the reason behind it, like something is blocking it.

Maybe the reason why I can't see anything because I was still weak. I pour the miracle potion slowly on her mouth and waited for result but there is none, even a little improvement, there is none, she's still sleeping, it means the miracle is not powerful enough to cure this illness.

After going to the hospital, I started building the magic room. I move all the mana crystals in the basement and started working. I draw magic circle all around the room and activated it all but it looks like I needed more energy to activate it all, it seems that the mana crystals were not enough.

"Boss how about trying other alternative source of energy, this dimension is full of alternative energies, we only used mana crystals in our dimension because it is the only powerful source we have"-Kaya

Kaya, you're a genius.

I think and search for the best source of energy, and decided to use solar energy. I contacted Joel if he could get me some solar panels and he said of course and it will be delivered immediately which what I did not expected. It was around 2 pm when the solar panels was delivered and I quickly work on the magic room.

I let the workers fix the solar panels to the roof and after, draw a magic circle that will connect the solar panel to the basement magic circle. Once I was finished, I waited for the solar panel to collect some energy then activated it to see if it will work, and to my surprise, it did. Seeing its glow, its more powerful than the first time I made one, this dimensions technology is really amazing, with the help of this dimensions inventions and the magic and knowledge of the other dimension, I will reach my true power in no time, and be more powerful than before.

I can use the remaining mana crystal for me to absorb and reach possible tier 3. I sit on the middle of the magic circle and started doing the meditation of absorption that the fairy folk taught me and absorb some of the mana crystals to increase the success rate of reaching higher tiers. The magic cricle glowed the same time I'm doing the meditation.

I can feel my body burning. I concentrate myself in absorbing the mana crystal because one small failure, it's the mana crystal that will absorb my energy. The moment I finish absorbing it, my body feels like its going to explode with all the energy and power I have, I'm burning up. I'm sure doing this shortcut, I have now the power level of a tier 3 sorcerer or might be a D-Class in this dimension.

"Congratulation boss for reaching tier 3"-Kaya

Thank you, Kaya.

I walk towards the corner of the room and lay down because I cannot drag myself to my room anymore, this is the consequence of absorbing mana crystal, you will not be able to move for a few hours because the body is still getting used to the sudden surge of mana.