I can't be wrong, this is the symbol of his tribe, Gayron's tribe, please, this is not what I'm thinking it is. The ground began to shake, tremble, and hooves noises that becomes louder and louder as it coming close to our location. A saying says that their footsteps are like earthquake when they stomp altogether and that phrase is not wrong with this kind of tremble.

"Brace yourself, this is not over"-Demetri.

I shouted and we form a circle to have eyes in every direction to see where they are coming from, but the stomping stop, we waited but nothing happened.

"Must be just an earthquake it's not new in a dungeon"-Air Flame team member.

"Demetri, they might be right earthquakes do happen in dungeons"-Alice.

"No, it's different, just be ready and prepare for any attacks"-Demetri.

No, that's not it. I use true eyes to scan every inch of the room, to see if there is any changes in the place, and it was too late. A trap set by the centaurs was triggered by stepping on by one of the members of the air flame guild and a big magic circle appeared in our foots. It releases a large amount of shock waves that made us all unconscious. The last thing I saw was hooves of the centaurs standing around us.

The time I woke up, we are in different location but we are still inside the dungeon and this setting is very familiar to me because this is the home of the centaurs of Kaluhi tribe. Centaurs home still fascinates me, this cave has its own ecosystem inside, there are trees, plantation and other living creatures and its connected in the outside flat lands. At the end of the cave, I can see my dear friend, Gayron, standing tall and pride but, corruption was all over him. His eyes that were like the color of spring before are now bright red, the sign of were darkness,

"Where are we?"-Alice.

"We are now in the presence of the Kaluhi tribe, it is smart to not do any attacks"-Demetri.

Reasoning with the centaurs usually works but it will not work now, not with all this corruption.

"Welcome to the humble home of the Kaluhi Tribe"-Gayron.

All are shock when Gayron started talking, this must be the first time they encounter a creature that can talk and converse with them. Well I can't blame them, all the creatures the hunters encounter are all the animals, which what they call in this dimension. This might be the first time that the darkness fragment sent out this level of beings from the other world. This just mean that the darkness fragment power is growing and it will not be long before it wakes up from the chains of slumber.

"Why are we here? What do you want from us? Why didn't you just kill us earlier when you got the chance?"-Air-flame team leader.

Because centaurs are gentle folks, they don't just kill someone who can't fight, but sometimes it is also for the reason of entertainment, playing with their prey before killing it.

"Because it will not be fun if we just kill you, right brothers"-Gayron.

All the centaurs cheer in agree with Gayron by stomping their hooves. I see that the Air-Flame guild was preparing for attacking. I warned them, but it looks like they are not listening to me.

"We are not entertainments, team ATTACK!"-team leader.

Just like what their team leader ordered, all of them proceed with their formulated attack. They did not even ask for our help or cooperation, or even inform us about their formulated attack they just see us fillers for the missing number in their group. What a bunch of prideful people.

"Are they seriously not going to ask for our help, they were doing this from the moment we enter the dungeon, this Air-flame members are really arrogant"-Stephan.

"I know right"-Alice.

"It is better this way; we will not take any damage until the real battle starts"-Demetri.

"You mean this is not even the start?"-Alice

"Yes, they are just toying with them, what they are fighting is just an illusion created by that old centaur right over there"-Demetri.

Centaur's really love doing tricks like this, making it appear as if they have more in number than their enemy. The real centaurs are the ones at the back not moving, not even breaking a sweat. These things might be just illusions, but it can also inflict injury, I've learned that hard truth when they used it against me.

Seeing this folks again, makes my heart ache, this is not the kind of reunion I want for us to have. I want to save them, but with my current state, I can't. All I can do for them is to give them freedom from his corruption, and it hurts for me to say, but death might be the only option available.

I used camouflage and enhance it to the level that no one can detect me even the elder sorcerer and use my stealth skill and kill the elder sorcerer, and return to my former position. The moment the elder sorcerer fall on the ground, the illusion was cancelled, everyone is shock to see that our enemy are only ten in total. There number decreased, there number was more than this, might be the result of the war.

The Air-Flame guild receive a lot of damage and seems some of them even received life threatening wounds because of just this illusions, I told Alice to heal them and give her a mana potion that I slid in my pocket when we're making batches in the HA.

"A talented one is among the weak, being able to kill the elder without any of noticing, reveal yourself"-Gayron.

"I'm Here"-Demetri.

I shouted revealing myself to them, I walked towards in front of everyone and I saw Gayron do the same too. Once his in place, he released intense amount of bloodlust that made everybody behind me fall down on their knees, resulting for their blood come out from their nose, mouth and ears. Same to what he did, I too release intense bloodlust pressure as equal to what Gayron released, and my mana is quickly depleting because of it.

"These man is really amusing, he can even stand and battle my Bloodlust"-Gayron.

I quickly drink the mana potion I have in my pocket and throw the vial on the ground to restore my mana to full length because even if I have mana restoration it only fill half every time I cast it. I casted a spell that created a barrier that blocks his Bloodlust and stop the people behind me from being affected. I faced the team leader of Air-Flame Guild, currently curing by Alice to state my demands.