After the talk I have with chairman and the others, they left because they have matters to attend to, while I return to class to continue the last part of the class session. Time flies fast and the classes are finally over. Ceres was waiting for me at the door, seating on one of the seats near it, so that we can go home but before I can leave the teachers table and remove my mask because it is very hot to wear, Joel call out my name, he is with two other students, twins again. Looking at them, they must be Japanese. I have been meeting a lot of twins lately.

"You have been meeting a lot of twin's boss lately"-Kaya

I know right, is this a sign of something? Twins are considered a sign of luck and success in our dimension because they are very rare.

"Maybe it's a sign that good things will happen in the future"-Kaya

I really hope so Kaya.

"Deme-----Mr. Light, these are colleagues from Japan, they were asking me to meet you, they want to ask you about something"-Joel

"Okay, how can I help you Mr. and Ms.?"-Demetri.

"Suda Takeo and this is my sister, Suda Ayane"-Takeo

"It's very nice to meet you both, so what do you want to talk with me?"-Demetri.

"We want to ask for your help in something we want to do for a long time, it was already complete and we have made a model already but we want to make it keep up to what is happening now"-Ayane.

They placed something on the table. They push the button and it flashes a hologram in the air and it projects the thing they were talking about, it's a robot.

"We call it robot helpers, it's our thesis in college, we planned to release it to do just like what it's name is, but before we can even do that the awakening happened, we still want to release it but not just as it's usually role as helpers, we want to design a new one that could help hunters to fight or to be an extra hand against the monsters inside the dungeons and portals"-Takeo.

"That is where we want your help Mr. Light, with your knowledge we can make our  robot helpers more equip and caught up to what is happening today, we know that our robot helper can help with the upcoming catastrophes, so will you help us?"-Joey

"What they are proposing is actually a great idea boss, creating those robots based on the memory and knowledge you have, those robots are like the golemns we have in our dimension, but the difference is, the robots can be modify to be much stronger"- Kaya

Same thought Kaya, those modified robots can also be an additional army to fight off the darkness fragment. We can also make it much stronger and durable, design it to be against any attack.

"Ceres come here"-Demetri.

"Yes teach?"-Ceres

I called out Ceres to make him summon some golemns because I will show Joel and the twins what could be the result of what we will be doing.

"Do you have some mana left? can you summon some of your golemns?"-Demetri.


Just like what I ordered, Ceres summons three of his golemns, two of the golemns are warriors and one of the golemn is a mage. After creating a barrier in the whole classroom, to keep it intact even after the attacks that will happen, Ceres ordered the three to attack me, and after a few attacks, Ceres cancelled the summon.

"We will transform your robot helpers like those golemns and according to my calculations, those robot helpers will be more powerful than those summon golemns, if you are interested, let's talk further in my office"-Demetri.

"We would love to Mr. Light"-Ayane.

We continue our conversation in my office. We decided that every Saturday we will work on the project RH.2 or Robot Helpers version 2. We will first work and gather data on our sides, then after gathering data, we will discussed it before starting working on the robots. After the long talk, we went on our separate ways. Arriving home, I ask Ceres to call for food and say that he choose whatever he wants and stay in the lab to work on the artifact. I forgot to list the materials of the artifact that's why I did the appraisal again.

The whole artifact was made from a stem of the Yggdrasil tree, the gems on it were made from the tears of Evienne, and the faded red color of the artifact was the blood of the Leviathan. Looking at these materials, I can't replace it like what I intended to do first, I need to find a way to collect these materials and work on the artifact. The writings and letters were ancient and I am very lucky to know it. I left the artifact in the lab and went upstairs because Ceres is calling out for me because the food has arrived.

While eating, a news flash about a red mist floating in the air were spotted in some countries around the world. The US, Japan, Russia, China, South Korea, South Africa, and here in the Philippines. I place my food on the table and tell Ceres that I'll be out for a couple of hours. I went outside and fly myself at high speed to the location of the red clouds, just like what they said in the news. The HA are quick  and are now evacuating people around the area because the cloud when gets into contact with someone will get poison. I cast a protection magic on me to not be affected and go in the red mist to inspect it.

Just like I thought, the red mist is the same mist inside the Labyrinth, this just means that the opening of the labyrinth is near. I knew what kind of monster was inside that labyrinth because I and my comrades managed to defeat it, barely, we didn't get to kill it, we just pushed it back to where it belonged, back inside the Labyrinth. The darkness fragment truly is powerful even with some of its power sealed, to be able to corrupt and use the LabyrinI need to get stronger because that monster will definitely bring disaster to this world.