The press conference will happen today, two days after the meeting that happened with the presidents and HA Chairmans about the red mist and the labyrinth. Using far sight, I observe the Hunters Academy Assembly Hall where I will be conducting the press meeting, being fill by the press and other important people such as the Guild masters from around the world through the teleportation door access. Beside the things I will discuss that the government told me too, there are something that I will add especially the key that I obtain from the dragonewt portal because some people might be in possession of it already.

"The chaos is getting worst and worst"-Jack

"This is just the beginning"-Demetri

"Why is this even happening? Everything is better before, it might not be that peaceful and perfect, there might be war, hunger, sickness, calamities, but it's much better than this"-Jack

"It's because there are plenty of unknown things we haven't even discovered yet, there are a lot of unseen forces that is lurking in the shadow and haven't shown themselves yet, this world is vast and has many secrets"-Demetri.

One of the staff enter my office where I, Jack and his team are waiting, and said its time. We walk our way to the assembly hall and the moment we enter the room, flashes of camera lights coming from the audience press blind our eyes because it's just too many. I recognized some familiar faces in the crowd as I faced the audience the moment I arrive at the floor standing. Jack and his team stayed behind me, serve as my body guard assigned by Chairman.

"For the past few days, some of us have experienced the troubles brought by the red mist, I am here in front of you all today to further discuss the truth behind the red mist…"-Demetri

Everyone was so focused that the only thing you will hear in the room was my voice and the flashes of camera and the sound of the equipments. Everyone was waiting for the next thing that I will be saying.

"The red mist is the result of the monsters blood lust inside a huge dungeon that is called the Labyrinth that will to this world once the last drop of sand falls in this hour glass…"-Demetri.

The flashes of the camera increase the moment I take out the hour glass from the subspace and as I place it at my side to show how much time left, we have before the Labyrinth open to this world.

"The hour glass shows that we don't have much time left before the labyrinth open, so I ask for not just the awakened but for all of us to prepare ourselves until the upcoming day that the Labyrinth open its gates to us"-Demetri.

"Citizens who are affected by the red mist and nearby places, I ask for you to listen to your country officials and evacuate your homes, the red mist can cause terrible things to non-awakened individuals and could result to worst cases like death, awakened people are also not an exemption because the red mist also has its effects on you so we are giving out miracle potions to every hunter that will be participating patrolling in the red mist and on the day of the appearance of the Labyrinth, we all need hands on deck"-Demetri.

"The chaos that the Labyrinth will bring out to this world is something that you all have never experienced before so I asked for everyone to take this seriously"-Demetri

"Before I end my speech and proceed to answering your questions, I am also asking every hunter that will find a black key in dungeons and portals to surrender it to your HA, thank you"-Demetri

After I finished my speech, the question-and-answer portion started and everyone in the room has their questions that they wanted to be answered. I answered everything that I could answer without revealing some information from the other world, it's like keeping a secret because it's not time for this world to know the truth yet about the other world.

She's here boss- Kaya

I looked in her direction and make an eye contact with her and smiled. She was very shock to see me looking at her especially the moment I smiled at her. I whisper to Jack ears to escort her to my office after the press conference and Jack just nodded as an answer. I remove my gaze from her and continued the press conference. I saw her got up from her seat but Jack was fast and ordered his men to stop her before she got away and escort her to my office.

After a few more questions, the press conference ended, I exited the Hunters Academy Assembly Hall to where I entered earlier and went to my office where she is waiting. Her tense and panic escalated once I entered the room and sit in front of her. I ask Jack to ordered his men to exit the room because the only three of us needs to hear the conversation. After Jack's men exited the room, I casted a barrier spell around the room so no sound and man, and woman escape.

"What do you want from me?"-Amanda

"I know that you have been following me since the beginning Ms. Amanda and I know that you were responsible for all the online forums and the anonymous source that reveals let's just call it conspiracy news and articles about me"-Demetri.

"You do? But I was so careful, I even masked myself to the extent that my presence disappeared"-Amanda

"Yes you do, but you forgot to know about the true eyes and how much powerful I am than you"-Demetri.

"So why I am here? Are you going to silence me?"-Amanda

"It's actually the opposite Ms. Amanda, I want you to continue your news about me"-Demetri

"Ha? Why? I don't understand"-Amanda.

"I want you to continue what you are doing, keep following me and keep revealing news articles about me, reveal my secrets bit my bit to the whole world"-Demetri

"I still don't understand"-Amanda

"You see Ms. Amanda, this world is full of secrets, everything that is happening now has its own secrets and what you will be doing is like, preparing the world for those things so that they will not be so surprised when the truth about everything was revealed in the future, are you getting me Ms. Amanda?"-Demetri.

"A bit, yes so, what are you proposing? you want me to work with you?"-Amanda

"It's like that, yes, and don't worry I will pay you because you will need it, so are you up for the job Ms. Amanda? Besides having the front seat in every secret I will reveal, you will also be famous around the world"-Demetri

"Okay, okay, I will do it, the way you say it , it's like I don't have any choice but to say yes"-Amanda.

"Okay, that's good I am glad you agree to take the job, because you are the only one who is fit for the job, besides that you are awakened, you are also destined for it"-Demetri

"Destined? you are really something that's why you caught my eye, can I go now?"-Amanda

"Yes you can"-Demetri

I cancelled the barrier spell and Amanda exited the room, I also bid my farewell to Jack after we talk about some things and returned home to check out what is happening at home.