When my body is fully recovered, I return home even though Joel said that I cannot because my mana is still unstable but I insist, because there are a lot of things that needed to be done. The red mist is still a problem, and seeing the hour glass we don't have much time left before another disaster came. Upon arriving home, I receive a tight hug from both Stephan and Alice, that I receive warmly. The first thing I did is to check how is Ceres, according to Alice, Ceres still shows no improvement or any sign of waking up.

"Your mana is still unstable Demetri, I can feel it, I advise that you take a rest"-Alice.

"I am okay Alice, thank you, I need to do something, I'll be in the magic circle room if something happens just call out for me"-Demetri.

"Okay, but please don't push yourself too much"-Alice

I nodded and went to the magic circle room so I can start working on fixing my damage mana core. I needed to fix it even half way so I can perform the soul fusion of Daya's soul to her new body. I draw the magic circle on the ground and casted a spell to activate it. I sat on the middle and started meditating. I don't feel Kaya's presence, she must be recovering herself.

After a few hours of meditation, I recovered my mana core in its half state. I can also feel Kaya's presence back, she must be done recovering herself too and was dependable on my recovery as well. When I exited the room I saw Alice about to enter the room, she is panicking and saying that something is happening to Ceres inside the Chamber.

We ran to Ceres and I see that he is convulsing. I instruct Alice to do what we did the first time to help Ceres. After a few minutes, Ceres is not convulsing anymore and Alice confirmed that he is okay now and his mana is stable.

"What happened to Ceres?"-Demetri.

"Something must have happened during his self-battling hibernation but everything is okay now, it just like what happened before, he started convulsing"-Alice

"How about you Demetri? I can see that your mana is more stable than earlier, did you do something?"-Alice.

"Yes, I did some meditation to help to stable my mana"-Demetri.

Stephan called out for us because it's time to eat. While eating the food he ordered, we watch the news and its all about the red mist and the disasters happened in the HA's around the world, the ambush that happened. You can hear the fear in the eyes of every person that is interviewed. The news played the CCTV footage of the HA's, seeing video footage, I saw my friends, the monarchs, bringing chaos and destroying everything that is on their way, moving with no mind of their own.

"Demetri, what are those things? Their huge and I have never seen anything like that"-Stephan.

"The hunters fighting them looked so tiny, we look so tiny compare to them"-Alice.

"They were the monarchs, leaders, queens and kings of their kind, they are like the gods in mythologies, they are powerful enough to take over a country, that is not even their final form yet, just their original state, but bear in mind that they are not in control right now, they were corrupted by the darkness fragment, they were also my closest friends, family"-Demetri.

"I'm so sorry Demetri"-Alice.

"It's okay and thank you, Alice"-Demetri.

"If your friends are like gods, how can we defeat them? from what I've heard, you have a hard time battling the siren in the HA"-Stephan.

"I just need time to get my old strength back, and just need to help everybody to get stronger, I can defeat them because I have done it before, let's just hope that they will not come back soon because it takes time to get my old powers back and we still have the labyrinth problem"-Stephan.

"Will you able to save your friends Demetri, remove the corruption from them?"-Demetri.

"I cannot remove the corruption from them, I still don't know how to do it, but after the battle I have with Daya I discovered that the souls are not corrupted, take a look of Daya and Kalesi's Soul"-Demetri.

I summoned Kalesi and take out Daya's soul from the subspace and shock can be seen in their faces.

"Is that really that siren guy's soul you fought in the HA?"-Stephan.

"Yes, he is, he's name is Kalesi, right hand of Daya, the Queen of the Sirens"-Demetri.

"How could you do that Demetri?"-Alice.

"Its like my unique skill, I can summon souls from the dead and create an army, a soul army, they might not be as strong when they were alive but they are still strong and powerful"-Demetri.

"You are really full of surprises Demetri"-Stephan.

"And that in your hand is the Siren Monarch soul"-Alice.


"Why you did not make her like him, and you kept her soul in that orb"-Alice.

"Remember the vessel I have in the mummification chamber downstairs? I will transfer her soul there but I am not stable enough to perform the soul transfer yet"-Demetri.

"So you're like resurrecting her"-Stephan


"Unbelievable, everything that is happening now is getting more interesting but a bit scary, can we watch when you do the ritual"-Alice.

"Of course, you can watch, also Alice I need to ask you again a favor"-Demetri.

"What is it?"-Alice.

"I need your help in order for me speed up the stabilizing of my mana in order to get it back to normal"-Demetri.

"Sure Demetri, no problem"-Alice.

I was about to send Kalesi to the HA to keep an eye on my sister and to the HA also when Stephan ask a favor if he could do sparring and train with him in the morning, I said that it was okay so I ask Kalesi to be back in the morning to train and spar with Stephan and he agreed. I let Alice rest first and we will do the meditation in the morning because it was also getting late and I can still feel the fatigue in my body and mana core. I know I still need to rest it and Kaya insist too so I lay myself in my bed and doze off.