Evienne and I talk more about everything, and I never fail to ask her about my parents. I also learned from Evienne that once an Eldenian, died they are reincarnated once she saw my parents in this dimension, it must be really fate that I also too reincarnated to be their son.

Boss, I understand now why I am connected to you-Kaya

Why is that?-Demetri

Because I foresee this in one of my visions when I was still alive in the other dimension as an oracle-Kaya

What did you see?-Demetri

I saw at that time that I will die, but will be resurrected by someone from the Eldenian bloodline and will be a companion and help you in defeating the darkness fragment-Kaya

Maybe that is why we met, everything really happens for a reason.-Demetri.

My grandmother also told me about it, the oracle before me, that I will meet you and will play a big role in an upcoming war, maybe that war is the war in this dimension.-Kaya

Maybe it is Kaya, maybe it is.-Demetri

I saw Evienne coming towards me.

"This form does not fit this dimension, I will change it"-Evienne

After telling me that, Evienne transforms herself into a human wearing traditional clothing, a traditional clothing of the Philippines like in the Amaya series, even in human form, she still looks like a goddess with still having some features of a Phoenix, especially the eyes, the fiery eyes.

"I didn't know a phoenix can transform into a human, and as a human, you still look fierce and beautiful Evienne"-Demetri.

"Only I have the ability to transform into a human, and thank you for the compliment, are your companions here too to do the summoning? I can already see what type of familiars suited them so"-Evienne

"They are, I promise them, but if you are not yet up for it it's okay because I know that a few minutes after the familiar summoning, the familiar is still weak, I do not want to push you"-Demetri.

"It's fine Demetri, it only affects and happens to my offspring, your friends can perform the familiar summoning now"-Evienne.

I call out for Stephan and Alice so they can perform the familiar summoning. Evienne needs to return to her original state in order to fulfill a summoning call. when Stephan starts performing the summoning. Evienne glowed blindly bright and after a few minutes of waiting, an egg covered in scales, appears in the summoning pillar, it contains the familiar that Stephan summoned. I told Stephan to take the egg from the pillar and place it in the cauldron with blue flames that I cast earlier, to help the hatching process faster, and he did what I said, not for long did the egg hatch and the familiar appear in front of him.

After Stephan, Alice started the summoning and did what Stephan did earlier. When the egg appears, she also did what Stephan did to get the egg hatched faster and not for long hatch in front of her. Every familiar perfectly fits the awakened that summoned them, just like what Evienne said because she sees it even before the awakened started the summoning. This is why, Stephan summoned the Dark Horse which is usually associated with born leaders and warriors, and Alice summoned the Light Doves, but what is surprising she summoned five of it when healers usually summoned only two or three at most. The only one I know that summoned a lot more, a thousand maybe or more, is Aiya.

"Demetri, are they okay? they look tired"-Alice

"It's normal, a summoned familiar is weak a few minutes after they were summoned, they are okay so don't worry, how about you are you okay Evienne"-Demetri.

Evienne transformed into her human form before answering my question.

"Yes, I am okay, summoning rituals doesn't affect me much, I only get fatigued when someone summoned a much stronger and more powerful one, like when your monarch friends did it in the other dimension, I am still wondering why I did not see you before when you help them summoned their familiars because only an Eldenian can build a pillar for it, it's like something is blocking me or like it's not yet time for us to meet"-Evienne

"I am glad to hear that you are well, and I agree that maybe it's not yet time for us to meet that time, that's why you didn't see me"-Demetri.

"Yes, maybe that is the reason, there is a reason for everything"-Evienne

Stephan and Alice ask me how to take care of their summoned familiars properly, like what does it eat. Does it need something and many more. I told them that the state of the familiar is now linked to them if they become weak, the familiar also becomes weak, and that the familiars only need mana to survive but they can spoil it with any type of food because it can eat anything.

"Demetri, I've been meaning to ask you if that one of the reasons that you summoned me here is concerning your mana core, I can feel it because it's affecting me too"-Evienne

"Yes, that is actually the main reason, you see I damage my mana core recently because I forced myself to reach tier 7 to defeat a monarch, the only thing that can help me repair it to its full state is the Elixir of Solace but I am missing an ingredient"-Demetri.

"It is one of my fiery feathers, isn't it?"-Evienne


"It will be an honor to give you one Demetri, here take this"-Evienne

Evienne hand me a total of three feathers even though I only need one.

"What are the other two for?"-Demetri.

"I can sense that someone is performing a self-battling hibernation, my feathers can greatly help in the process and make the chances of success rate higher because it helps to stabilize the situation"-Evienne.

Evienne is really a great help in this situation. I am so happy that she is here now.

"Thank you so much for this Evienne"-Demetri.

Evienne answered me with a nod and a smile. With Evienne, we leave Stephan and Alice who are tending to their familiars, and went to my lab. We started mixing the ingredients to brew the Elixir of Solace, and with Evienne's help, everything goes smoothly and much more successfully. After successfully brewing the Elixir, I draw the mana circle on the ground for my mana core and body's protection against to what I will be doing now.

"I will help you Demetri"-Evienne

Me too boss, you got our backs-Kaya

"Thank you"-Demetri.

After saying those words, I drank the Elixir and started repairing my damaged mana core.