Hours have pass but there is still no sign of Daya waking up, but the good thing is she is breathing and everything is stable, her soul is reacting well with her new body all I need to wait for her to wake up to confirm that everything is well and fine. While waiting for her to wake up, I invited Evienne to go out with me and have a meal with me. I plan to go to this restaurant that is very famous now and see if the restaurant lives up to its hype.

"Maybe, you want to change into much more common attire Evienne to not get much attention or you are okay with what you are wearing now?"-Demetri.

"I am very fond of what I am wearing, it's very elegant, is something wrong with it?"-Evienne.

"No, no, nothing is wrong with, you are very beautiful in it, and if you really want to wear it, it's fine, just a warning, you'll really get a lot of attention"-Demetri.

"Because of just what I am wearing?"-Evienne

"Yes, because it not very common in today's standard and because of your beauty, in this world standards, you are a goddess"-Demetri.

"But I am a goddess"-Evienne

"Yes, you are a goddess technically but goddess also has a different meaning you know, like beautiful, elegant, breathtaking, why don't I change what I am wearing to match you?"-Demetri.

"I am sure you will be as much as beautiful as I am"-Evienne.

"I don't think so, but thank you"-Demetri.

I change my attire into something that looks like Evienne, but I change the lower cloth into a pants. Just like I predicted, Evienne attracts so much attention, we even stop a dozen of times because people want to take pictures with Evienne and sometimes, I included.

When we arrive in the restaurant, the staff taught we are royals at first, then performers when we said we are not royals but we said we are not but normal costumers. They sit us on one of the two table seats in the middle. Evienne told me that I order for her because she doesn't know anything about this world's food anyway.

"What kind of food did you like in the other world?"-Demetri.

"I love those cold food they serve like ice but with weird flavor, and meat, any meat"-Evienne.

I called for the waitress and tell her our orders, pointing in the menu. While waiting for our meal, a lot of people in the restaurant compliment Evienne and ask if they can take a photo of her, with her and sometimes including me. When our meal arrives, I ask the crowd if they can go because we are about to start our meal.

"The flavors of this worlds are outstanding, very rich and flavorful, very different from our world"-Evienne.

"It is, they have a lot of spices in this world, unlike in our world, or maybe we are so focused on enhancing our magic and talents that we did not discover a lot about our worlds spices"-Demetri.

We are in the middle of our meal when I notice someone walking toward our table. Getting a closer look, it's one of the S-class hunters, if I'm not wrong his name, is Matthew.

"Mr. Li---Demetri, hi, it's nice to see you"-Matthew.

"It's nice to see you too Matthew, what are you doing here? Are you here to try out the food too?"-Demetri.

"Yes, and to meet with the Chairman, I have to talk to him about something that is happening in my village, since you are also here, you can join us, it is very weird"-Matthew.

"Is it something concerning? A dungeon or portal? An attack?"-Demetri.

"It's not like that, it's not doing any bad, its more on good actually, I'll tell the details later, I'll order us a private booth so we can talk freely, excuse me"-Matthew.

Evienne and I already finish eating when I receive the text from Matthew about the booth. When we arrive at the booth, Matthew is already waiting there and nor for long, Chairman and the seers arrive.


"Matthew, Demetri and Ms. Evienne, I didn't expect for you two to be here also"-Chairman David.

I look at Chairman David and signaled him to sit at the vacant seat beside Evienne that I purposefully reserve for him, he gets fluster but still sit beside her. It is obvious that he is attracted to Evienne.

"They were already at the restaurant when I arrive, I invited them to join us because they might know about the tree, let's talk about this while having a meal"-Matthew.

Matthew presses the button to call for the staff and the staff came and take their orders.

"I think I know about the tree that this man was talking about"-Evienne

Evienne said to me telepathically.

"What is it?"-Demetri.

Before she can answer me, the waiter arrives.

"We already ate but do you like anything else Evienne?"-Demetri.

"Maybe another serving of the soft cold thing you order me earlier"-Evienne

"You mean ice cream, okay let's order you one"-Demetri.

While waiting for their food, we started talking about the tree.

"So what about the tree you want to talk about Matthew, are you and your village in danger?"-Chairman David

"We are not Chairman, it's the opposite actually, it's doing good, the crops are much healthier, everything is healthier, my village just wants to know what is it because it is very different from any tree we know, it might now be from around here really"-Matthew.

"It is a Yggdrasil"-Evienne.

Evienne said, answering the curiosity of everyone in the room. I did not expect this, I didn't even imagine that the Yggdrasil will grow in this world. This a big and great news for everyone. Looking at Evienne's face, having a spoonful of ice cream, she definitely knows something about it.