The appearance of the portal causes a huge black out in the HA building and all nearby areas, which happens every time a portal appears. The light comes back because the HA building's backup generator started supplying electricity immediately. Some of the HA personnel, scientists, and attack forces come, mostly men and women under Jack and Joel rushing to our location to assist us and wait for any orders. The personnel started appraising the portal and confirmed that the portal was indeed like no other portal that already appeared and was the strongest one.

I walked towards the portal and I got goosebumps from feeling its aura and seeing the portal up this close, this is really a portal made by the darkness fragment. The feeling is so familiar that it makes my heart beat rapidly, I never knew that I would be feeling this aura this early, and I am getting scared, as scared as the first time I feel it. This just means that our time is very limited now and that any time the darkness fragments will come. I pray that it's not because we are not ready for that kind of calamity.

"Why am I feeling scared of this portal instead of the same feeling I feel from the other portal? I don't just feel heavy, I feel scared"-Jack

You can see in everyone's faces the fear standing facing the portal.

"This portal is very different from any portal that we already have seen and faced, and this might be the first one to appear, What do we do Demetri?"-Chairman David.

"The only right thing to do, is to enter the portal and defeat whatever is inside it, If we don't do anything, whatever is inside will come out just like the other portals and I am telling you, we don't want whatever is inside it to be out"-Demetri.

"We did not see anything like this in our visions"-Ersie.

"With something this big, we could have seen it, but we don't"-Elliot

"We are sorry Chairman"-Ersie and Elliot.

"It's okay"-Chairman David.

"Don't feel bad Ersie and Elliot, you did not see it because it was made sure that we would not see it coming, We are lucky that it appeared here, and we are present, if not it's chaos"-Demetri.

"Okay, let's deal with it"-Chairman David

"You all gear out first, I'll keep watch of the portal, and keep it close"-Demetri.

I let them gear out first while I keep the portal closed because it is near to opening. While keeping it close, I am also appraising it. This portal was the weakest one from all the darkness fragment created, but what is inside is something I still can't see. I call Daya and Kalesi through telepathy and told them the situation. I ask for Evienne to go and pick up Daya and Evienne, we need all the help we can get because we don't know, what will be facing inside.

"Where is Evienne?"-Chairman David.

Chairman David ask first thing they got back.

"I ask her to pick someone up, we need all the help we can get"-Demetri.

"Okay"-Chairman David.

"Where is Joel?"-Demetri.

"I ask him to stay to monitor and record the portals activity and intensity, I also ask him to handle the situations out here, while we are dealing the portal"-Chairman David.

"Okay Chairman"-Demetri.

"Demetri, do you know what we are about to deal with?"-Jack.

"I honestly don't know what we are about to deal with, but I can say you that this portal is very different and much more frightening "-Demetri.

"Have you already faced one of this?"-Jack

"Yes, in my past life in the other dimensions that's why I am feeling, the same chilling feel I felt"-Demetri.

We really need to go inside the portal boss, you can't keep it close for long.-Kaya

I know Kaya, a few more minutes, I can feel they are near, there they are.-Demetri.

Evienne landed not far from us and Daya come down from her back, with Kalesi following her.

"Wait, was that the fishman that attack the HA?"-Jack

"Yeah, he is but don't worry he will not hurt anyone, he is my summon now, and remember like I told you before, they were under some kind of spell that's why they did that"-Demetri.

Jack nodded his head.

"Oh, I got chills feeling this same aura, it's like getting a greeting from an enemy, Demetri you never told me that you summon the goddess of all familiars?"-Daya.

"I am going to introduce you to her but this portal happens"-Demetri.

"Goddess of all Familiars?"-Daya

"Just call me Evienne"-Evienne

"Okay, Evienne, is it possible that if I do the summoning again, I will be able to summon, Val, my old familiar, he's a rumble shark"-Daya.

"Yes, there is a possibility, especially that it already imprinted on you"-Evienne.

"Oh, I'm glad to hear that, I miss Val"-Daya.

"Gentlemen, this is Daya, Queen of the Sirens, the one---"-Demetri.

"You forgot Monarch of all Waters"-Daya.

"With this again Daya?"-Demetri.

"Well, I earn that title so I want people to know it"-Demetri.

"Okay, okay, again this is Daya, Queen of the Sirens, Monarch of all Waters, she was the one who attacked the HA"-Demetri.

"But don't worry I am not a threat anymore, I am here to help, I was under the corruption of the darkness fragment that's why I did it, I am very sorry for what I've done"-Daya.

"It' s okay, we understand, Demetri already explained to us everything and about the darkness fragment, we are glad to see you that you are well now"-Chairman David.

We waited for Joel and some of the staff with their equipment's that will be recording the portal's intensity and activity before we go in. I let out a big exhaled before we go inside and before everything turn into total darkness.