When I came back, Daya and the S-Class hunters were sparring. I sat on one of the chairs and watch them from a far. I felt a presence from my back and I exactly know who it is. 

"Kaya, you are awake, how are you feeling?"-Demetri.

I asked her while she was sitting on the chair next to mine, while Kalesi still stands on my right. 

"I am fine, not fully recovered but I am okay"-Kaya.

"I am glad to her that, how is your body? Everything's good?"-Demetri.

"Better than my old flesh and bones body, it's amazing, I look amazing"-Kaya.

Kaya said while flexing her new body and I have to admit she really look cool, a cool looking cyborg, some parts of her arms are cyborg, some are flesh, her head up to the top of her neck is human, showing her beautiful white hair, her beautiful face and red mahogany skin tone. And the rest are cyborg. 

I felt another presence coming, I stand up from where I was seating and watch from a far as Evienne fly her way to us, with Joel on his back, looking so scared, that his eyes were closed and hugging Evienne so tightly.

When they landed, everybody was so surprised that they went on battle mode and attack her. Except for Matthew and Daya who were behind them, stopping them. She created a shield around her to protect her and Joel from the attacks. Daya quickly stop them from attacking further, same as me.

"Guys, no need for hostility, it's Evienne"-Daya

Daya said calming everybody down. She return to her human form while saying those words.

"What do you mean she's Evienne? This is like something like a boss you see in dungeons and portals, Evienne is a very beautiful woman, not some chick, no pun intended"-Fiona.

"Right, I haven't told you all this part yet, Evinne is not human, she's my familiar, what you usually see is like what Daya is doing, her human form but it's not her original one, this is her original form"-Demetri.

"Familiar? like those ones in the anime?"-Ashtrid.

"Something like that"-Demetri.

Evienne returned to her human form after he got down from her back and is now puking not far from us. 

"I'm sorry for scaring all of you, I didn't know that Demetri haven't told you about what I am really"-Evienne.

"We are sorry too Lady Evienne"-Gabriel.

"I didn't know Chairman was into birds that much that he has a girlfriend for one"-Rapahel.

"Stop it Raphael"-Matthew.

"I'm just telling what I feel about this"-Raphael.

"Hush it"-Fiona.

"So I guess you know about this too Matthew since you were stopping us Matthew"-Gabriel.

"Yeah, I actually have a familiar too"-Matthew.

Matthew call out for one of the Treeks and one of the Treeks appeared from his shadow. 

"Why didn't you bother to tell us? I mean this is so cool, you have your very own walking plant person, thing"-Ashtrid.

"What can it do?"-Vincent.

"It has the ability to command the plants, vines, like plant bending, sort, but mostly they are tending to the Yggdrasil, keeping it safe and taking care of it"-Matthew.

"You mean that big tree that grew in your village"-Gabriel.

"Yes, that's right"-Matthew.

"So what are they exactly really? like a side kick?"-Fiona.

"A helper in battle, companions, my offspring's bring aids to warriors, hunters, you summon and one will appear that is the right for you"-Evienne

Evienne said. She explains more to how it works and everybody was eagerly listening to her.

"Everybody can do it, as long as you are awakened, that is all I needed, so what are we waiting for, let us summon our own familiars too"-Raphael.

"Yeah, can we Mr. Demetri, it's amazing to have a companion that you can call anytime"-Gabriel.

"Okay, let's go back to the house to do the summoning"-Demetri.

"So, how many kids you really have lady Evienne?"-Raphael.

Raphael ask while walking beside Evienne. Evienne let out a small chuckle because she knows Raphael is about to tease her again.

"Raphael, youre starting again, stop bothering Lady Evienne, I am so sorry about him, his a very messed up person"-Fiona.

"What? I'm intrigued, that's a lot of support for

Chairman you know"-Raphael.

"It's okay, I have about a thousand kids"-Evienne.

"See that's a lot to support to"-Raphael.

Raphael continue to bugged Evienne while the others try to stop him. Just like they requested, they all got the chance to summon their own familiar. Vincent got to summon a Lycan, which is a perfect one for him since he was a beast type. Raphael, summoned a Wrym, suits him, Gabriel summoned a horned bear, a tank for a tank, Ashtrid summons a Giant Wasp, a shooter for a shooter, and Fiona, a shadow fox, which a perfect companion for a assassin.

While they were tending to their familiars, I go and see Joel who is now has his resting his head on the back rest of the chair he was sitting with a cold clothe covering his eyes.

"How are you feeling Joel?"-Demetri.

"I will never do that again, I insist on driving us to your house so that we can use the teleportation door, but she insisted flying, I can't say no to her"-Joel.

"Here, drink this"-Demetri.

"What is this?"-Joel

"It's a down graded Miracle potion specifically for recovering only, been experimenting lately"-Demetri.

"You know I have made one too, a different color to yours but the same thing, thanks for this"-Joel.

Joel down the potion in one drinking and he instantly recovered.

"Why are you even going here in the first place?"-Demetri.

"I was about to give you this but when we got back in the conference room, you were all gone, and Evienne told us that you were all in the island"-Joel.

I open the box and inside it were five keys in total, the keys to the labyrinth. 

"Only one left, the US still haven't given one, we don't know if it is already found or they don't want us to have it, but they insist that they still haven't found anything, and I know they were telling the truth I was with the seers when they told us that"-Joel.

"Okay, let's just hope that they found it soon"-Demetri.

Somewhere in the US

"Are you sure you are not going to surrender that"-Person 1.

"This is mine, I was the one who found it, I don't believe what the HA and that light guy said, they were just saying those things so that they can have the loot inside that Labyrinth, with this we are going to be rich" Person 2.

"I hope you know what you are doing"-Person 1.

"Prepare yourself, two days from now, we will raid the Labyrinth."-Person 1.