The healers quickly did their job and healed the defensed mages and other hunters that collapse due to exhaustion while the alchemist provided the hunters mana and miracle potion that we have been mass producing since the labyrinth gates appeared.

Daya also teleported ahead a small group of alchemist aside from the ones helping out to help Joel and the twins with the other things that needed to be done ones we teleported there. I ask Daya through telepathy if she is okay, and she said that she is only experiencing a little fatigue but everything is okay, the potions help a lot.

When everyone got up on their feet again, they all prepare for the second part of our plan, and is that to relocate the hunters and the gate. The hunters relocation will be easy compare to the gate, which will be the most difficult one.

"We need to do the teleportation now, the barrier is starting to crack, I don't know how long it will hold"-Demetri.

"Okay on your signal"-Daya.

I raise my hand to signal everyone that the teleportation process will be commencing now. Everybody formed the battle formation and waited for what will happen next. I use far telepathy to communicate with Joel and the twins if everything is all set and they all say, everything is set up and ready and just waiting for us there.

I looked at Daya's direction and nodded my head to her, she nodded back and we begin casting the spell for the high teleportation. A large scale teleportation circle appeared below the feet of the hunters and as it glows brightly, it indicated that it is working. All the hunters shows a different kind of emotion on what is happening, some are anxious, some are scared and afraid, and some are fascinated.

A flash of light burst out of the magic circle. All the hunters and equipments they brought were teleported in an instant, along with Daya, and the others, and left was me and Evienne. Evienne started strengthening my core and my body while I am gathering the remaining mana floating in the air and added it to my core. I take out my staff and the mana cube I made, fusing it together and pointed it on the labyrinth gate. 

I started casting another high teleportation and a huge magic circle appear below the gate. I added a few more magic circle for spell strengthening and effectiveness around to make it more effective. The crack in the first layer of the barrier is getting larger and larger, so I have to do this quick.

"Are you okay Demetri? something is happening to your core, I don't know what it is but something is happening"-Evienne.

"Yes, I am okay, I feel the same, maybe it's just the reaction to the high teleportation casting, how about you, are you okay? I know what I am asking for you to do is also too much for you to handle"-Demetri.

"I am okay Demetri, just a little fatigue but I can handle it"-Evienne.

"Just say something okay"-Demetri.

I started chanting and the teleportation circle started glowing just like what happened earlier. I notice that the monsters of the labyrinth are getting berserk, looking at them closely they look like they are in pain, which is new to sight because this doesn't happen before, its like something is causing for them to feel pain. I'll need to investigate this later.

The teleportation is taking longer and even with the help of Evienne and the mana cube, it is still affecting me. Sweat drips down my face and I can feel that anytime I will lose consciousness, I reach for my pocket and drink both of the mana and miracle potion, that restores my health but the continuous casting deplete my energy quick.

I continue casting until the gate was teleported to the isolated island. Because of the exhaustion, my body just gave up and fall to the ground, I am glad that Evienne was with me and catch before I reach the ground or the fall will hurt so bad.

Evienne healed me and restore my health but I stop her because I can feel that she is also getting exhausted. I gave her one of the miracle potion I have and drink the other one. 

When we make sure that no labyrinth monster and miasma was left behind we. I signaled the waiting military that they can advance now and teleported ourselves to the isolated island, where the hunters were getting geared up with the mass creation of body armors we made with boosting qualities and reform itself based on the hunters qualities, type and body type.

I saw that the gate was teleported not far from the ground and is now floating above the waters. The depth of the water doesn't stop the monsters, because of the thickness of the miasma, it serves like a ground for them to step on and if the barrier cracks completely, that miasma will spread and will serve as the bridge between us and the gate and labyrinth monsters.


I hear Daya calling out for my name and ran her way towards my direction. She was all geared up too along with the others who are also coming to my direction. Joel handed me out my armor and I place it on my chest, Iron Man style and it reforms itself to the old robe and suit I have in the other dimension but they were some added features that it doesn't have before and is a bit modernized.

"How is everything?"-Demetri.

"Everything is all set, the defense and offense mechanism of the island is ready for action"-Joel.

"How did you all made this? this needed to be made in every country for this kind of disasters"-Jack

"It was always been a hobby of Demetri to develop this kind of things and be prepared early"-Daya.

"Well its better to be prepared, you all go to your positions and alert everyone to be prepared because anytime the barriers will be destroyed"-Demetri.

"Oh right Demetri, some of the military from different countries were also here, they arrive earlier, they say for added aid and support even from afar, they brought tanks and different develop techs they develop, thats why we activated the land expansion mechanism"-Takeo.

"Thats good, added forces, you also ask for their help in handling some of the offense machines"-Demetri.

Everyone now is scattered all throughout the island and were in their assign position that I formulated and gave to the guild leaders earlier. Daya and Kalesi remain by my side as we float above the others, waiting for the battle to begun.

"The idiots opening the gate could be considered a blessing too"-Demetri.

"Enlighten me how is that a blessing"-Daya.

"Remember in the other world, all gates must be open at the same time to open it all even before the time of its opening on its own, and opening only one gate causes for the others to be shut completely and the keys to disappear again"-Demetri.

"Now that you mention it, you are right, its kind of a blessing, less disaster"-Daya.

Demetri's house

Ever since everybody left, Kaya didn't left Ceres side because she felt something is happening. She placed her hand to the chamber to see what is happening in Ceres mind and shock to see what is Ceres facing and doing.