We executed everything as planned. To aid the archers to properly see and aim the eyes of the tentacles, I created floating platforms for them with barriers from the destroyed parts of the island. The leviathan was actually smart enough to notice that we learned its weakness and what we are doing and started protecting its eyes with its spider-like creatures and some of its tentacles.

"Daya, how are you down there? Need any help"-Demetri

I ask Daya. I didn't heard from her fast, that I started worrying. I was about to go to her when she answered.

"I'm fine, dont worry, sorry for not answering quickly, this spider like creatures sure know how to swim too"-Daya

"I'm glad you're okay, you had me worried there"- Demetri.

I know Daya is having a hard time eliminating some of the tentacles underwater that's why I summoned additional tier 3 beings, the angles, to help Daya. I also communicated with some of the beast type hunters, including Vincent, to help Daya. I help them modify there beast transformation so that they will be able to breath and move fast underwater.

Daya thank me for the additional help and we continue fighting off the Leviathan. The battle was long and exhausting for everyone but we keep on fighting. I was so busy focusing on this one tentacle that I didn't notice one coming from behind me, this tentacles are big but not slow. I was about to get struck when multiple different attack spells struck it. I also saw a beam coming from the laser guns of the island. I saw all the other hunters and the defensive team now helping with the Leviathan.

"Looks like you need some help"- Joel

I heard Joel saying from the communication device of the suit.

"Thanks for that"-Demetri.

"We finished eliminating all the blobs, we can now help you with that squid, we know our attacks will not be enough to damage the eyes fully but it can be a distraction"-Joel

With Joel and the other hunters and the military operating the defensive system of the island additional help, that serves as a distraction it becomes so much easy elimating the eyes and the tentacles of the Leviathan.

They also launched multiple missiles that targeted the head, even there's a little to no damage, it still helps because the smoke that comes from the explosion of the missile irritated the eyes of the Leviathan.

It screams because of the pain and it affected the low rank awakened and non awakened. I quickly cast high healing to everyone and build a barrier around the island for them not to be affected too much.

With everyones effort, not for long we eliminated each and every tentacles of the Leviathan, it screams in agony and pain, I was about to inflict the final blow when it let out a hot steam, so hot that the water around it start to boil and that someone flesh will melt if they are not durable enough. I saw Daya coming out from the water and flying towards me.

I instruct everyone to get away from the steam as far as possible. The steams smoke was also so thick that I cannot see what the Leviathan was doing without using true eyes, all I can see is that it was not doing anything, its just staying still in its position. When the steam clear out, we all saw that the Leviathan was now now convered with thick black shell like obsidian and not moving.

Evienne also flew towards me, looking at her now up close, she looks very exhausted.

"Is it over? Is it dead?" -Daya

"I don't know but it was not moving anymore and its covered with this obsidian like coating"-Demetri.

"He's not dead yet"-Evienne.

We both look at Evienne, waiting for more to what she was about to say. Looking at her exhausted face, I suggest that we descent to the ground so she can rest. I also saw Chairman David running towards us.

"Are you okay my love"-Chairman David.

"I am okay, just exhausted for I am at my limit"-Evienne

"Do not push yourself too much, Evienne, you better take some rest now and dont do anything, regain your strength first before you join us again in the fight, Chairman, please take care of Evienne"-Demetri.

"I will"-, Chairman David.

"Demetri, my son is not yet dead and entered its molting stage, once its cracks, my son will be in its final form, a much more durable, faster and stronger Leviathan anyone has ever seen, this is the first time he will be doing this, and he might not know what he can do, the first few hours, he will be weaker and his critical stage because he will be needing to regain his strength first just like any of my children so use those time to defeat him"-Evienne.

"Okay Evienne"-Demetri.

"And to aid you…"-Evienne.

Evienne lift her wings to the air and dozens of her feathers float to the air and one by one was distributed to everyone, hunters and non hunters. This feathers were glowing golden with blue fire surrounding it which is new to me. Even without absorbing it, the feather merge with each and everyone. Appraising Chairman and the other hunters, this gave the hunters additional power up which makes them jump one class up, including us, which makes me reach tier 8, and for the non hunters to be more durable, body and mind. Everyone can't believe what they were experiencing right now.

"I feel much more powerful"-Chairman David

"Demetri, I'm back, my powers are back"-Daya.

"I have reach tier 8, I am as powerful as I am before, Evienne, what is that? What did you do?"-Demetri.

"It is a much more powerful version of my feathers that gives a power up to someone who absorbs it, as you can see and feel, but because I distributed dozens, I will be entering a coma like state until I recovered"-Evienne.

"Okay Evienne, please recover quickly, drink this miracle potion, it might help"-Demetri.

Evienne drink it and gave me a quick smile before she doze off. Her size also changed, she is now in the size of a big eagle, maybe to recover quickly. Chairman David carry her in his arms and promise to protect her.

With Evienne feathers that also recovered us, we awaited for the Leviathan's come back.