CH 3 - Meeting The President Of Kelfon

The spaceship lands and Sakura walks into the room.

"Here where this," said Sakura and Akira puts on a black bra, black panties, and a black and red dress.

"Tigei stay here," said Akira speaking to the white sabre tiger who she named Tigei.

Akira and Sakura leave the spaceship which is in the president's parking lot.

There are many Kelserpenta's standing to greet Akira, but Akira sees the president who is named Serfentime.

Akira can see that Serfentime is trying to not embarrass himself, so Akira walks straight up to him.

"Serfentime could you please get down to my level?" asked Akira not being able to speak to him face to face when he's so high up.

"Of course," said Serfentime and he lowers his head all the way to the ground.

"I got some gifts made for your race," said Akira and Sakura gets a huge piece of clothing that is made for Kelserpenta's that has Akira on it.

"You didn't have to," said Serfentime.

"I didn't want to be rude, but try it on," said Akira and Serfentime quickly puts the clothing on.

Serfentime can't hold back his love anymore.

"I Can't Believe I'm Meeting You!" said Serfentime.

"I was worried you would keep holding back, so thank you," said Akira.

"No Problem! But please come with us," said Serfentime and they go into a very huge mansion that has statues made from pure gold everywhere of Serfentime.

They go to the dining room and start eating. Akira and Sakura had to get a different table beacuse of there size though.

Serfentime looks at Akira eating to see that she looks so cute with food in her mouth.

After they're done eating Akira and Serfentime take a walk alone in the mansion.

"Serfentime do you know that im not really a girl?" asked Akira beacuse she doesn't want to keep that a secret from people.

"I know everyone knows," said Serfentime.

"Then why do you and everyone else love me who are males?" asked Akira confused.

"It's mostly beacuse in your normal form you look the same," said Serfentime.

"Yes, but I have a penis normally," said Akira still confused.

"That is true, but we love you either way. Also your human no human has ever been a galaxy sex star mostly beacuse they would most likely hate us aliens, but you're different," said Serfentime.

"I suppose I am different I would say every human would most likely scream the first time they see a monster and they would refuse sex with them," said Akira and they go into a room that has a huge hot tub inside it.

"Would you mind taking a dib with me?" asked Serfentime.

"Sure I would love to," said Akira and they both get naked.

They go into the hot tub and Akira is deep in thought.

Serfentime notices Akira thinking, so he swims towards her.

"What's wrong?" asked Serfentime.

"I don't deserve any love," said Akira.

"Don't Say That!" said Serfentime beacuse Akira deserves all the love.

"But it's true im just the person who people make fun of for looking like a girl," said Akira wondering why she was blessed.

"You were bullied by humans weren't you?" asked Serfentime.

"Yes and it's because of looking like a cute girl," said Akira and she realizes something.

"Serfentime how long do aliens live for?" asked Akira.

"We actually live forever, but with someone kills us then we die," said Serfentime.

"Then I will be long dead way sooner than any of them," said Akira.

"I know humans don't live that long normally, but since you were exposed to this planets air you will live as long as we do," said Serfentime and Akira is happy.

"Serfentime I have a favour of you," said Akira.

"Anything!" said Serfentime happy to do whatever Akira wants.

"Could you fund me?" asked Akira.

"I was going to do that anyways," said Serfentime.

"So you can give me money to fund films?" asked Akira.

"Yes and I can do much more," said Serfentime.