CH 19 - Izumi Meets Chiasu

Izumi wakes up to see that she's surrounded by Hana, Ai, and Chiasu who are all naked.

"Akira wake up," said Izumi to Chiasu.

"Im not Akira," said Chiasu and Izumi notices the blue skin.

"Why do you look like her?" asked Izumi confused.

"Im Chiasu the mother of slimes and also Akira's sister. I can transform into anything, so that's how I look like Akira," said Chiasu and Izumi remembers seeing the announcement on tv about Akira's sister.

"Then where's Akira?" asked Izumi seeing that Akira is not here.

"I think she was going shopping for something," said Chiasu.

Akira is in the shopping area buying some clothes for Izumi. After she's done she sees a small store that sells custom keychains, figures, and more.

Akira is interested in selling some custom goods, so she walks into the store to see a man punching the shops owner.

"Where's The Money?!" asked the man with his hands around the shop owners neck.

Akira punches the man and catches the owner.

"Are you okay?" asked Akira.

"Im fine." said the shop owner.

The shop owner is named Mio, she is a lamia, she is tall, her skin is light, her face is beautiful, her tits are huge, her hair is long and the color purple, her eyes are purple, her ears are long and pointy, the bottom half of her body is a purple snake, and she's wearing white clothes.

Akira goes up to the man.

"How much does she owe?" asked Akira.

"50,000 Zurcon," said the man and Akira pulls out 100,000 zurcon.

"Here's double what she owes, now never bother her again," said Akira with a very intimidating look in her eyes.

"Right!" said the man and he runs away.

"Why would you do that?" asked Mio well Akira is looking at a figure.

"It's beacuse I want to be friends," said Akira with a smile.

"Friends?" asked Mio wanting to know why.

"Tell me did you make this stuff yourself?" asked Akira seeing that everything in the store is very high quality.

"Yes I did," said Mio and Akira smiles.

"I want you to make some stuff for me, but you will need lots more people to help," said Akira and she hands Mio 1 million Zurcon.

"How much will this do?" asked Akira and Mio thinks for a moment.

"How much product are you looking to make?" asked Mio.

"A few billion," said Akira.

"Than we need at least half a billion," said Mio and Akira looks to see that she has more than enough, so she transfers that amount to Mio's account.

"There now do whatever you need to do," said Akira.

"Who exactly are you?" asked Mio.

"Im Akira a famous galaxy sex star," said Akira and Mio starts asking what Akira wants to make.

After awhile Akira goes to the spaceship to see everyone, but Sakura was waiting for her.

"I have some great news where getting some merch made, so I need everyone tomorrow," said Akira.