I checked the hall caustically and saw a older girl outside knocking on my neighbor's door. Sara peeped over my shoulder and got excited.
She pushed me out of the way and went to hug the other girl. The other girl which name was Megan as I heard Sara say. Megan stared at me and if glares could kill, I would be dead. She asked Sara about me.
Sara explained everything and Megan loosened up. I asked her to come in to my apartment and I asked her how she came in since there was so many zombies. She said "when the news went on, I found out about it, but it was too late. Most of the injured people has already became zombies and so I and my colleague locked ourselves in the room."
"But then the zombies barged in, and when we thought that we were going to die, the zombies backed away. I found out that zombies hate the smell of a rare plant called rasps. We were in the lab room and we quickly put some on us and then spilt the liquid among us. After that, I ran home to see if Sara was ok."