Outside the entrance of Wen mansion ........

As soon as Seren came out of the banquet drenched in water all over her beautiful face she pulled out a little handkerchief from her purse which she was carrying with her to the banquet and wiped the water which was all over her face. She also cleaned the area near her neck and above her chest where there were drops of water. She tied her hair in a bun leaving some strands of her hair till her shoulder. She even looked beautiful with her hair tied.

When Seren thought that now she was a little comfortable and looking okay she grabbed a taxi and sat in the car. Through out the way to her home she was quiet and was looking outside the car window immersed in her own thoughts. She was so much deep in thought that she didn't even realize that she was at her place already.

Seren walked out of the car , paid the taxi fee and went towards the elevator. She pushed the 7th floor button. When she reached the 7th floor by the elevator she went towards room 707 and pinned her password. (beep...beep...beep...) The door unlocked and Seren quickly went to her bedroom and washed up and wore some comfy and casual pajamas.

After having her self freshen up she went to the kitchen and removed an cup of cold coffee from the fridge. She strode towards her beautiful and large balcony where there were some small saplings were planted. Seren sat down on the chair near balcony and kept her coffee on the table which was exact beside her chair she was sitting in. She was gazing through the stars and the beautiful night sky. She was immersed in her own thoughts. Her eyes were reflecting a feeling of relief and satisfaction.

Having a sip of her cold coffee she thought to her self, 'Now i feel like i've become strong enough to stand on my own. Now no one can waver me no matter who that is. This is what i wanted and now i've gained it. Mom now you don't need to worry about me in the heaven. Your daughter is strong enough to be able to live peacefully as you wished'. Soon her eyes became moist and a tear rolled down from her cheeks. She was remembering every moment of her past that led her to her today's present.


Seren had a painful childhood. Her father Jinhai wen married her mother Euphoria James because of her wealth and money. At first Euphoria didn't knew about Jinhai's evil intentions as she was blinded by love towards him. After their six months of marriage they were expecting to have a baby. When the baby was born , it turned to be a cute little baby girl. Her mother named the baby girl Seren as she thought that the baby girl coming into her life was an serendipity.

Seren was always an obedient child. She was also good at studies and sports too. She was an all rounder in her school. As Seren grew up to almost 11-12 yrs she found some things around her suspicious. She noticed that as days going by her father and her mother fought everyday. sometimes the fights even led to heights as both would be in rage. Being as a child Seren was unexpectedly intelligent. She used to be extraordinary hence she would understand everything happening around her.

Her mother euphoria tried to remain her persona as good as she can in front of Seren. She didn't want her sweet child to feel any kind of bitterness in the family. Euphoria had a heart disease from her childhood. She used to get frustrated and stressed a lot due to the fights with her husband. later she suffered depression and anxiety which led to stress on her heart which was already fragile and weak. All these events led to the death of Seren's mother Euphoria when Seren was just 15 yrs old. Seren was emotionally unstable after the death of her mother.

Just after a week of her mothers death her father brought in a mistress and her daughter. the daughter mother pair used to trouble Seren every now and then. They used to treat her badly but the most shocking thing was that her father who already knew their evil actions never confronted her or protected her from them. He used to keep his silence when they were mistreating her. This was an great impact on Seren hence she decided to get out of this house as soon as possible. When Seren was 16 yrs old she received an scholarship due to her incredibly good grades. She moved out of the house and lived in the dorminatory of her college breaking all ties with her family.

After Euphoria's death most of her wealth went to her husband Jinhai Wen cause he was her only family and some special assets and property were kept under Seren's name by her mother before her death. But Seren could only take authority over those assets when she turned to be an adult.

But before leaving this world Euphoria entrusted the most important decision of her daughter's life into her husbands hands. She thought that even though she was on bad terms with her husband but still Jinhai would look after her daughter as she was his own blood and flesh. But after her death Jinhai didn't even look at Seren even once. He thought it was his mistake to have Seren as his daughter as she resembled her mother a lot.

All this past led Seren to be more stronger than she was. She was disgusted by her own father whom she loved a lot when she was a child. She decided to never trust anyone completely. After realizing her mothers situation she decided to love her self more than anyone in this whole universe. she decided to be an cardiologist as she wasn't able to save her mother who had an heart disease.

Later Seren became one of the best cardiologists in the whole nation as she was dedicated to her job. she was also known as an Emergency medicine specialist due to her quick response in serious cases of patients and by living her whole day in the emergency department instead of her own office. Seren was an workaholic woman. she was strict regarding her values but was very polite towards her patients. she would always treat her patients differently. she used to spend time with them and make them comfortable with her as a doctor.

Now Seren had only one goal left that was to show that no can dare to even touch even a strand of her hair. Hence she decided to take an secret mission and she gave it as an gift to her step sister. If Seren would wanted then she would have already released those perverted photos in the media but she was not into revenge as she wanted to focus on herself and her life. Her only priority was to love herself and live her life the way she wanted.


After sitting for a while in the balcony Seren went to her drawer and pulled an picture of her with her mother. she lied down on her bed and held the picture in her hand and soon she fell asleep.