Imperial City at Trust Hospital, next morning.
Seren came out from her office as she just arrived at the hospital and wore her doctor's coat and was on her way to see the child. Suddenly head nurse of cardiology department Mrs. Camellia came running to her as she was in a hurry.
The head nurse reported as she was trying to catch her breath as she came here running right away after hearing the news, " A huge accident happened... at the construction site. Four injured patients.... are expected to arrive here... in two minutes".
As soon as Seren heard that there was an accident she ordered before running away to the emergency department, " Please call Dr. Caleb for emergency".
The head nurse replied, " Yes I understand" but Seren was already gone.
There was a complete ruckus in the emergency department when Seren arrived. All the nurses and other available doctors there were preparing for the emergency.
As the ambulances arrived and the patients were immediately brought to the emergency department, Seren hurriedly went towards them. She guided the rescuers to the emergency room.
On the way to the emergency department one of the rescuer reported to Seren about the condition of one of the patients from the accident, " His pulse, blood pressure are normal. He has an abrasion and pain on his right wrist. He claims that the area around his thumb is feeling numb".
Seren immediately checked the patient on the stretcher who was whining in pain as she touched his thumb and asked, " Can you feel here?".
The man still whined in pain which was on his wrist as he replied, " No! ".
Seren immediately called another intern doctor to handle this patient as his injury was not much serious.
She ordered the intern, " He seems to have broken something. His circulation is okay, but I think his median nerve is damaged. So first get him a hand splint and perform a wrist series. Take an X-ray for his forearm in the lateral anterior posterior view and perform a reduction as soon as possible".
She said all just in one breath as even wasting a second will not do any good to the patients.
The intern immediately replied, " Yes Dr. Seren".
Caleb was also looking at other patients as he ordered the other doctors as he gave them instructions and made the diagnosis for the patient's condition. Right now Seren and Caleb were the only senior doctors available in the emergency room.
When they both were busy looking and checking the other patients there was another serious patient that had arrived. There were three rescuers who were holding the stretcher while one rescuer was holding the iron rod which was penetrated in and out from the patient's body.
The rescuers warned as they brought the patient in, " Move aside please. It's an emergency patient".
Seren and Caleb turned to take a look at the the patient but it seemed like everything was already messed up. Everyone in the emergency department including the doctors were shocked to see the sight.
A man in his 40's was lying on the stretcher subconscious. But the most fearing thing was the iron rod which was penetrated in and out from his body. The iron rod seemed to have penetrated his body from downwards as there was a huge rock on the lower side of the rod. If one single mistake and the rock is moved then there was no hope.
In operating room,
An intern was sent to pass on the message to the Chief who was currently in a surgery right now.
The intern reported as he held the phone in his hand , " Chief, it's Dr. Seren from the ER. She says its an abdomen penetrating injury from the construction site collapse accident".
Chief ordered who was still busy in his surgery, " Hmm. Connect the call".
The intern put the call on speaker and held it near Chief's face. The chief asked, " What's the situation?".
Seren who was on the other line replied as fast as she can without wasting a minute, " He's a man in his 40's and has a iron bar measuring approximately one meter long piercing through his abdomen. He also has irremovable concrete slab hanging off of one side of him.
The doctors who were with Chief in the surgery too heard this. As soon as Seren mentioned about the concrete slab hanging to the iron rod which was penetrating from the patient's body they all were surprised and worried as they gave each other gazes.
Chief noticed this and yelled at them, " Concentrate down you idiots". The assistant surgeons got back to their focus again as they were scolded.
Chief asked with his normal tone as the call was still on, " Location of penetration?".
Seren replied, " From the lower left back towards the upper left abdomen askew".
The chief asked, " His vitals?".
Seren replied, " Thankfully his blood pressure is normal at 119 and his heart rate is 130. He doesn't have any massive bleeding externally".
Chief said, " He could get an intra- abdominal hemorrhage so look at his abdominal sonogram and keep a watch on his vitals. We'll be done in 30 minutes".
Seren replied, " Yes I understand".
As the call was disconnected the Chief said with his ordering tone to all the doctors in the surgery room, " You heard, right? We are finishing up in 30 minutes. So you'll better focus".
In the emergency room,
When Seren was reporting the situation to Chief, Caleb was holding on that patient as he cut off his clothes so that they can take a better look at his injuries.
Caleb ordered, " Link up the saline bag on the other side and prepare the c-line and catheter to put him in as well".
As soon as the instructions were given, all the nurses, doctors and interns started working right away. Caleb checked the patient's pupils. Everyone was busy arranging the medical supplies.
Two nurses from the back yelled as they brought a medical machine, " Please move. Get out of the way".
As the medical machine was quite heavy hence two people were needed to drag it to the patient. A nurse was at the back while other was in the front. The nurse reported, " The monitor is prepared".
The nurse at the back who was dragging the monitor facing her head towards front mistakenly pushed the rescuer who was holding the concrete part of the rod from downwards. Eventually the rescuer got pushed and the concrete rock fell down making the iron rod come out completely from the body. The thing which everyone feared of happened. Seren tried to catch the rod but before she could do anything it was already gone.
In an instant it felt like everything was gonna collapse. As soon as the rod fell off, blood burst out from the patient's body like a fountain with pressure. Caleb immediately put his hand on the abdomen from where the blood was coming out in pressure in order to stop bleeding.
Caleb immediately called, " Get some gauze here. Quick !".
The nurse replied, " Yes" as she quickly went to fetch some gauze to stop the bleeding. The doctor who was keeping a watch on the patient's vitals said as worried showed on his face, " BP is dropping rapidly".
Caleb instructed, " Give him an emergency transfusion and pump more blood into him. Please prepare for intubation as well".
( Intubation is an artificial airway made for the patient )
The blood was still flowing from the body non stop and everyone was trying their best to do but Seren was blanked out. She was in a shock right now. Everything around her seemed like stopped.
Hello Dear Army Reader's !
i sincerely apologize for making all of you wait so long. i'm really sorry for not giving an update for past few days. actually i had my exams due to which i was unable to write anything as i was trying to focus on studies. hope you all will understand and forgive this author's soul of yours.
thankyou so much for reading my novel and supporting me by donating your precious power stones. i'm really grateful to all the readers who have added my book into their collections. thank you so much and please take care of yourselves.
-yours KimYeNa@btsarmy7