Today was the first day of school for Lucas. Both Louis and Seren came to pick him up from the school together. Lucas spotted both of his parents standing at the gate for him. He was delighted to see them together. The little guy ran to them as soon as he saw them. He immediately hugged Louis and seren together.
After a minute Louis crouched down to get to the same height as Lucas and then said to him, "Were you that excited to see us?".
Lucas with his shining eyes replied immediately, "Yes dad. I missed you and mom so much".
Louis smiled as he replied, " I understand you're excited to see us but don't run around. You might hurt yourself. Okay?".
Lucas nodded with his brown doe eyes. Louis ruffled his hair in response.
Seren asked, " How was your first day baby?".
Lucas replied with a bright smile, "It was good mom. I even made a friend today. His name is Ronnie. He helped me show the school surroundings and all. I had a lot of fun today".
Seren smiled, "So do you want to go out and have fun a little more?".
Lucas replied, " As long as mom and dad go with me together, I'm fine with anything".
Louis chuckled at his reply and said, "Okay so let's go out. Dad will treat you for your first day of school".
Imperial city at Cloud Restaurant,
The table was already reserved for the three. Louis had already made a reservation. It was a beautiful family restaurant with a peaceful atmosphere. They placed order for themselves and were just chatting around. Lucas tells every detail about his day in school to both his parents.
Suddenly Seren noticed something as she got up. Louis asked because of her sudden action, "What happened? Do you need something?".
Seren just replied, " One minute" and went a little further from their table. Louis and Lucas were both trying to guess where she was going out of a sudden. They saw her talking to a little child.
When lucas was talking about his day, Seren noticed a small child struggling to tie his shoelace. He was on the verge of tears because he was frustrated with not being able to tie them. The kid was just 5yrs old.
Seren strode towards him and crouched down to get to the same height as the kid. She saw tears almost about to flow down his cheeks. He was frustrated. She asked with a gentle voice, "Do you want me to help you?".
The child lost its patience as tears started flowing down. He was trying to say between his sobs, "I can't seem to tie this........why does this not tie?".
Seren said as she stroked his beautiful blonde hair, " It's okay. I'll help you tie this".
She helped the little guy tie his shoelace. The boy stopped crying but there were still tears on his face. Seren looked at him with love and then wiped his tears with her hand. She said to him, "It's done. See? Its not that hard. You can just practice it. Okay?".
The boy nodded. Seren stroked his head and then asked him gently, " Where are your parents baby?".
Suddenly then a handsome man in his mid 20's, wearing specks was calling for his son, "Sam. Where were you? Dad was scared alone".
Sam who is the little child immediately ran to his father and hugged him as his father took the son in his embrace. Sam replied with a smile, "I just went to look at the fish in the tank dad. And then i noticed that my shoelace was untied. So I was trying to tie it but I couldn't. That's when this pretty lady helped me".
His dad asked, "Did you thank her?".
Sam shook his head, "Not yet".
"Then let's thank her together".
Sam and his dad walked towards Seren who was just a few steps away from them. The man who held Sam said, "Thank you so much for helping my child. I'm grateful".
Seren replied with a smile, "It's fine. not a big deal".
Sam's dad said to him, "Sam say thankyou to her".
Sam immediately got down from his father's arms. Even his father was surprised. He just asked him to thank her then why was he getting down from his hold?
Sam came towards Seren and extended his hands gesturing for her to pick him up. Seren chuckled at the little guy's gesture. She immediately picked him up in her embrace.
Sam said, "Thank you pretty lady. I'll make sure to practice tying shoelaces on my own".
Seren smiled as she replied to him, " You're a good boy".
Sam asked, "Pretty lady can you be my girlfriend?".
Seren looked at him. He made a puppy face with pleading eyes that were shouting "PLEASE !!!". She couldn't resist his cute face. So she replied, "okay".
Sam's father called him, "Sam let's go. Don't trouble the pretty lady anymore".
Sam nodded and then pecked Seren on her cheeks as he said, "Bye my girlfriend".
Seren chuckled at his sweet gesture. He was just a complete package of cuteness overloaded. Sam wiggled down from her embrace and then went to his dad. His father picked him up in his arms and turned around to leave.
Sam said to his father, "Dad I have a girlfriend now and she's so much pretty. She's more pretty than an angel".
His dad replied, "Yeah. Even your dad doesn't have one but you have a girlfriend" and then the pair of father and son chuckled together.
Seren too left to her table which was just a little away. She noticed Louis and Lucas both looking In her direction. She was smiling because of that cute little Sam.
When Seren came back to her seat, Louis and Lucas didn't say anything special. They had already seen what did happen. The next moment the food was served and suddenly Lucas called Seren, "mommy can you please feed me?".
It surprised her. Just a few days before he insisted on eating on his own and called himself an 11yr kid who is old enough to eat with his own hands. Seren used to feed him because he hadn't recovered well but now he is all good. So why is this guy suddenly asking to feed him out of blue?
Seren asked him, "What happened baby? are you feeling uncomfortable?".
Lucas shook his head and replied, "No. I just want mommy to feed me".
He looked at her with his brown doe eyes. Those eyes. They can make anyone do anything. Seren started feeding him without any question.