Down to business

"And?" Kisandra asked seeing Baiken in her new more modern clothes.

"You have a good eye for a woman's body, it's like you knew my size exactly" Baiken said spinning once.

"I have a nack for these kind of things, how does the underwear sit?"

"It's, snug, it feels different since I never wore something like it before, but I guess I'll get used to it"

"Good realised you're a woman of the sword, so you'll see I got you some sports bra's as well, they'll keep you... Stable during a fight"

Baiken laughed "You think of everything don't you?"

"It's my Job, Tenzo accepted me into the Yakuza because I have this strange gift of keeping track and mind of almost everything I need to"

"That's perfect" Baiken came around and stood next to her, on the table was a few maps, lists and charts on paper "So what's all this?"

"This is the Yakuza, everything of it, it's territory, headcount, and capital. I'm going to teach you a little of it"

Baiken nodded "You may proceed"

"On this map you'll see the territory we own, it's the largest in the city, we have shops, brothels, massage parlors, even chop shops under our protection"

"Chop shops?"

"It's a place where cars get modified or repaired"

"Cars being those things on wheels we drive in?"


"Ok, I'm with you, continue"

"Now, some people we do favours for, be it escorts, go and steal certain cars, deliver drugs or weapons. These people don't have to pay up immediately, but owe us the money eventually if they have it. But, we are short a huge amount of money thanks to this, by my calculations, we can easily get a close to two million yen boost if we get all the money owed to us"

"Two million is a lot right?"

"Uh, yes"

"Sorry Kisandra, I never really worked with money before, I stayed and lived off a farm"

Kisandra smiled "Country girl hey? Then that clothes fits you then"

"Country girl?" Baiken said laughing.


"Ok, I'll accept that, so, do you know who these people are the that owe us money?"

"Yes, I have a list right here"

Baiken took the paper from her and studied it.

"Mind taking me and Tachibana there tomorrow?"

"Of course, I was hoping you would offer, Tenzo as I say was a softie, he didn't put pressure on those who owe us money"

Baiken smiled "That will all change with me, I'm not taking shit"

"I'm thinking, the best time maybe to start is later this day, since the Yakuza conducts most of their business at night" Kisandra said.

"I agree then..." Baiken was halted by Tachibana who came into the room from his sleeping quarters. The outfit Kisandra got him was dark mat black, it had ample utility pouches, and with it he wore a coat with a hood that he could throw over his head.

"Nice, that's exactly what I had in mind" Baiken said.

"It's a pleasure" Kisandra answered.

As the sun set the three headed down to the car.


"There they are" Entei said as he and Sakura said watching Baiken, Kisandra and Tachibana head out and climb into a sedan.

"Let's keep our eyes on them" Sakura said next to him in the car.


The first stop was a sauna parlor. Baiken had a thick black fur coat on so she could conseal her katana, and also swapped her sandals out for a pair of boots, she figured she could move quicker in them.

"The owner of this shop owes us a hefty amount, thirty k to be presice, and it's been five months. The bastard is lucky we don't raise the amount using intrest"

"What's his name?" Baiken asked.

"Sujoji, he's a retired sumo wrestler and spends most of his time lounging in his own hotbaths, he disgusts me" Kisandra said shrilling.

"Very well, let's go" Baiken walked in with Tachibana close behind.

"Shouldn't I take the lead? They know me here?" Kisandra asked behind them.

"Don't worry about this Kisandra, your job is just to point them out" Baiken said.

Inside the men walked around with towels around their waists, tattoos over their bodies, and many, if not most, were very large, fat not muscular.

"Can I help?" A beautiful woman in a traditional kimono asked them.

"What are you doing here?" Baiken asked.

"I, I'm here to show the guests in" The woman replied.

"Good, I'm looking for Sujoji"

"Who's looking for him?" She asked frowning.

"... Me..." Baiken pointed at her own face, but Kisandra stepped around Tachibana and waved smiling.

"Tell him it's Yakuza business"

The woman's eyes grew "Oh, uh, can you please let Tenzo know Mr Sujoji asks for another month"

Baiken stepped between her and Kisandra, her white eyes getting the woman's attention back instantly.

"Tell mister Sujoji Tenzo is dead"

The woman's panic face escalated, she quickly turned around and dissapeared into a back room. Baiken looked at Kisandra who smiled holding a thumb up.

Not long and the kimono lady returned with a very large, very tall man in tow, he had tattoos everywhere, even on his face.

"I hear Tenzo is dead?" He asked Kisandra, but she only stepped in behind Tachibana.

"He is" Baiken said, her face slightly amazed at how big this man was.

"That's good, it means the dept I owe him is now forfeit" Sujoji said and turned.

"Correction, you owe me the money now" Baiken said and Sujoji turned back. He looked at Kisandra, then at Tachibana, but Baiken standing the closest to him he overlooked.

"Who said that!?"

"Down here" Baiken said and he looked down, when he saw Baiken innocent face he started laughing.

"My my, arent you cute" He said and lifted his hand to pat her on the head, but Tachibana had his fingers in a grip and he twisted it, Sujoji bellowed in agony and twisted his body sideways to ease the pain Tachibana was inflicting on his wrist.

"You will not touch her"