To relax

Zander and Hamilton sat on the opposite side of the plane from Baiken looking at her, still passed out. Diana went to sleep in the far back and asked not to be disturbed, it was a 13 hour flight after all.

Hamilton had himself busy with his laptop and Zander was enjoying a glass of rum when Baiken opened her eyes groaning, they made sure they strapped her down but it didn't seem like she was angry or hostile 'As long as she didn't have her sword you'll be fine' Diana said.

"Heya" Zander greeted and she looked at him.

"That, ninjitsu... It's like a gun but..."

"It's a tranquilizer gun, it doesn't kill you, only put you to sleep" Zander explained to her.

"Oh, which means I really can trust the three of you right? Since you didn't want to kill me?"


Baiken looked up and down the plane then wiped her brow, he eyes only glancing at the window "Are we still... Flying?"


"Where is Diana?"


"Good" she looked at him "You two already got a good look at my body right? Want to go test it?"

This got Hamilton's attention from his screen and both men frowned at her.

"Test?" Zander asked "As in..."

She sighed "Sex?"

They flinched simultaneously "Listen sussa, as much as its every man's dream to hear a girl as pretty as you just outward ask that, it's just not right" Zander said.

"Let me explain this then" she said and held her hands up counting "My routine daily has twelve steps, it's a routine!" She escalated her voice slightly "Step one, warm up, step two conditioning my fists, step three conditioning my feet, step four conditioning my body"

"What does that mean?" Hamilton asked.

"I hit a pole wrapped in leather to make my nuckles harder, then kick it to strengthen my feet... Then I'd sit still and allow Yamamoto to strike me with a wooden sword repeatedly in various places to build my endurance"

"What like?"

"My gut, my back, my arms, my legs..." She looked at them "Then step four, five six and seven is fighting basically until I can barely stand anymore, step eight, wash off the blood..."

The men looked at her as she probably reminisced it, she looked at her hands, they were trembling slightly.

"Step nine, sit dead still so I can be used as a canvas for the art on my body" She lifted her shirt to expose the dragon head.

"Step ten, eat my mother's delicious food, she always made delicious food, step eleven, sex, step twelve sleep"

"Why did you count fighting more than one times?" Hamilton asked.

"Because that's what happened for most of the day, I could never keep track of how long it lasted, it just went on until I couldn't stand anymore"

"And why do you count sex in?" Zander asked but Hamilton elbowed him "What?"

"I knew you'd ask that you horny bastard!" Hamilton yelled at him.

"Fuck Hamster not even men has sex worked into their daily routine like that I was just fucking curious!"

"It's a stress reliever" She said and they looked at her "It, works, its the only joy I got from that whole day, that and my mother's food, so..." She looked out the window "I was shot, I was sewd together, my shoulder replaced by steel, kidnapped and now I found out we are flying" Baiken said and sank into her chair holding her armrests "Humans don't have wings, this was never meant to be"

"Relax sussa, this is an airplane..."

"I've been told what it is!" She said loudly and glanced at them "So?"

"So what?"

"Does any one of you two want to have sex or not because I really need something to relax right now!?"

"Just like that?" Hamilton asked he made sure he heard her correctly.

"Listen I don't know how your culture works, maybe in my culture it's also frowned upon, but if you two are not interested please show me a place where I can have some privacy then!"

Zander looked at Hamilton again.

"Why do you two always look at each other like that when I ask a question? Can't you think with your own minds and constantly need the opinion of one another?"

They both chuckled and Zander stood up "Follow me"

He led her down the plane past Diana who was sleeping still and opened a door, it was a smallish kitchen "Here"

She passed him but her eyes were on his "Last chance?" She said.

"It's ok sussa, enjoy yourself" He said closing the door but not fully, he kept a gap so he could peek in, maybe she was just bullshitting them and secretly wanted to conspire.

He saw her go to her knees, her back to him, then to his own amazement she took her left hand and stuck it down her pants.

He closed the door softly and went to sit down again.

"And?" Hamilton asked.

"She wasn't talking shit, the girl's really going at it back there"

The two men looked at each other equally amazed.

Her right hand is the main one but since the shoulder was in too much pain she had to experience her left, she sighed as the pleasure flowed into her and all unnecessary thoughts washed away.

Why wouldn't they join her? She gasped under her breath as she tried to escalate the pleasure, a plane, flying, a building with wings? Humans were never meant to fly.

Then Diana... She opened her eyes thinking, did she like her more as Kisandra? She wanted to tell her what to do as Diana, but Kisandra called her Oyabun, which means boss... She liked that.

She gave a surpressed moan as her first orgasm washed over her, it didn't feel at all as good as sex, this was just pleasure, but her body wasn't worked, that worked feeling is what made her seek sex, it was such a relaxant.

She was convinced now that all the strikes to her gut had an effect, she had sex many times with Tachibana, and never fell pregnant, a good thing since he betrayed her.

Baiken wanted to lay on her back for the next one but went down to fast and her shoulder made her shriek quickly, with that new pain in her she tried the pleasure over it, and it worked differently, a mix between the two, how exotic!?

The door went open and Diana basically caught her with her hand down her pants, she shut the door quickly.

"What are you doing?" Diana asked.

"Isn't it obvious?" Baiken said with sigh.

"Did you seriously ask my men if they wanted to have sex with you?"

Baiken didn't answer as she tensed up over her second orgasm.


"Yes I asked them, but they denied" she said and got up slowly.

"I can't believe this! I threaten them not to do anything stupid, then you come and offer them your pussy!?"

Baiken frowned "What does pussy mean?"

"That thing between your legs that seems to bother you so much!"

Baiken didn't like that tone, but she shrugged "Have you ever had sex Diana?"

"I, I did but..."

"Did you enjoy it?"

"Of course I enjoyed it but..."

"Then..." Baiken came up to her and pressed her body against hers "Relax Diana, it's just fun, that's all it is..."

"What are you doing?" Diana asked feeling Baiken's hand against her belly.

"I'm not good with my left hand, but it feels the same, I promise"

There was a knock on the door "Mis Diana?"

"Sod off Hamilton!" Diana yelled subconsciously.

"We land in 15 minutes"

"I know!"

Her eyes on Baikens, she couldn't believe how brave this young woman was, the hand slipped into the top of her waist dress and stopped right where it matters most, but Baiken's eyes went wide.

"You, you're..."

"Let go!" Diana said pushing her away "Come to the front and buckle up"

Baiken watched her as she left, then looked at her hand, there was no hair, she was smooth as silk! How!?