Behold pizza!

Wilkinson looked at Baiken then back at her, he picked up two papers paged through but rapidly wove them "Two pages, your report has two pages Diana! A full year of undercover work and this is it?"

"It was last minute sir"

He looked at one "Here... Baiken Kazuna, age twenty, height weight, from Saipan, and that's it?"

"There was a hit on her sir"

"The Yakuza kills off rival gang members every day! Some of those are kingpins with a lot more information that leads to more informant about more criminals!"

"I know sir"

"We dug you in deep Diana, we got you next to the Yakuza leader, and that would have opened doors for loads of arrests" he said and looked at Baiken "And now? Her? Is that a sword!?"

Baiken clinched the sword to her chest.

"It is, but don't worry sir she doesn't know how to use it, its her father's final gift before he passed away" Diana said.

"Hm, fine then" he looked at Baiken "Don't go poke someone's eye out with that thing"

"Yes sir" she said nodding.

"Now, the next thing I need to address, your Aston..." He looked at her "This is the third one!"

"Its not my fault sir!"

"Can you drive!? We do give you training and refreshment for driving! Maybe your days in Japan rusted you up!"

"Sir with all due respect the first one was rammed the second T-boned by a drunk, this time they shot my tyres out at speed!"

"Can you still drive Diana?"

"I can sir"

"And I'll speak for her, I saw it, she was amazing" Baiken said quickly but Diana held a finger to her lips.

"Well, since your success with the Royal family you managed to screw up three times in a row, coming back from your missions a failure or empty handed... Or in this case half a case and a stray" Wilkinson said holding his hand to Baiken.


"Ssh Baiken" Diana said "It won't happen again sir"

"I hope so, since you brought her into the country with..." He paged "Nothing... No papers, no identification, no documents, she technically doesn't even exist!"

"Wait?" Baiken said but Diana shook her head, that didn't stop her though "I need papers to prove I exist? I'm sitting right here!?"

"It's a long story girl just remain quiet!" Wilkinson said "The only options is, lucky for you Diana, because you're a member of the British secret service you can adopt her, it's the only way she can be here legally"

"I'll opt for that" Diana said.

"What's adoption?" Baiken asked.

"She is to be your mother girl" Wilkinson said getting annoyed that Baiken couldn't keep quiet.

"But I have a mother?"

"Then you'll have two" Diana said quickly, this brought a smile to Baiken's face and she nodded.

"You agree?" Wilkinson asked Diana.

"Yes, I'll adopt her"

"Good, I'll get the papers in order, now a last thing, how did those men who chased you end up charred so badly?"

Diana swallowed and looked at Baiken, she sank her head "F, fueel" she tried remembering the word.

"It was a blessing in disguise sir, the fuel tank of the Aston must have ruptured"

"Very well, you have one last chance Diana, screw this up and you're off the service, keep your phone close, I'll be in contact, dismissed"

Diana walked out with Baiken again like a toddler behind her, outside she waved at a cab and climbed it with Baiken.

The trip to Diana's house was silent, Baiken looked at her, she was clearly troubled about what Wilkinson said.

Baiken wanted to cheer her up, she had to think of something, maybe the boat made of steel? She opened her mouth, no, that's dumb.

She opened again but remembered Diana was there when she cut open the fat guy at the sauna, and that's not even funny.

Baiken realised she had nothing, nothing to cheer her up, her life was so full of blood and blades she could barely think of anything good.


She turned to Baiken.

"I wish I could cheer you up, but I can't"

"Don't worry about it ok?"

"No, I realised my life, is... Hollow, I don't have anything good to talk about?"

Diana saw her digging her thoughts and smiled "Tell me about your mother's food then?"

Baiken smiled "Yes! She made noodles, rice, the best dumplings, and my favourite was the sushi"

"It sounds wonderful, nothing beats a mother's cooking"

Baiken nodded "Her green tea was divine, I also liked that"

"Hm, I always wanted to taste green tea, is it really that good? I hear it's healthy?"

Baiken's shoulders sagged "It's bitter, but you get used to it"

"You don't add sugar?"

Baiken tilted an eyebrow "Sugar?"

"You never had a sugary treat before?"

"What's a treat?" Baiken looked at the cab driver who also frowned at her.

"Girl? Have you climbed out from under a rock or something?"

Baiken hung her head "I don't even know what that term means? Can you really hide under a rock?"

Both Diana and the driver laughed.

"Don't worry lass, its nothing to threat about" Diana said.

"Well, I'll take your word for it, but, I realised I'm just a blank page, I know nothing!" Baiken answered.

"That's why I'll show you the world ok?"

"Thanks Diana"

"So what did you do for fun?"


"Yes, you know? Play games, run around in the garden? Draw pictures?"

"Oh, no such things"

"And to relax?"

Baiken looked at her with a motioning smile.

"Oh, never mind then"

The cab stopped in the countryside in front of a large house that sat deep in the property, Diana paid the driver and it set off with a beep.

"What's this place?" Baiken asked as they walked down the long driveway.

"Its my house"

"Your house!?" Baiken said happily "Its so comfy! Deep in, surrounded by trees, it feels like home!"

"Do you miss home?"

"Only my mother, and the farm, the rest not"

Diana opened her door and stepped in "I haven't been here in a year, so excuse the dust"

"Its ok, this place is lovely"

"So since you haven't really seen the world, why don't I show you how we get food sometimes"


Diana picked up her phone and dialled a number, Baiken watched her bring the phone to her ear.

"Yes, I'd like to order two large pizzas, and a bottle of cola please? Yes? Very well"

Diana gave her address and put the phone down "Tada!"

"Tada?" Baiken asked.

"Food is on its way"

"What? How?"

"You'll see"

Not long and the doorbell rang, Baiken sitting on a couch flew up "What made that noise!?"

"Food" Diana said giggling and went to get the pizza.

She sat down with the two boxes and rubbed her hands together, Baiken had focus on her, she smelled something nice but couldn't figure it out.

"The journey with you will be an adventure you know that little Baiken?"


She turned her pizza box to face her "This is a pizza, behold! The double ham triple cheeze supreme!" Diana said majestically and opened the box, Baiken actually jumped back expecting something to jump out by the way Diana said it.

"What's ham! And what's cheese!? Why is it called supreme!? Is it some sort of emperor!?"

Diana held her mouth giggling "No, its the name if the pizza, and I'm not going to tell you, you have to experience it for yourself" she said and came to sit next to Baiken, opening her box as well she split her pizza in half "Now you do it"

Baiken followed tow.

"Now brake one slice off like this" Diana said and lifted the piece.

Baiken had the piece up.

"Now bite into it like so" she said and bit into the slice.

"Oh, you eat it with your hands? I was wondering why there where no sticks?" Baiken said and took a bite.