After walking a while teacher said, so first let me introduce you guys, what are wild plants? Well, wild plants are those that grow spontaneously in a self-maintaining population and they can exist independently of human actions.
When the teacher was teaching them one of the students went to the berries plant. He was about to eat it, suddenly the teacher said that and called him by his name to stop him. the teacher asked what is he doing? He said,
Nothing, I am feeling hungry when I saw these berries.
Remember that you are in the forest. The fruit here seems so attractive and tasty but don't dare to eat them.
O come on guys, what is this we even can't eat them, John said. So much fun with a hungry stomach. This is not that thing what I imagine about this camp. Just look at these berries seems so tasty and fresh. I wish I know about them so I can eat them by observing them.
Yes, and we are here to learn that. Now listen to the teacher, Adam said.
It can be toxic. I told you and I am repeating, If you are not careful about these, You might pick a wild berry that kills you.
The Teacher added more, castor beans, choke chemise, moonseed are some types of berries that can kill an adult within a few minutes.
Now follow me our destination is a bit far. They were following their teachers.
Diana then said we have been walking for an hour what is going on? Where are we going? Don't know just follow them. Adam said.
After then Tin went to Bella and said hello to her. She also replied by saying him Hello.
So are you enjoying the camp?
Yeah pretty much. I love nature. I love to know about it.
Well, that's great even I have the same taste.
These trees and their greenery and love to know about them. We are so similar. We have such a similar taste. Seriously this fresh air I am loving it.
Adam was looking at him. He then came in front of him and said, well who doesn't love nature. Even I love it too much. We are also similar, Tin!
Tin then also took a step forward but Bella came between to stop them and said, come on we can't stop here. Let's move on.
They then continue. On their way there was a plant with flowers on it John went to it and said, this is so pretty. Bella then said, No John is aware.
But what happened? John asked.
This plant is aware of that.
Do you know about this?
Yes, this is white snakeroot also called (Ageratina altissimo ). As you can see it's a topped cluster of small white flowers. These contain toxic alcohol known as tramadol. These can also be dangerous for animals.
On this Tin added, And so now farmers are now aware of this life-threatening hazard and make efforts to remove the plant from animal pastures. Am I right?
Yes, but how do you. I told you we are so similar.