Chapter 8


In the room sat Cruz in one of the 3 chairs in front of the deans desk. He had his comically large back pack with him and he looked the same as how he was dropped off. "Your son has wreaked havoc all in a matter of half an hour. Mind you this is the first day of school." The dean picked up a pink slip of paper and looked down at it through the lenses of his glasses.

"First he…." the dean started to recap the story of Cruz's antics.


Cruz stepped into the classroom with an idea brewing in his head. Until he noticed a kid in the corner of his eye who was trying to hold back tears.

"Sorry but you probably wont remember this anyway." he muttered under his breathe he was gonna make sure he go his revenge.

"Hi! My name is Cruz! What's your name?" Cruz asked.

"Sniff…Ben." At this point the kid had already shed a few tears. In all honesty Cruz felt a bid bad however the negative impact on the kid is negligible and the impact on the teacher who of course ignored him.

He had come to infer that she was more than likely the secretary of the dean since she had made a quip about not wanting to see him near her office anytime soon. He could also see that the nurses office and front office were in the same area. This means that she is the person who has to sit in the waiting room of the kids who needed to see the nurse or the dean or who needed to leave early.

"What's wrong?"

"My mommy…sniff…I miss her…a-a-a-"

"Yeah, I know what you mean but that's not even the baddest." Cruz cut him off shortly, dumbing down his words to a point that any other 4-6 year old could understand him.


"I heard from the teacher that some parents never come back."

Ben immediately started to think about what Cruz said with each passing thought a fuel to his tears.

Cruz seeing this couldn't help but notice this so he added more fuel to the fire.

"Yeah. What's your last name?"


"Oh no! I heard the teacher say that exact name when they were talking about parents that would never come back."

"Sniff…B-bu-b I-Dooo-Wa—Waaa." Ben slowly started to tear up again trying to form a sentence it came out in blubbers.

"Waaaahhhh!!!!" Releasing an ear piercing screech he started wail. Until he burst into full blown tears. Immediately the teacher rushed over to check on him however to her dismay she couldn't do anything to calm him down. Inevitably she had to send him to the office to be picked up early. Phoning the office she told the secretary his first and last name sending him to the office after one of the aides came and brought him out of the classroom.

"One down."

"That'll be my next one." He said seeing another boy in the corner of his eye.

"Hi! My name is Cruz. What's your name?"

Eventually he got the kid to stick a car up his nose by tricking him. He told him that his parents MIGHT come back if he does just that after telling him that some parents don't pick their kids up again. Eventually the kid had to be sent to the office again for the nurse and to be picked up early.

This cycle went on for the next 15 minutes until about half of the 22 kid class was gone. Each one a little worse than the last.

He had gotten a few more kids sent to the front telling them the technical truth of some parents not returning. He had gotten one kid to velcro his shoes together and then try and run. He had gotten a few more to fake cough enough to make them throw up.

At the front office it was chaos. The lady who had ignored Cruz had to now watch multiple kids each screaming and crying throwing tantrums. Some were trying to throw up again and at the same time she had to find each student's information contact their parents and communicate the reason why.


"In conclusion your son has sent 11 kids to the office. We wouldn't have known it was him either had the teacher not caught him trying to get a kid to put his fist in his mouth."

Cruz was smiling nonetheless.

"Before we start our discussion regarding the next step, Mr and Mrs. Terrazes I want to hear Cruz's perspective on all of this."

"Yeah I did it."

"Why did you do something like that?"

"Your secretary ignored me."

"Oh geez." Wayne said putting his hand on his forehead.

"What do you mean ignored?" The dean asked concerned.

Cruz recapped the whole interaction which left the dean dumbfounded. From a 10 second interaction this kid had plotted and enacted revenge over something so minor?

"Mr. and Mrs. Terrazes, I dont see any other path besides disciplinary action against Cruz. I hope you understand."

"Im right here. What about me huh? Include me in this conversation its my discipline." Cruz interjected before his parents could reply, angry at being ignored once again.

"Mmhm. And you too Cruz." The dean said clearing his throat even more dumbfounded at Cruz's tone and way of speaking which seemed far above his age.

"Well Cruz you could be looking at a 3 day suspension."


"Young man do you understand the seriousness of your actions?! You not only put others in danger you also pulled parents out of their precious work day putting their jobs at risk! On top of that this will be reflected on your permanent record. Colleges will see this! What do you say to that?"

"First off I didn't put anyone in danger it's not my fault that those kids so stupid and gullible. I didn't force them to do anything either. Second I've seen the tuition for this place. Trust me, those parents jobs aren't at risk. Third, there is no such thing as a permanent record it all goes away when I and I will graduate high school. I'm not dumb like those kids. Matter of fact you just lied to me about a permanent record existing. That's called coercion." Cruz ranted.

"Young ma-!"

"That will be enough." Wayne Terrazes finally spoke up causing the dean to pause. He then realized that he had been going back and forth with a 4 year old only just now and not only that the 4 year old had won. It was true that he had not broken any rules. This 4 year old showed extreme intellect using vocabulary that was completely out of range of what a 4 year old should exhibit yet he was extremely immature.

"Vice principal in the time we have been in your office you not only raised your voice at my son you have tried to take unjust disciplinary action against him." Wayne Terrazes said in a cold tone.

"Well I-"

"As such we will be withdrawing our son from the school and we will also be rescind our donation."

"Thank you for your time."

Wayne and Celeste got up ad Cruz waddled after them after nodding his head at the principal.