
Clare stood on the fountain steps, frozen in amazement, her mind refused to acknowledge what her eyes were clearly seeing. She was high enough to see only a minority of Khiron in its beauty because the houses were actually rows of castles, some taller than the mountain she stood on.

Shining castles made of gold material stretched beyond normal heights, as peaks of light shimmered from the tall building walls. There wasn’t much of a sun left, but the light surrounding Khiron seemed to seep through from something beyond the air, high above her, but not so distant as the stars. But not particularly close to the moon either, which still held in its shadowed phase. It was further than reaching distance, but not high enough to dismiss, however, it didn’t captivate her as the realm did. There were hundreds OR thousands of castles, some bigger than the others, rounded roofs made of milky glass fabrics of some kind, maybe marble.