After Algwad left, Josh opened the book and began to read. He needed to understand as much as he could about this world and events before the wedding. He had planned to talk to the woman he had heard in the dungeons earlier but he was not returning to the dungeons.
He thanked Algwad and set to work reading the book for clues. Unable to push aside the distraction caused by his meeting with Shay, he paused often though and his progress was slow. He was stunned and struck with disbelief and anger. Could the girl he loved so much be such a different person? How could someone be so deceitful? Knowingly and intentionally deceitful. How could they care so little for another person’s feelings? How could they seem to be so kind and loving and yet underneath it all, they were so evil? He felt anger stirring within him. Anger he had not felt before. He began to clench and unclench his fingers and he knew he would soon explode unless he kept his anger in check.