WebNovelThe Heir!100.00%

The new king of PTS

With the Simsons surrounded and outnumbered, their troops started to surrender one by one. Even the six Simson knight soldiers gave up except for the true Simson descendant;

Danny: What are you waiting for, be wise like the rest of your troops and just give up

Knight 1: If you think that I will give up that easily, then you are highly mistaken (he said throwing his armor glove on the ground)

The glove been thrown on the ground is a custom duel known to all. It meant that whoever picked up the glove must fight the person that threw it in a single battle, one on one. The victor can then decide what he or she wants as his reward;

Danny: Are you challenging me?

Knight 1: Why! Are you too scared to pick up the glove?

Danny: Very well then. If it is a duel you want, then a duel you shall get (he said picking the glove up from the ground)

Then everybody spaced out for the two to have their battle. Dave then walked up to Danny before the duel and said silently;