Mistery of Bryan Ferrer

"Don't move, or else..." The man whisphered on her ear, the knife was pressed harder on Yoona's neck.

"Do you want to know who wants your life ? who was behind the kidnapping? " Yoona remained silent, not because she was afraid but because she's calculating

"If you really want to know , find me in Villa Claire Street . Use your connection I'll make my location traceable ." After he said that , the man retracted the knife and run .

Yoona like a statue remained motionless. For 5 years she did all she can to investigate the incident. She hired trained professional to find the real culprit she only got clues but it remain unsolved after so many years.Now, an unknown person bring it again .

"Everything. I'll do everything." She whispered on herself.

REVENGE.That's all she want.

Yoona dialed her private investigator. Her Top 1 investigator.

"Locate and investigate this place, Villa Claire Street. I'll send all the details you need to find. I'll give you some time until tonight to bring all the files personally here."

"Yes ma'am." Mr. Wilson said on the other side then she hang up.

Yoona did not enter her condo and went to visit Leo. Her beautiful pet/friend.

Once Yoona opened the door, a heavy lion jump at her and lick her face.

"Hi there, baby Leo." She scratched Leo's fur and pet him.

Leo is one of her stress reliever so she went to him and play. Leo's height is almost the same with a high breed tall dog so she can still carry him around.

bzzzz bzzzzz bzzzzzz

Yoona's phone is ringing

"Hello baby!! I miss chu! Sorry Mommy and daddy are so busy these past few weeks. So how are you there? Let me guess, you're in trouble again? Your Unnie told me about your injury. Baby I think you need more practice to take good care of yourself. We're very worri.."

"Stop. I'm fine. I can handle myself." =_______= Yoona interrupted her mother

"you're so Bad!! I still have lots to say!! (Hey! Give me the phone!!!)"

"Hello baby! Daddy's here. Are you adjusting well ? did you tried practicing your tagalog? You should try. Say, mahal ko si mama at papa." (* I love mama and papa)

-___- + Yoona remained silent.


"(Honey, give me the phone or else you'll sleep outside tonight! no sexy time!)"

"you're both gross. I will sleep now "

Yoona hang up on them.Yes,they are really the mafia king and queen. believe me.


"You are late" told Mr. Wilson

"I'm sorry miss. These are the documents that you've requested." Mr. Wilson.

"You can go now.I'll call you when I have questions"

Mr. Wilson nodded and walk outside.

Yoona stared at the files for a long time

The First stage....

Yoona took a sit and open the folder

Bryan Ferrer

A profile of Bryan Ferrer was in front of her. The man who dared to put a knife on her neck.

she read the information and highlighted on the right corner is "He's an ex-gangster."

Yoona stood up , late at night she hop on her black big bike and went to Bryan Ferrer's location.

She stops when she reached on her destination.It was a messy place, dark and full of trash on the street. She securely parked her bike and walk to Bryan's location.

men who are drunk full of tattoos are outside smoking and loudly laughing in the night.

"Hi miss"

" are you lost baby girl?"


"I'll make to scream tonight come with me"

"Are you looking for me?"

pigs insults was thrown to her

"Do you know Bryan Ferrer?" she asked calmly.

"don't look for that loser.I'm more better" An ugly pig told her

"Yoona! come with me." Yoona glance at her back and saw

Red Lukas

Bryan Ferrer's previous gang member and his best friend .

She followed him and they stop at a dilapidated house.

'' you should go in first'' Red told her

She sense danger

Once Yoona opened the door , she saw Bryan Ferrer looking at her and smirking .

