Chapter 4

Deva POV.

we walked into the palace and a wow escape my mouth.

" stop drooling over my palace" Lucifer said. I ignored him as a continua to examine the palace, it's so beautiful most things were made with gold and diamond. this guy is rich.

" show her to her room" Lucifer whispered to a demon.

" yes my lord" the demon said bowing his head. I followed the guy from behind as walked through a passage.

10 minutes later

is this an entire street or a palace. " where is my room?" I asked but he ignored me. I'm so exhausted, we finally got to front of a door and he opened it. I walked into the room, wow it's beautiful.

" how was your journey" a voice that sounds like Lucifer said, wait how did he get here before me.

" how did you get here so early" I asked. "oh.... he is Lucifer" I reminded myself again. I sat on the bed then looked at him.

" how old are you?" I asked and he chuckled.

" old enough to be the devil of all" he then disappear in a thin air.

" devil of all" I whispered, wait he might be one million years old, 1 million minus 20 I guess that is nine hundred and eighty thousand years (980,000) wow I should better start keeping my mouth short.

" why is he that young" I thought.

" good evening, princess" I heard a voice said and I turn around to see a girl at the door step.

" where were you coming from?" I asked her.

" the throne room" she replied looking confused.

" for how many minutes?" I asked again.

" hmmmm maybe three (3) minutes" she said with that same expression. how did she do that only three minutes.

" what's your name?" I asked.

" sare" she replied.

" nice name, my name is princess devalina but Deva for short" I said and she nodded. she entered into the room and she kept a cushion of clothes on the bed.

" thanks" I said and she nodded.

" your water would be ready soon" she said and exit the room to the bathroom.

I entered into the tub, it was so warm, she made it so right. " how old are you" I asked as she scrub my back.

" 32" she replied, I looked at her face.

" you doesn't look like you are 32" I said, she scoffed and continue to scrub my back.

" that is because I'm a demon" she said rudely.

" that is a bit rude" she ignored me and continue to scrub my back harder not until I felt my back Peel.

" what did you just do" I asked as I quickly stood up checking my back on the mirror, o could see blood rolling down.

" it was just a cut my princess, it would heal" she said, I took a deep breath then closed my eyes, I felt like slapping her for not apologising and for the injury.

" just leave" I said and she didn't hesitate to rush out.

I put on a black silky night gown before laying on the bed, I closed my eyes, the bed is so soft and comfortable.

" you probably forgot about tonight" I heard Lucifer said, he was laying beside me with his right hand on his chin. I stood up immediately and he also stood up.

" I thought you wanted your ex fiance to f**k you, why don't I just f**k you instead" he said then held my hands.

" you can't run away from me forever sweetheart" he said " I don't want to repeat myself but only if you love fire" he said.

I stood calmly as he removed my night wear, I was wearing just a pant.

" please" I pleased as a drop of tears slide down my cheeks making it to touch my lips.

" wow, I did well" he whispered then touched my bare back he stopped immediately. I guess he realized the injury

" do I really need to throw both father and daughter into the pit of hell" he said in frustration.

" dress up" he said and then he was gone. I lay feeling relieved, what if something really happened, I wanted this to be for a special person that I loved someone like Liam, I guess this would happen anytime soon.


the Ray of the sun glare into my eyes as my eyes fluttered open. " I hate morning" I mumbled. I stood up from the bed and walked to the mirror, I looked at my messy hair and swollen face. I'm so hungry.

I heard a knock from the door. " come in" I said and a beautiful lady walked in.

" good morning my princess" she said smiling showing her beautiful white set of teeth. I smiled at her because she seems to be a really nice person.

" what's your name?" I asked, her face lighten up immediately.

" my name is Olivia" she replied.

" nice name, my name is devalina, Deva for short" I said and she smiled.

" oh sorry for the inconvenience" I said as she looked at me surprised.

" I have no problem with that" she said" I would get your water ready" she said and walked into the bathroom.

" what happened to your back my princess?" she asked and I sigh.

" a maid did it, her name is sare you must know her" Olivia stopped washing my hair immediately.

" she is a lady not a maid " Olivia said.

" then why is she working as a palace maid" I asked.

" her father got thrown into hell yesterday so his daughter have to face punishment, no one dare the lord or even look at him in the eyes" she said, I have looked at him in the eyes many times but nothing happened.

" I have looked at him in the eyes a lot of times" I Said.

" how possible?, a maid was working here before, a day came when she was sent to serve the lord and she looked at him right in his eyes" she stopped and looked at me.

" do you know what happened to her?" she asked.

" what" I asked anxiously.

" she got blind immediately, she kinda describe his eyes,she said it was burning in flames of fire, his hair does it often, only if he want it to" she said.

" I kind of called him crazy once" I said and she looked at me shocked.

" did he say anything about it" she asked as I tried to remember what he said.

" he only gave me a warning" I said.

" you are so lucky" she said then handed me a towel.

" thanks" I said.

" it's my pleasure" she said.

I wore a red velvet gown with a white pearl necklace with a red velvet shoe. Olivia comb my hair making it to fall. we both heard a knock on the door, Olivia quickly went to open the door and the same palace guard of yesterday walked in.

" the king want you to join him for breakfast in the garden and he said I should accompany you" he said bowing his head, I nodded my head and looked at Olivia.

"see you later" I said and she bow her head and walked out of the room.!!!