Chapter 7

I walked into the dinning room and I saw Lucifer and Hayes, that ride guy, he was standing beside Lucifer who was staring at his food.

" good morning your highness and to you Hayes" I said sarcastically, Hayes groan angrily , I sat on a chair.

" you do not sit when the lord haven't told you to" Hayes yelled.

" Hayes" Lucifer warned, I smiled at both of them then sniffed with pleasure at the delicious smell of ham that came from the big platter. j began to eat, Lucifer drank from the coffee mug.

" I thought your mother always thought you not to be late for anything?" Lucifer questioned.

" yes she did I was just too busy to listen to her trash" I said, I was even surprise how I gain confidence to say that.

" Lucifer" I called, Hayes looked more angrier than before. Lucifer looked at me for a while before standing up.

" I know how to torture her just right" says Lucifer and Hayes nodded in satisfaction.