He was thinking of Parkview Restaurant after the wedding at her next birthday if the day fell on a working day. How about driving her there at six in the evening to find forty odd people saying ‘happy birthday’. That definitely would be a project after the luncheon of the two sides that had met both in Glen Norah and Bindura. Both Glen Norah and Bindura had been hosts to either party exposing the hospitality straits within the two women whose friendship was growing bound by the marriage of their children. He had not known that his mother was such a good host. She had called him to Bindura a week before the Glen Norah folk to oversee the changes she had done to the house. He was thinking again. Surprises like these made a marriage strong.
“We are supposed to enjoy every year of our marriage and its changes from exuberant youths to elderly couples waiting for their grandchildren to come home. We will try.”