Colors - Volume 2

(A couple of days later)

"Describe your state of mind with strokes and colors... be as creative as you like and let your imagination run free. Focus on how you feel and try to capture it in a unique way," a middle-aged art teacher instructed her drop-out students. She had given them a task to paint whatever they were feeling with whatever they wanted.

Natsuo was overwhelmed and didn't know what to do. He sat there, motionless and staring at the blank canvas, thinking he was in an abyss of confusion and insecurity.

The art teacher had a kind and nurturing energy, her brown eyes twinkling with enthusiasm as she encouraged her students to be fearless and embrace themselves. She strolled along the classroom, glancing at each student's art and giving them words of compliments.

The teacher's face lit up with delight as she looked at Hide's piece of work. She praised his expert technique and way of mixing pigments that blended harmoniously together.

Hide used a variety of artistic methods to create a dark, abstract painting. He layered together a range of deep, rich colors that worked together forming a captivating and mysterious image. A modest smile spread across his face as he continued to let his hand run free on the surface, his brushstrokes becoming more confident and delicate.

Natsuo tried to catch even one feeling he was having as he slowly began to pick up a brush. He hesitated for a moment, sensing the conflicting emotions inside him.

Jiro's situation burdened him with uncertainty and anxiety, but he also treasured and loved him deeply.

His choice of colors was a mix of different shades of grey and black, representing his inner turmoil. He then blended orange and red to symbolize his love and care for Jiro, even in the midst of his worries.

After that, he let his emotions run wild, impulsively and abstractly stroking the canvas with the colors, creating a mess of swirls and shapes.

"I don't think an earthworm could paint like that," Hide said, smiling behind him.

Natsuo looked down at his creation shyly, ashamed of his amateurish efforts. He decided to add one last detail and dipped his brush in a mix of blue and green, leaving a deep teal dot in the middle of the canvas.

"What does that stand for?" Hide asked curiously.

"It's me."

"Is teal your favorite color?"

Natsuo couldn't help but smile, the corner of his mouth curling up just a tiny bit.

(Later that day)

"When will Takuya return?" Hide asked during their lunch break. They were sitting in the cafeteria, munching on their meals as they talked. Rei was focused on texting with her girlfriend, occasionally letting out a sigh as she read the messages.

"Tomorrow," Natsuo answered as he thought about how Jiro had left for Kyoto to participate in rehabilitation for crash victims. He wanted to go with him but Jiro turned him down, saying that he needed to do it alone.

"Maybe we should spend the day in the city after classes?" Hide proposed as he leaned in against the table with an eager look in his black eyes.

Rei abruptly got up from the table, her phone still in her hand.

"I'm sorry, I have to go," she said as she rushed out of the cafeteria. The two exchanged confused looks, not understanding what had happened.

"So, what do you think?" Hide asked when Natsuo was poking his bento box with his chopsticks. He remembered Jiro telling him to have fun with friends sometimes when he had surprised him in the library.

"Okay... why not."

(Later that evening)

Hide perked up as they entered a music store, his eyes drawn to the wall of band shirts. He eagerly ran his fingers through the selection, searching for his favorite artist. Natsuo was mostly looking around and drinking a can of soda he had brought from a vending machine, looking at the grunge patterns on the walls and the dark atmosphere.

Hide stopped in his tracks, his eyes gleaming as he saw a new electric guitar in the display. The glossy black instrument with golden strings was lit by spotlights, making it appear almost ethereal as it glowed in the dim lighting.

He walked closer, staring at it with a hint of amazement in his expression.

"Wow, this is nice," he said, brushing the fretboard with his fingertips.

"Maybe one day I'll have one of these too."

"Do you want to buy it?" Natsuo asked with an eyebrow raised. Hide laughed, shaking his head.

"No, I can't afford it," he said with a wistful smile.

"But maybe one day I'll be able to get one. It's nice to dream."

"How about the shirt?" Natsuo suggested.

"Nah, but I have enough shirts anyway. Where would you like to stop by next?" Hide asked, but Natsuo could sense a hint of disappointment in his voice.

He finished the last drop of his cherry soda and walked over to the cash register, asking the clerk if he could purchase the guitar.

"And one of the shirts over there... which one was it?" Natsuo glanced at his black-haired friend, whose mouth was slightly open.

"What are you doing?" Hide asked, his eyes wide in disbelief.

"You said it was nice to dream. I'm helping you make your dream come true," Natsuo answered as he slid his credit card into the machine and waited for confirmation as Hide looked at him in awe.

(A while later)

As they left the store, Hide was carrying the packed electric guitar on his back with a smile of joy on his face. He was wearing a stylish new shirt with his favorite artist on it and his eyes glistened with excitement.

"I can pay you back every - "

"No need," Natsuo shrugged.

"You're incredible, thank you so much," Hide said as he bowed courteously, but gave him a hesitant look.

"Is it okay for you to spend that much?"

Natsuo took a breath and looked up at the darkening sky, watching as the stars slowly started to appear.

"Remember when I said that Jiro's ex-girlfriend was crazy?"


"Well, she shot me three times and I was lucky to survive with only a few scars. Her family was really wealthy, so they gave me a large settlement as compensation."

Hide was speechless and looked at Natsuo with admiration and appreciation, amazed by his generosity.

"Let's get going, it's getting dark out here," Natsuo smiled softly and began to walk, his friend following close behind.

(A while later)

After walking down the street for a while, Hide stopped in front of a cozy coffee shop and motioned for Natsuo to go in.

"I want to buy you a drink as a way of saying thanks," Hide said with gratitude.

"You don't need to buy me anything."

"Come on, I insist. I want to do something for you in return," Hide argued.

"Fine... if you really want to," Natsuo sighed and reluctantly agreed, thanking Hide as they stepped inside the café. The shop was small but charming, with inviting armchairs and sofas arranged around small wooden tables. There was a pleasant, earthy scent in the air, and the walls were decorated with nature scenes. A barista was tending to a few customers at the counter and the sound of steam hissing from the espresso machine wafted through the air.

"Coffee or tea?" Hide asked as they looked at the menu written on a chalkboard.




"Cake or cookie?"

"I don't need one," Natsuo said, even though he glanced pastries displayed in the glass case.

Hide ordered two lattes for them and they settled on a corner table, overlooking the entire café and the street outside through the window. Natsuo thanked Hide again and tasted the rich, creamy texture of his beverage as he took a sip. After a moment, they just enjoyed each other's company in silence.

"So, is teal your favorite color?" Hide asked suddenly.

Natsuo fell silent as his mind immediately drifted back to his first date with Jiro - as they sat in the Ferris wheel surrounded by the sunset and Jiro asked what his favorite color was because it was supposed to be a question to get to know him.

"No... I mean... it's a nice color..."

"Do you have one?"

Natsuo dug his fingers against his palms in a nervous gesture as he tried to think of an answer, a strange sense of nostalgia coming over him. He quickly grabbed his phone and texted Jiro, letting him know that he didn't have a favorite color, but he liked teal a lot. Somehow he felt like his boyfriend should have known the answer to that question before anyone else because he had been the first to ask him.

"I don't have one," he then replied to Hide.

Jiro jokingly texted did Natsuo hit his head. A smile tugged at Natsuo's lips as he read Jiro's words, feeling a warmth in his chest as he imagined his playful grin.

"Nope, no head injury. Just a sudden realization about colors," he texted back.

Hide watched him closely as he chatted back and forth with Jiro. He blushed a bit as he saw the warm expression on Natsuo's face.

"Sorry, I should leave. Thanks for the day," Natsuo said, holding onto his phone as he finished his cup. He headed out of the shop, putting his hood over his head.

Hide's eyes lingered on the porcelain and the seat that his friend had touched, his chest heaving with emotion. His only wish was that he could have been the one to make Natsuo smile so wide...