
Chp 19

--Mr. Duke. I request your permission and audience.

The man with a bitter gesture nodded.

---I want to take anguish out of your life. Your lands are of no interest to me, not because they are bad. They just need someone else's care. It is not my bad intention, nor of someone who needs help to abuse. My intentions are worthy. Your ears I do not want to flatter. Only the truth. With my presence I will not disturb you. Your son will live with you. I only want the support of your family name. The strength of your wise counsel. I don't need anything else... I will be in my lands. Periodical visits for my husband I will make. No one will speak ill. It is customary in distant kingdoms. It is good to learn and to set an example.

--When is it decided that I shall die?

--God will tell," answered the girl.

--My son?

--Only when that distant moment arrives will he be by my side. I need his arm, don't leave me an orphan. I have been without a father for a long time. I want to find one. Light the way for me, so I can sleep peacefully. ---The young woman finished informing with a certain and sincere look.

The duke looked at her. He understood that she was either the greatest of witches or he was telling her the truth. ....

--You are a big man. Motherless am I. An honor my heraldry to cross. No dowry has been given. Well, she must receive it now. In this case I will have to pay it. It is a token of trust. Strength to my words gives.

The young lady handed a chest from a table to the old duke.

--This is part of my dowry. The second one I will give in another conversation. For Christmas I will give another one, and on the first day of January when we celebrate.

The duke silently watched. It was a dowry of pure gold coins. That for his part did not impress him. He was giving her a dowry, which would be her son's inheritance, then she herself would collect it.

--It is necessary that I spend it all. Double or triple it, I will add, so that his life may be more dignified, and his hours more pleasurable. I would not like her to keep it, for it is not necessary. I would like you to enjoy it, each and every coin, in your particular tastes.... I can assure you that it is a cup that will never be empty, for whatever you take from it, no one will have to be informed.

The ones that we will throw into the street in the procession will be a surprise for the pleasure of all... --- ended sibylline to her ears to inform

--Then, daughter, to seal our union, you will not enter the cathedral alone. I also offer you my arm, I offer it to you. -said the Duke obliged out of politeness. I was already sure with the demon to treat.

--Well, I feel safe. I am under his protection," said the young lady with ample satisfaction.

The Duke looked at the trunk and bowed in silence. Like Judas he felt. He was receiving coins to betray someone-whom? his son? the king? or the same?

He sighed... he understood. He was betraying everyone. But he couldn't refuse. At least he would eat much better and until the day she decided he would be alive.

--I don't want to die in pain," said the duke, accepting the small fortune.

--Well, it will only be when God wills it," answered the young woman with a vengeance, leaving the room.

--Be that as it may, I could not have made a better marriage. At least they will keep up appearances. No one will object to such a union," ruminated the old man with bitter sincerity, walking through the dark and dirty corridors of his castle, alone and poor as his soul, in the saddest times that the I Ching oracle had ever foretold.