


The princess of the cold desert already knew everything. She sensed the hour chosen, the size of the betrayal was typical of poor and miserable kings, greedy even for a penny. She saw the guards blocking the corridor, with the blow of the unruly monkey and the cut of the bamboo, a turn in the air between two passed, with her right hand a knife and made a slash to the left, with her left hand a dagger that she plunged to the right.

Behind her Igor, grabbed two fools by the head and bumping them like coconuts both silently killed them.

She reached the bridal chamber. There was no door or lock for her, for she lived in a higher palace, with more mysteries and passages, than this poor fifth-rate palace could ever dream of. Quickly she entered. The corpse of the bloody young squire she beheld. The husband was asleep, Baimei was missing, undoubtedly through the window came out the one who was carrying her.

Igor smelled the breeze in the air. He let out a grunt.

The princess kissed his lips. Appearances he had to keep, he alone had to find her....

The monster through the window jumped the fifteen meters to the ground and in a jiffy the wall flew away. Bad business they had done. Kidnapping the lady of the Troll, it would be better for them to kill themselves and not arrive alive at the hands of the enraged blacksmith, perhaps sent by the same Demon of the turbulent rivers to take care of her...

In the morning the blasé king said that the wedding was very dry. Barely 36 barrels of wine were ravished. Food for 500 people. What poverty and shame, my God!

Since the honeymoon couple had left, the duke left in a closed car. The old soldier of Baimei was eagerly looking for Squire Kum, and the princess of the cold desert made a gesture of refusal. They had to return to the county, urgently to mount defense, the facts were already rushing.

--Lady infidel, what shall I do?

--Your orders you must obey. You will go to the county. I'll have to take other urgent matters. We're in danger here. The dagger is loose. It behoves me by nobleness to my blood to take my leave. And so I will. Do not wait for me. To the castle of Baimei you must return...

--I commend him to the god of peace, although he is an infidel," said the princess, taking the corpse of Kum, burying him in a forest of Bambus that she found nearby.

She understood. Satisfied Kum must have gone to the afterlife, he ate fresh meat of first quality, pity he did not have time to enjoy more...