
The Begin





Edgar R Perez Cordero



Imperial mantle turn

That you cover without awakening

In the purple nights

Only the cold knows where to be

Moon's brightness

With a silver border

Medal that has the night

And that in the day hides.

The reckless executioner

His rituals prepared

Taciturn he walked

All day long under the sun

Slumped Ivy

That you lie down

He nipped you in the bud

So that you feel nothing

You slide in the seas

That deplete passion

Making the land arid

And killing all illusion

Astral love

That you are at the summit

Cover your wings

With fairy snow

Stray sparrows

Pearly suns

Incautious paths

With melodies of flutes

Tearing shadows on the wall

Leaving yesterday's trace

Our wall collapsed

But the dust of memories was not picked up

Magical crystals

Outdated from time

Ganas in the bed

That stayed in the bed.

All rights reserved of this poem belong to its author.


In an impoverished and ruined county, in the high times of the Yunan Mediove next to the blue mountains, in the time of the lords of the black river Kings and Lord of the house of the iron dragon ravaging the land of the centrol.

An old Duke is forced to take care of an unexpected granddaughter...

A granddaughter of very particular opinions and actions. When the time of his lordship comes, he gives free rein to all his feelings and thoughts. There, precisely at that moment, the story of this COUNTRESS begins.

Action, adventure, romance, war, warrior,

Edrapecor novels.

We thank each and every one of our readers. This work is also for you.

Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

2nd Update. March 2018

3rd Update. March 2021

A tale of those times of the lords of the cold desert, the minstrels sang; the plagues devastated villages and the people believed that the final judgment would be at dawn...


Baimei was rejected and abhorred by her mother as soon as she was born. They were forced to find a peasant woman to nurse her. As time went by, her mother could not bear to see her, she would burst out in a bad mood if she heard even her cry.

Calculations and gossip surmised who might be the bastard's father. The times agreed. It was almost unanimous that it happened at the time of the visit of the Iron Lord's son, when he came to collect the tribute of freedom. He was a strong, handsome man, with a strong look, who had no qualms about showing the desire and the captivating anxiety that he felt when he learned of the fragility and pallor of the young Xu.

Everyone was dissimulating at the protocol dinner, where the bearded warrior looked like an eagle, enraptured in contemplating the silent and frightened countess.

The old count, annoyed and mastering his indignation, dissimilarly sent the girl away. Some coins must have rolled, indicating the location of the room, others to open the door. No doubt the young girl defended herself. No one heard anything and in a deathly silence, at dawn, wrapped in a disdainful smile, haughty in his beauty, the warrior left with saddlebags full of the wilted wealth of the poor village. His disdain and contempt was widespread. At least it was worth the trip.

Xu was cloistered in the part of the convent that was the cellars of the castle, accompanied by 7 old maidservants, and 9 months later Baimei was born.

Xu was never married. ...

She was a willowy and sickly young woman ... .... Who had neither the strength nor the reason to rule the poor and backward fief. Leaving the old Count the difficult task of defending his lands from the cruel appetites of the lords of the desert. They were warriors and lords of the fertile lands, indirect relatives of the fierce lords of the Mali family.

In reality they did not take everything, because they had not yet understood the strategic importance of the counties, also the bubonic plague had kept them conveniently away... If the spring harvests in the north were better, they would surely have them with their hordes of camels and horses.

For the moment the best defense was the lack of water, the starving village of ugly women with no grace to dance or love.

One autumn day Xu dawned with his huge eyes fixed, seeing a sky beyond the roof of his humble room. 9 days of mourning were decreed, the women of the village did not mourn much, for there were not enough coins to go around.

Six-year-old Baimei understood that she was part of an important ceremony. Dressed in black, with her equally shiny black hair tied back, she kissed her mother's waxen face, walked the three corresponding laps of the castle behind the cart carrying Xu; silently holding the hand of the old grandfather, who no longer had the strength to cry. It was a windy and rainy Tuesday, that was the framework of the customs to be fulfilled, to bury Xu, who was leaving the world at the age of 22 years old.

Bad times in the time of ruin and poverty. The peasants and serfs looked silently at the slim, petite figure. A girl with light green eyes, black hair, the same fragile and pale skin of her mother, but indisputably with the beautiful features of the wild women of the desert. Beautiful without a doubt the serious girl.... Uncertain and difficult her serious life. Like all of them.


In spite of his infirmities, the count understood that he must try to stay alive, until the girl had an idea of her responsibility.

It was a struggle that seemed very difficult to win. Every day he was getting sicker and poorer. What little he produced was given to the lords of the deserts to maintain his ill-fated freedom. Because his tribute was so meager, the aggressive warriors of the green marble mountains began to take the men away to work. It was sad and painful. At least they would eat. It was no secret to anyone that they would be forced to convert to the diabolical religion of their new overlords.

To add to their woes, he was informed that his young granddaughter seemed to be suffering from strange misfortunes. It was a new piece of news among all the bad news. A new cherry on the never-ending beads. At any hour of midnight Baimei was found standing alone, with a strange smile, talking to the beings that her imagination invented and that she said were there, standing in the dark. She claimed to be receiving instructions from Xu, who, floating outside the window, was beginning to educate her.

That was what she said with a mischievous smile, when she was questioned most of the time after breakfast.

The count was forced to act. He sent for a doctor from beyond the Mekong River, who had several sentences of capital punishment, because his extravagant ideas in the art of healing had killed as many patients as had been cured in almost the same way. In front of the tormented grandfather, the doctor contemplated the whites of his eyes, told him to walk, stick out his tongue and start singing.... He taught her the charts of the alphabet and the girl learned them by heart in moments and in a few minutes conquered the art of addition and subtraction.

The doctor, not subject to the confusions of the vulgar, quickly determined that the girl had a touch of God or Satan, that time would have to prove....