WebNovelTZU HSI1.43%

Book 1. Cap 1

In the midst of an economic crisis and an artificial viral pandemic, a power struggle unfolds between a secret brotherhood, an inhuman corporation and a company pitted against them.

The story of Crystal Steller, Dexter, Yossier, KHRATCMON, T'ZU HSI, Dr. Luis Pasteur; Steller.

Immersed in a dangerous common destiny; in a society that lives in a parallel and coincident world.

A short novel with long chapters, science fiction, dystopian, non-noir, noir.



Science Fiction Dystopian Non-noir Science Fiction


ID 13919

This story has no purpose other than to distract the reader. The events, places and characters are absolutely fictitious. Any distant and indirect coincidence is an antiprobabilistic coincidence.


All rights reserved

#distopia #noir

Ous corporation.The secret government


They took away the stone, and Jesus, looking up to heaven,said:

--Father, I thank you that you have heard me. I know that you always hear me, and I say this for the sake of those who are here, so that they may believe that you have sent me.

And when he had thus spoken, he cried out with a loud voice:

-Lazarus, come out of there.

And the dead man came out, his hands and feet bound with a bandage, and his face wrapped in a linen cloth. Jesus said to them:

--Unbind him and let him go.....


To each and every friend who reads this story.

First episode

Chapter 1

He stopped his car in the empty parking lot. The quarantine had been going on for many months.

The government's decision to ration food, electricity and internet, was definitely the culmination of all suspicions, which were the main topic of the conversations that could be quickly given ...

Everything on the Internet was censored. Prohibited meetings and parties... Where are we going to end up?


The time had arrived that everyone feared, to live confined in the houses eternally, and with only a few hours to go out.

A permanently gray sky, a sun that did not warm and an immense loneliness, was the perfect dress for an economic crisis that had no end.

With her allowance of 20 liters of biodiesel and 15 minutes of electric charge to run her Fiat Citroën 500x did not give her much autonomy to walk, it was no longer necessary, now the city was monotonous, silent and empty. Only the GAZGM military trucks and soldiers in biological protection suits were the only life in the city.

A new restriction ,selective euthanasia at age 75 ;it was an economic relief for the government coffers . another new decision, shoot without warning those who violated the quarantine ,another economic way to lower the overpopulation .

Raquel sighed through her bio-mask, unintentionally looked up at the sky for an instant. She thought she saw a kind of yellow-blue spinning top, suspended, static; it was just that, just for a moment, then no more.... An optical illusion, a fleeting instant, a memory that intertwined in his vision. Without taking any more account of what he saw, he entered his building.

Sometimes you could hear applause, sometimes you could hear music, but generally only silence. More than half of his neighbors had disappeared, only a few were left inside the old building.

Curfew was coming and he would have to hurry. The drones were very precise ,and the order was that whoever violated the quarantine could be shot through the walls by the drones.....

The greeting of Sebastian, her cat, made her give him a "I want to be a cat" gesture, and she gave a lettuce leaf to Girasol, her turtle, who had been with her since she was a child.

-"Tranquila". Any day now I'll make you a grandmother---- she said without emotion.

34 years old... At that age her mother had already given birth three times. She had not. She only had the memory of bitter relationships. A sickly one with Judith, her bipolar classmate, a destructive one with her boss Rolando and an empty one with no one....

He heard the cries of anguish. He put his ear to the living room wall. They sounded like screams from the sixth floor. They were cries for help. It felt like a struggle.

Leaning back against the wall, she closed her eyes. They had come for Loaf the Pole. He was not yet of age, but his diabetes was very strong, and the insulin tablets provided by the charity were very expensive.

The desperate screams of Assunta, his Nigerian wife, could be heard clearly... Two shots and then silence.

--Shut up, Sebastian,-- she said to give herself courage. Carefully he approached the window and peered out stealthily.

A Workhorse van and 3 police Tesla's were parked by the gate.

He saw the group of men in bio suits and combat fatigues come out. He saw the 2 bodies wrapped up. Then silence.