WebNovelTZU HSI84.29%

BOOK 2.Time 18.59

BOOK 2.Time 18.59

TomicTakeshi TV network Institutional Message



Continuation of the Novel


We arrived at settlement 35 by a road in the middle of a gigantic swamp.

-- This is it -- I said to Ismelda. I tried to pull my car in with the trailer home, and we had to climb out of the window and walk across the roof and jump onto the road.

-- I'm not going to make it," she said despondently and on the verge of tears, "sir. I am so sorry. This is not what I wanted.

-- Don't worry... Don't be distressed.. I will help you... After I managed to rescue my car ...

I was about to extend my arguments, when a Uaz Hunter diesel arrived, braking abruptly.

A smiling fat man got out, with two militiamen with a sarcastic expression.

--Ismelda Coutiñho?


--Shephan Claes?

-- Yes.

-- He's the bondsman.

-- So they say.

-- Well... 5 hectares for Ismelda. 5 hectares for the surety... 7500 points and she ratifies her citizenship and you release the bond... They must produce something. Whatever it is, the government will buy it from you at market price...

-- How am I supposed to do that?

-- With our help. Here is the pioneer program of frontiers. That said, the man threw a bundle and a stick on the ground. It was a personal tent without a floor... A barrel of 200 liters, a bucket, a pickaxe, a shovel, a machete and a bag...

-- Hey, my friend... With that you can't work 5 hectares...

-- If you don't make it, we'll throw you out of the country forever and you'll pay the fine and jail.

-- Has anyone made it?

-- As far as I know,?" --answered the fat man with a laugh. And immediately, looking at me very seriously, he added: "She sleeps here and you sleep on your land.

-- So... Can't I visit her?

-- Yes, you can. But not to stay. I warn you.

-- I have to get my vehicle out of that swamp...

-- hahahahahaha...


There was no biodiesel, the official price is 0.25 cts I paid 3 bitcoin dollar per liter... I got all I want....

The militiamen for 2 bitcoin dollar I rescued my charger and reassured as I could Ismelda....

I went to the old town of Manaure... 15 kilometers through a muddy path and swampy forest.... I arrived and did some shopping. I would only have to vegetate for a week and pretend I was working on my assigned land and in Ismelda.... Total... I had nothing to do....


The man woke up. He was full of vomit and diarrhea... Dizzy and with an embracing thirst.... He had to escape... he had to try... A panic attack was about to make him lose control ...

He had mocked, he had raped, he had tortured children and defenseless women .... Now he was a prisoner of a dragon ... A dragon wrapped in a cold and immeasurable diabolical rage ....

His children had kidnapped him and had come to him. He saw her descending the staircase.... She was carrying an axe in her hand....

--I know you. You're T'zu Hsi-- said the man begin to cry.


Several days passed and Ytza and Lars started dating...

Ytza was forced to accept that they were a couple from a romance novel; intimate, with their atmosphere and a level of only two... The same one that made a feminazi hang herself...

He treated her like a couple of years, she inadvertently hung on his arm... So traditional that they were disgusting... So decent that they could not enter a place where more than 3 democRATA party excrements were....

Institutional message from satelital TomicTakeshi TV cable




Continuation of the novel


Ismelda was totally unmotivated... We barely managed to clean up a few meters... I raised the tent... And the mosquitoes were a compact mass.... Every 2 days a truck came and filled the drum with 200 liters of water... They brought us 2 sacks of 45 kilos of Urea, it was not enough to fertilize even a home garden.

Fortunately I had the trailer...

I quickly realized that at night we were in the middle of nowhere.

So I took my trailer home to my assigned field... At night I carried the charger and we slept inside it....

In the morning we would have breakfast... And we worked as much as we could...

By 11:00 a.m. the sun made any work impossible...


Just a week later my order arrived.

A truck brought 6 buffaloes and a paddock. An ultramodern blood traction ploughing equipment... A tent for 4 people... A solar electric generator, a field kitchen, a portable refrigerator and a portable toilet.

-- What is all this? I can't pay for it,!!" Ismelda exclaimed, immediately imagining that I wanted to charge me in kind for everything.

-- You don't owe me anything, nor do you have any obligation to me.... It's a gift and this cost me almost nothing.... According to what I read in the paper...one can invest and that gives points....

This plow and planter is designed for 2 buffaloes.... We will put 4 and always leave 2 in reserve .... They have a biological clock... At 4 o'clock in the afternoon they will automatically go to their pond... My land is adjacent to yours.... There is a gigantic pond there... Our buffaloes will only work from 7 am to 12 noon.... They give about 12 liters of milk per day... that would be an average of 60 liters of milk daily...

The price is 0.40 cts per liter.... 24 cents bitcoin $ per day.... It is nothing... But it gives points...

With the 2 buffaloes we can plow 0.5 hectares per day ... We will use 4 to not tire them and we will only plow .25 hectares per day. In 20 days we will have this plowed and planted.

-- It doesn't count... --she told me...

-- Yes, it does. I bought a mini-tractor....

Ismelda kept looking at me for a moment... As if it was the first time she was doing it... She looked at the tall grass... the buffaloes... the instruments...

-- I want to start now... Barefoot, like a wild beast, she took a machete and rushed into the high forest.

-- Beware of the boas... If you step on one you have to leave immediately.

An hour later I started plowing.... My buffaloes took it to heart and the land was a huge swamp and the plow. It worked excellently in the straw... 3 hours were enough and I released the buffaloes that went immediately to the watering hole...

Ismelda franticly cut, imbued with new energy...

-- "Serenate"... We have to set up the tent... the kitchen and the portable toilet...


In a pick up Aras 4x4 TDI the fat militiaman arrived and saw us working.

-- Listen to me, guarantor... listen to me well.... I don't see that you are doing anything in your area... It's a bad example... Today new pisatarios arrive... And if they see lazy, worms and lumpen vegetating ... They will take the example ...

I nodded silently and Ismelda came closer...

--Here is my production of yesterday and today.... You said you would look and pay.... How do you plan to pay me and get the milk?

The militiamen were astonished, surprised and the fat man said: "I will come daily to get the milk.

-- I will come daily to fetch the milk...we pay weekly.....

-- It's 168 cents of bitcoin$ a week....

-- Yes, I guess it is.

The militiamen withdrew in desolation....


-- What is it that you like about me? --asked Ytza in a very straightforward manner.

They had gone to eat salmon burgers at I LOVE Burger on Rua Capitao Otavio Machado;.

Lars looked at her intensely.

-- Everything.. You know I like everything.

-- I understand that your answer is rhetorical... I recognize that you are an attractive man ... I do not think you're alone .. You have aroused some interest out there .. I don't think I've encouraged you.

-- There's no one around... Except you -- he told her and they both laughed... It was a moment of both of them, like high school kids with money...

-- You're not an unemployed musician... I haven't seen you play any instrument...-- she said knowing perfectly well what he wanted to play....intensely...

-- I know how to manage.

-- You fall into all the traps or you do it to get me used to it...you leave signs...the candy they put in ET...What are you into...? You still don't answer and I still don't believe you.

He didn't answer.

-- The bottle of whiskey, the chocolates and you bring me here..." she insisted, looking at him.

-- You're very analytical... you'd be great in the inquisition...

-- Don't give me ideas... You seem to want to save me from something... to keep me away from something... DO you work to Ous Corp?.

-- Not.

-- Do you work for T'zu Hsi....or...my father?

Lars to see him...

-- They are going to tell a chain of lies to create anguish, chaos --and getting close to her ear and inhaling the divine and intoxicating aroma of her, he whispered to her...listen...Ytza..listen... and your father Guido is involucred

In November the Mediolatino Corporation went bankrupt.

On December 25 the Quantum Financial System took place and the old swift left not to return.

On January 1 Betsy Ross's 1776 circular star flag of Betsy Ross is seen in the FIRST HOUSE.

On January 6 cyborgPelosi and Roberts (the judge) reached out to murT but he did not shake hands. Pelosi and the judge apparently had a poisoned needle between their fingers to prick him.

Mike receives a red coin. Curious.

Mike moves police and military guards to allow the crowd to approach. Opening the multiple barricades.

Antifa and pmurT supporters invaded congress.

Pelosi and company ran for their lives leaving their notebooks or laptops that got into the hands of the pmruT team.

pmurT from desert watches the whole event on a monitor.

The Viking seems to be a double spy. That is, a patriot infiltrating enemy ranks. He has a hidden camera in his horns. He has face recording as audio of the plan and alerts pmurT. All on camera.

Pence as a gang escape through escape tunnels.

Pence the original was executed. Pence clone you see is part of pMURT team. All they see is show to get the notebooks or laptops, to show the world their treachery. A necessary show.

Senator McConnell was tortured by the cabal. His panicked face at the sight of the pyramid sign on his harasser's hand.

FacebookTwiter deletes pmurT's account for fear of him giving out encrypted messages. They are in panic.

pmurT moves to Parler and Google as Apple harasses Parler.

pmurT is with his military team for the last move. All the chips have been played.

Pom travels to Tracia and arrests the president of tracia.

Donald must communicate with his people. To do this he decides to use the military emergency system. Tests are being done for the D day.

pmurT has the excuse of the coup d'etat as biological terrorism (corona) to activate the emergency alert.

The corporation went bankrupt and as on Dec 25 at the government level gold is used as trade money. Corporate governance is automatically destroyed. Since we have been harassed by saying that we are people (mask, interpretation of fictional character) citizen or civilian (lowest ranking official whose function is to pay taxes) or mister (lowest ranking sailor). Once the gold is in your pocket and you buy house, car, gun. It is yours. You don't need licenses or authorizations because a person, citizen or mr. can't use gold. That makes the judicial system can't invoke you or prosecute you for being a flesh and blood human. Not patents or corporations. So congress may make its 'laws' but who follows them? The one who uses the gold is a sovereign. Congress cannot tell a sovereign what to do. This produces the fall of the three powers.

Neither pmurT nor denBI can be president of a corporation that literally went bankrupt. What they see is just show.

On the 20th pmurT will not take office nor denBI. It will be extended for another week. By the first week of February the restored republic will be made public. There will be elections again.

We enter NESARA and GESARA. Every human over the age of 18 will get about 2000 bitcoindollars per month for life. It is not yet decided how much this will be but it is close to that figure.

Before the 20th very likely to happen the emergency alert on tv.

Many cyborgs will leave politics. Such as kelmer, cronma, e

We are about to enter the golden age. Money will be worth as it was in the 2950s. To give you an idea, ask your grandparents how much it cost.