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Steller decided. No evidence could be left behind. Although he had given a total sterilization of all those who at any given time might have known that there was a cure for the pandemic that had already killed 92000000 people, he had to erase all evidence and he was not sure if his daughter had left any in the space station laboratory. So without hesitation and pressing the button, he gave the order to activate the destruction mechanism. Obviously the corpse of his daughter would be destroyed, it would be his grave in the sky, he knew that the explosion would be of such magnitude that it would be visible from Earth.

He did it and for a moment he put his hands to his forehead and closed his eyes. He had gone too far, he was responsible for the greatest crimes of mankind, he was responsible for preventing the earth from progressing, because of his futile fight against the secret government.

The secret government had defeated them and at some point it would be known that he was responsible.

That's why bringing forward his euthanasia was the best solution.


--I will not go. I have to communicate. You cannot come to our planet like any tourist. We don't know what your diseases are, we don't know what your hygiene protocol is. You have not said your true intentions. you say you have to meet someone. who are you going to meet? we have enemies. i belong to a country, i don't know if you are using me to infiltrate our society and destroy it. we have suffered enough.--said Crystal.

The star being looked at her and almost smiled.

--I have been told that one of the qualities of the human race is its stubbornness and stubbornness. You need not explain further. I am already seeing its effects at first hand.

--You don't explain yourself; and you have the intelligence AND the ability to do so,"--she said.

They were interrupted by the wailing of the space station's internal siren. A metallic female voice began to say

--Self-destruct protocol activated. Self-destruct protocol activated.

...in 10 minutes... 9 minus 57 seconds ...9 minutes 55 seconds ...9 minutes

54 seconds...; and continued counting. Red Blue and purple lights were fully activated on the space station .

The being from the stars told him

--There is no alternative. I can withstand the blast, but I cannot guarantee that you will come out of it unscathed. We must go down in the soyuzspace-x that you have additional

--It was you. Admit it.

--No. And we mustn't waste any time. Let's go to the capsule. We must activate an invisible camouflage system that I have with me...

--But what a trick! I don't see a problem if they know we're coming down...

--The detail is that the problem is not me... It's you who are in danger... Let's go," he said, taking her hand firmly and starting to move in the middle of the zero gravity.

--Hey. I don't like to be pulled," she said trying to rescue his hand uselessly.

Minutes later Crystal took a selfie of herself inside the Soyuz cockpit. She had to record that she was alive and kidnapped by an alien.... In her mind she already had the strongest idea that she was walking on a very dangerous edge. And now she did not want to be rescued.

--I have the worst case of Stockholm syndrome in history," --she said after the selfie, watching out of the corner of her eye as KHRATCMON extracted a holographic cone and inserted it into the Soyuzboeing computer.

--When you remember, take a quick one. Fifteen seconds left. -- The girl said.

--Now. Now... Cast off.

--Casting off. She checked.

--Manual control autonomous interface.

--You have control," --she said, sweating, not from fever.

--I have control.

--6 seconds...4 kilometers away...gyro reversed.


--Booster rockets. Full power. Please...

--Done. Hold on. Full impulse.

---She exclaimed, feeling her heart crushing in her chest despite the pressurized suit.

---Hold on.

The explosion engulfed them in blue and white concentric waves, propelling the soyuz almost out of control into the atmosphere.

--...At least one orbit to slow down. We're going 110,000 kilometers per hour. We're going to disintegrate,--she shouted.

Dr. Steller was not in the habit of stooping to look at the results of the interrogation systems, Alooked at him. One eye completely closed and bruised, his lips split, his nails torn off, wounds and cuts on his arms and a bruise on his forehead.

The interrogators in combat fatigues stood back respectfully and Dr. Steller looked at his commander of the interrogation group and in a neutral voice said to him:

-- I want you to explain to me what part you didn't understand, I need information from this man, not that it renders him unfit to report.

The man looked at him and became light-headed. He knew what the mistakes meant and he didn't understand the instructions.

--I'm going to pass on this one. I need to talk to this man in good condition and lucid; he charged you directly, let me tell you that as a doctor I am not giving him much hope. If this man dies, you and I are going to have a very different conversation. When he is fully operational let me know, and I will get to where he is.

Without another word Steller walked away, leaving Rolando again with an almost agonizing gasp in the hands of the group.

The men looked frankly terrified .They knew what would happen to them . They had to comply and the best they could do would be to kill themselves once the task was done .For if they killed themselves first Steller would take it out on their kin .


...T'zu-Hsi. She drove her 1997 BMW 740i TurboDiesel. She was a fan of classic cars and loved to drive for several hours. In that she agreed with the man she assumed was the CEO of OUS corp. They both loved BMWs. Only she, a young woman, liked the classics and he, an older contemporary adult, loved the modern and top of the line ones.

She was headed to her classic American roadside mansion, a 7000 acre wooded estate 40 miles from the city.

For all the world's purposes she was a wealthy heiress, not to die of boredom she was the public relations manager of an investment corporation; in the midst of an excellent marital relationship and two beautiful children in tow. It was true... Additionally, she had no cybernetic attachments, and despite being a laboratory product, she hated 3D insertions.

She was a natural in her DNA. They fertilized in vitro a donated egg and inserted it into a young woman who received a fortune for carrying her. That's what her father informed her....

Sometimes she remembered images; sometimes she saw situations..... In his interview with Steller, he felt a kind of deja vu.....

SHe had pushed himself to the limit to reach and above all sustain himself at the top of the organization.

She was enjoying driving on the lonely road to reach her imposing mansion, when she saw the light crossing the sky, a meteorite or a shooting star, very low downward trajectory that illuminated the area. It caught her attention and forced her to stop, it was said that whoever saw a shooting star should make a wish; faithful to tradition she did so, she saw the impact against the earth's surface very close to her... About 5 km and with the eternal female curiosity, almost without realizing it, she stepped on the accelerator.

Minutes later she arrived at the site where a strong vegetation fire was developing.

"If it was a gold meteorite? Or a diamond meteorite? ,o.. He paused at the edge of the flames...."....,a uranium meteorite?....

SHe saw the burnt earth furrow about 10 meters wide and about 300 meters long, shrouded in smoke and small, scattered fires.

Carefully he stepped into it. If it was a meteorite it would be incandescent. SHe would take pictures of it to show off to his children... There it was. It didn't look like a meteorite at all...It was a soyuz.... The space station. His mind raced.

--I need an extraction team now...Here...Follow my signal...It's now...And I have no patience...He said over his encrypted cell phone....