Joy told them everything that happened to her with the Minokawa.
"So you're saying that the Minokawa is your father?" Kira asked.
"I nearly thought Joy was Minokawa. Hehe." Khay added laughing with embarrassment.
"No... But because of Minokawa, I was able to see my father's past and talk to him again even for a short time." Joy answered while looking up at the starry sky
After a few seconds, she looked back again and told them.,
"Tomorrow we will rescue Ian and defeat the Deadly Sins even with incomplete Elemental Amulet!"
"Incomplete?" But we already have all six Amulets that our father was using back then!?" Sarah confusedly asked her big sister.
"Mama also said before that father returned to the human world after he collected six of them." Peach added.
Joy looked seriously at the bonfire in the middle of them before answering her sisters.
"There are seven amulets!... But the seventh amulet was also the key for summoning the seventh Deadly Sin."