Chapter 1

Ernaline is quietly walking the wide road inside their village, she decided to hang out in the park because she’s used to it every day. Carrying the guitar slung over her shoulder and a notebook containing the songs she wrote.

Since she graduated from the Business Management course she has done nothing but hangs out in the park and creates her world with music. She doesn’t want a business course, but that’s what her Dad wants.

He said he has nowhere to go if he chooses the music. Her father’s reason? No one else will inherit the company but them together with her older brothers, Reiden Grei Montenegro.

When she arrived at the park many children were playing. Mostly spoiled brats are their neighbors along with their nannies. She shook her head as she headed for a tall tree far away from where the children were playing.

She also saw couples walking who they thought was just in Luneta, there were also families having a picnic. The sun is not very steep even at noon. She took the guitar from the case in which it was placed and adjusted the tone. She strums a little to make sure she turned the tone she wanted then she started singing.

She closed her eyes because of the wind blowing giving her peace. Every time she was here in the park it was as if she was being taken to another dimension of the world that no one had ever discovered.

She continued playing and singing regardless of the noise around. Only music and blowing of the wind Ernaline could hear along with the dancing of the leaves of the tree which was where she was sitting to give her protection.

"Where are you going, Dezrail?" Dezrail reverts his gaze behind him as he saw Gun approaching him. He slid his hands into his pocket as he faces him.

"Going somewhere when there is peace," he said with a plain voice. He just finished his mission before Gun saw him exiting from his office.

"Want to hang out? You haven't been with me since you left the band. Is she the reason again?" Gun places his arms into his shoulder before dragging him out from their hideout.

Dezrail is one of the highest-paid assassins in HuPoFEL, even Gun. They are one of the members of the Elite Class from their underground organization.

"It has nothing to do with you, Gun. Thanks for your concern." The man left his friend before he got into his car and was kicked away from the building. He doesn't want everyone to have other people involved in his problem. He wants to face his struggles in life without bothering other people. What else would he have studied in the organization if he was going to be weak? Being independent is his nature after his parents died.

He drove his car to the nearest park he wants to hang out with himself alone. At the age of twenty-five, he doesn’t know his purpose in life. He has his own money, work, even his own business – he had nothing more to ask for but to be with the woman he loved for life and build his own but she left him.

Dezrail parked his car to one side when he reached a village where he liked to go especially when his brain was confused and looking for answers to his question. He slowly walks as he arrives at the park after he got out of his car, lots of kids playing and families having fun.

If life is fair for him, maybe his parents are still alive today and did not suffer life's pain. But when HuPoFEL found him and became a member of it, his dark world gradually came to light - even though it was just dim.

Dezrail went to a hidden part of the park where a tall mango tree stood. He climbed up there and hung on one of its branches before he shut his eyes and took a nap after his bloody encounter last night. One week straight of work without rest is hell for him but he’s enjoying it!

A minute has passed as his sleep began deeper when he heard a guitar sound. He slowly opens his eyes and finds where the music when someone started singing.

Dezrail looked down where he was and saw a lady strumming her guitar while singing. Dezrail watched the girl's face as she closed her eyes and looked up at the place where he was. Her long eyelashes, pink cheeks, pointed nose, and her red tiny lips - he felt something weird inside his heart as he continued hearing her voice and the songs she produces before he heard that song.

As he heard the song, it was as if he remembered the events he wanted to forget but Dezrail's brain itself did not want to let go.

"Nice voice," he compliments out of nowhere. Surprised, he did not retract what he said as a reason for the girl to stop singing.

Ernaline returned to her senses when she heard someone speak even though she was the only one in the shade of the tree. Her fingers stopped tapping on the guitar chord. Ernaline frowned when she looked around but she saw no creature.

'Is there a ghost here?' She asked herself even though she doesn’t believe in mythical creatures and ghosts.

"Don't bother to look for me. You won't find me anyway," he added. A grin forms his lips while looking at the lady’s figure while roaming around and search where he is.

"Are you a ghost?" She unconsciously asks while hugging her guitar. Ernaline leaned against the trunk of the tree and sat up. Even though she doesn't believe in ghosts, the girl is still terrified at the thought that she might be talking to a bad person. The kidnappers even approached Ernaline just to ask for money from her brother and parents.

The mystery guy let out a chuckle full of amusement.

"Maybe, I am." He said.

This is the first time when someone mistook him for a ghost. Like his work, the people on the list are afraid of what they have to do. No one dared to challenge HuPoFEL’s power but some people don’t want to be outdone especially in the underground society.

This is the first time someone has disturbed her journey to another dimension. Ernaline took the tools and arranged the guitar in its case. She was ready to stand when the tree spoke again – she means the stranger.

"Going already? Just don't mind me." He said. Dezrail is the type of guy with a few words but when it comes to this stranger young lady, he wanted to talk to her as the sun goes down until the morning comes again while sitting here at the top of the tree.

Ernaline let out a loud sigh before pinning her guitar to the back. "Sorry but I don't like sharing this spot with other people. It's my favorite spot but it’s all yours. Sorry again to disturb you."

A genuine smile covered his face as he saw the lady standing up before leaving. It’s been a while since he experiences this kind of feeling – not from his love but to a stranger girl who also has her world.

"I don't mind sharing it with you but if you insist I won't argue with it."

Ernaline didn't waste any more time looking for the voice of that stranger but she started to step her feet away from that place. But before she gets too far, the mystery guy let out some words that left her to hang.

"I hope this will be not the last I will hear your angelic voice and your songs. I love to hear it especially in this kind of weather while I’m alone. Adios."

Ernaline didn't know how she could go home safely when her mind was floating on the words the man had left. She was currently in her room, still full of the words the man had left in her mind. It was dark outside, but she remained in front of the window as she sat down on the table and stared at the sky with pure darkness.

The stranger's words struck her. How could this happen? A certain stranger appreciates her song and Ernaline felt warm on it. Because very few people can appreciate the songs she makes. She is always hiding from other people so only music makes her happy. Ernaline unconsciously smiled on her own and touched her chest where her heart beating weakly but quickly.

From her teenage life, Ernaline did not engage in that love life. She also has no other friend than one - speaking of friends.

Ernaline turned from the drawer on the side of her bed and picked up a cell phone then she started dialing a familiar number. Five rings passed before answering the call causing her to roll her eyes in emptiness.

"Moshi Moshi." It was the woman greeting on the other line.

"What? Hey, you're an alien again?" Ernaline frowned because she could not understand what the person on the other line was saying. Its surroundings are also noisy as if she’s in a crowded place.

"Hey, Ernaline! Why did you call?" It said aloud on the other line. Ernaline rubbed her forehead. She's Sinji Natividad, her only friend.

"Fix your speech, I can't understand you!" The tone of her voice is disgusted. The person on the other line burst out laughing, even when this woman was insane and looked like she had possessed again.

"You’re a hot-headed. How are you, My Dear? You haven't called me in a long time," Sinji said.

"Still breathing some polluted air," she said sarcastically. If she hadn’t called the woman it wouldn’t have remembered that an Ernaline Ashleigh Montenegro exists in the world.

"Good news for you. Anyway, how's your older brother? Does he already have a girlfriend? Tell me, girl!" Sinji's long-time crush is her brother Reiden Grei Montenegro, she doesn't know why her friend liked her brother so much when his personality is like a stone; the Montenegro Empire is Reiden Grei's life.

Every time the two of them meet or talk to a friend, her stone brother will not be lost in their conversation - in short, he is short in emotion. Ernaline got up from the chair she was sitting on before diving onto her bed and lowering herself while holding her phone.

"Still single or maybe he has a girlfriend and he just doesn't want to tell me." Ernaline doesn't know her brother's status, especially since her brother spends his time in the office.

"What? It can't be, I must be his first girlfriend!" Sinji shouted artfully at Ernaline who thought they were a few miles away from each other even though they were just talking on the phone.

"You have no hope on my brother Sin," Ernaline shook her head and said to her friend.

"You’re a negative thinker, are you my friend?" Sinji said with a mixture of sullenness in the tone of Sinji’s voice. Ernaline just scratched her forehead because she didn't know what to say to her friend.

"My brother wasn’t the reason why I called," Ernaline said. But her witch friend just laughed at her.

"Fine! What is it?" asked her friend Sinji. When gossip is talked about this woman is active.

"I hung out in the park earlier, in my usual spot." she began.

"And then?"

"Well, I met this guy I mean not met him in flesh." Ernaline's story is still hesitant.

"Your trouble, just continue your story."

"Aish. I just met him but I can only hear his voice. We talked but he didn't show up" she said softly.

She heard Sinji's gasp from nowhere. "Oh my! Maybe it's a fairy?"

"Is there a fairy who can talk with humans?" Ernaline's sarcastically said.

"Hello? We're in the modern world, aren't you aware? Besides, I'm wondering about your taste. If you're not interested in artists, now you're interested in a fairy? Are you okay?" Her friend laughed as she seemed to be comforted by her mania.

"Whatever!" Ernaline immediately turned off the call because she didn't seem to be able to get a sensible answer from her friend.

Sinji knows her very well because the woman is her refuge in such things especially when she is confused or there is no one to talk to in their house so sometimes she is teased by a friend to become a nun because she seems to know nothing about the world around her.

Ernaline was like a fool going back and forth in the park. Daring to talk to that stranger again but a month passed already, no one else was hanging out there in the hidden area of the park beside her.
